P1. section A casetudies Flashcards
when did the japan earthquake happen?
what are 3 primary effects of Japan earthquake?
- 700 people were killed
- 6 dams used to generate electricity damaged
- power, communications and water supply destroyed
- all caused by ground shaking
what are 5 secondary effects of Japan earthquake?
- 14,000 drowned –> tsunami
- 145 people died in fires started by the earthquake
- 230,000 vehicles damaged by tsunami
- Oil refinery South- East of Tokyo caught fire
- Final estimated cost was £181 billion
what did the oil refinery in south - east Tokyo cause?
destroyed 220,000 barrel of oil —> leading to the evacuation of locals
what 4 immediate affects of Japan earthquake?
- 18 people died, 420 injured whilst helping
- temporary shelter and medical supplies provided to 4.4 million house holds
- Great Kanto highway rebuilt in 6 days
- GAP supplied warm clothing (£1 million) bcus of cold weather in March
what are 4 long term effects of Japan earthquake?
- 116 countries and 28 international organisations offered assistance
- Over 4 million homes and communities rebuilt
- improved tsunami system set in place
- Government/insurance companies estimated £300 billion rebuilding infrastructure over next 10 years
when did the Nepal earthquake happen?
what are 5 primary effects of Nepal earthquake?
- century old monument crumbled to ground
- .distribution of water to 2,000 people
- Bricks removed with bare hands to rescue people
- 9,000 killed from ground shaking
- 50% of shops destroyed
what are 4 secondary affects of Nepal earthquake?
- 19 people died from an avalanche
- 3 million homeless
- land slides blocked River Kali causing evacuation from floods
- electricity and water supply cut off
what are 5 immediate responses of Nepal earthquake?
- search and rescue teams sent by UK & China
- 1/2 million tents provided as shelter for homeless
- temporary shelter and medical supplies provided for 4.4 million house holds whose homes were destroyed
- Field hospitals were set up to help overcrowded hospitals
- Helicopters sent to help rescue efforts
what are 3 long term responses for Nepal earthquake?
- roads repaired to allow rebuilding of houses
- 7,000 schools rebuilt
- stricter building controls an how to build houses so they don’t collapse
what year did the Somerset floods happen?
what are 5 physical causes of the the Somerset floods?
- heavy rain (3x above average between Dec 2013 and Feb 2014)
- Somerset is flat land with surrounding hills e.g Mendip
- There are 2 rivers that run through Somerset (River Parret and and Tone)
- high tides in the Bristol channel
- intense rain over several weeks (wettest January on record)
what are 2 human causes of Somerset floods
- not dredging the river
- urbanisation (e.g Bridewater)
what are 4 impacts of the Somerset floods?
- 14,000 hectares of farmland flooded
- 600 homes flooded
- Village of Moorlands was cut off by flood waters
- river was contaminated with sewage oil
what are 2 immediate responses of Somerset floods?
- 16 farms evacuated
- 1,000 cows had to be evacuated from the area due to flooded fields
what are 4 long-term effects of Somerset floods?
- Somerset council pledged £20 million on a flood action plan
- New pumping station was built
- Road levels were raised
- River Parret dredged to prevent further flooding
what year did Philippines Typhoon Haiyan happen
what category storm was Typhoon Haiyan?
category 5 storm
what was the wind speed of Typhoon Haiyan?
up to 195 mph
what is the GNI per capita in the Phillipines?
$3,160 per capita
- 14x less than the UK ( $42,130)
what is the life expectancy of female in the Philipines?
- China’s is 79
what are 7 primary effects of Typhoon Haiyan
- $13 million worth of damage
- approx 8,000 deaths
- 1 million homes damaged or destroyed
-600,000 hectares of farmland flooded - Airport damaged
- 1.1 million tonnes of crops destroyed
- water contaminated by salt water
what are 4 long-term effects of Typhoon Haiyan?
- Aid was sent by international countries
- Oxfam helped replace fishing boats
- Tourism encouraged –> money spent on rebuilding
- NO ‘build zone’ for houses near coastal areas
what are 5 secondary effects of Typhoon Haiyan?
- blocked roads caused by landslides
- outbreak of dysentry
- 5.6 million jobs lost
- looting
- rice prices rose by 11.9%
what are 2 immediate effects of Typhoon Haiyan?
- 750,000 people evacuated before the typhoon happened
- 1200 evacuation centres set up
Japan: how many people died from ground shaking?
700 people
Japan: how many dams used to generate electricity were damaged? why?
6, due to ground shaking