P1- Required Practicals Flashcards
1) Microscopy
- Peel off the epidermal layer of onion using forceps
- Mount onto a microscope slide with drop of water using pipette, making sure tissue lies flat
- Add 2 drops of iodine solution to stain the cells
- Place cover slip on making sure no air bubbles are trapped
- Remove any excess stain by soaking with paper towels
- Place the slide on the stage of the microscope
- Turn nose piece to select a low power objective
- Set up microscope. Use coarse adjustment knob to raise stage until cover slip just touches the objective
- Look into eyepiece, turn adjustment knob to move stage away until image focuses
- Turn nose piece to select high power objective
- Repeat process, look into eyepiece, turn fine adjustment knob until image focuses
- Make labelled diagrams of the cells you see
2) Microbiology
- Spray bench with disinfectant
- Mark 3 segments with a dot in the middle of each and your name and name of the bacteria on bottom of agar plate
- Wash hands
- Place different antiseptics with onto different filter paper discs
- Lift lid of agar plate, use forceps to place each filter paper discs onto the dots
- Tape lid onto plate securely but loosely enough for oxgen to reach bacteria
- Place agar plate in incubator at 25degrees for 48 hours
- Measure diameter of clear zones after. Take second measurement at 90degrees from first measurement and take a mean for diameter (don’t remove lid)
- Record results in a table and calculate area
3) Osmosis
- Use cork borer to cut 5 potato cylinders
- Trim cylinders to all the same length (3cm)
- Accurately measure and record lengths and mass of each
- Measure 10cm3 of the 1.0M sugar solution, transfer to first boiling tube and label
- Repeat s4 other concentrations of solution and distilled water
- Add 1 potato cylinder to each boiling tube
- Prepare a table
- Leave cylinders in tubes overnight in test tube rack
- Remove cylinders, blot dry with paper towels
- Measure length and mass of each cylinder, record measurements in a table. Calculate %change of each
- Plot graph change in mass against conc of sugar solution
- Plot graph change in length against conc of sugar solution
4a) Food tests (Starch)
- Put some of food sample in a test tube
- Add a few drops of iodine solution to sample using pipette
- If starch is present, solution turns blue/black
- Note any colour change in a table
4b) Food tests (Sugars)
- Add equal volume of Benedict’s solution to sample in test tube
- Place in a hot water bath for a few minutes
- If simple sugars are present, a brick red precipitate is formed, if not the solution remains blue
- Note any colour changes in a table
4c) Food tests (Protein)
- Add a few drops of Biuret’s reagent to sample in test tube
- Shake solution to mix and wait a few minutes
- If protein is present, solution goes from blue to purple
- Note any colour changes in a table
4d) Food tests (Lipids)
- Add a few cm3 of ethanol to the food sample
- Pour mixture into a test tube of equal volumes of distilled water
- If lipids are present, white emulsion is formed on the surface of the mixture
- This is called the emulsion test
5) Enzymes
- On a tile, label each well with time, add drop of iodine solution to each well
- Add 2cm3 of each buffer solution using a syringe into each labelled test tube
- Immerse starch, amylase solution and 2 buffer solution test tubes in water bath at 25 degrees
- Allow few mins for temperature to equilibrate
- Use syringe, add 2cm3 amylase into a buffer solution test tube
- Use syringe add 2cm3 starch into same tube and start timer
- Use glass rod, transfer a drop of the mixture to the well labelled ‘0’ on the tile
- Repeat s6 every 30 secs, rinsing glass rod in between until iodine remains brown
- Calculate rate of enzyme reaction using 1/time to stay brown
- Repeat 2-8 for buffer solutions of different pH
- Plot graph rate of enzyme reaction against pH
6) Photosynthesis
- Place test tube rack with a boiling tube in 10cm away from lamp
- Fill tube with fixed vol of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution
- Place cut pondweed into boiling tube with cut end at top
- Gently push pondweed down with glass rod
- Start stopwatch, count number of bubbles produced in 1 min
- For each light intensity/distance, repeat twice, calculate mean
- Record in a table
- Repeat for 3 more distances
- Plot graph of rate of photosynthesis against light intensity