P&P Operations Flashcards
Each subsequent “alarm” will be what?
a duplicate of the first number of engines
an upgrade of the initial response can be made by whom
First in company officer, BC or Duty officer
what does saying”working fire” get you?
one additional engine, breathing support, duty chief notification.
what does requesting a second alarm get you?
will receive a like number of engines
as the first alarm assignment
resources responding to a residential structure fire in Battalion 1
BC, 3-ENG, TRK (1WT in rural areas)
resources responding to a residential structure fire in Battalion 2
BC, 4-ENG, (1WT in rural areas)
resources responding to a commercial structure fire in Battalion 2
BC, 4-ENG, TRK (TRK response from LMP, SMR)
resources responding to a commercial structure fire in Battalion 1
resources responding to a high rise in battalion 1
resources responding to a high rise in battalion 2
(TRK response from LMP,
low vegetation response
1 Eng and BC notification
moderate vegetation response
BC, 3-Ty3 ENG, 1-WT;
typically an upgrade for favorable burning conditions
during low fire season or a nighttime response during
high fire season
SRA high vegetation response
BC, 4-Ty3 ENG, 1-WT, 2-DZ, 1-HELO, 2-CRW, 1-AA,
2 Air Tankers
LRA high vegetation response
BC, 3-Ty3 ENG, 1-WT, 1-CRW, HELO
FRA high vegetation response
BC, 2-TY3 ENG, 1-DZ, 1-WT, 1-CRW
dependent upon response area
very high vegetation response
SRA or LRA High Response plus SBC Augmented
Staffing Pattern
(SBC Task Force-3-Ty3 ENG,WT,TFL)
extreme vegetation response
Red Flag Response - SRA/LRA Very High plus SBC
Augmented Staffing Pattern, plus Op Area Strike Team
center divider fire response
passenger vehicle fire response
1 engine, both battalions
commercial vehicle fire response
Bat1 - 3 engines, truck, BC
Bat2 - 4 engines, BC
Train fire response
Bat1 - 3 engines, truck, BC, water tender
Bat2 - 4 engines, BC, water tender
trash fire adjacent to structure response
structure response
trash fire away from structure response
1 engine
fence fire, fire reported out, illegal burn response
1 engine
power pole fire response
1 engine, BC, power co. notification
bomb threat response
1 engine
gas leak inside a structure response
structure response
gas leak outside a structure response
1 engine and BC
lines down or arching response
1 engine
walk in, code 2, code 3 medical emergency response
1 engine, 1 RA
code 2 ambulance only request response
1 RA
vehicle accident code 2 response
1 engine
vehicle accident code 3 response
Bat 1 - 1 engine, TRK, BC
Bat2 - 2 engines, BC
vehicle over the side response
Bat1 - 1 engine, TRK, BC, HELO
Bat2 - 2 engines, BC, HELO
motorcycle accident response
1 engine
train derailment response
structure response plus water tender
trench rescue response
confined space response
cliffside response in battalion 1
cliffside response in battalion 2
CRW, AMB, Construction
building collapse response battalion 1
building collapse response battalion 2
surf rescue battalion 1 response
swiftwater rescue battalion 1 response
HELO, Crew
surf rescue response battalion 2
swiftwater rescue response battalion 2
BC, 3-ENG, HELO, Crew
when is WRX-11 dispatched
only on water rescue calls in battalion 1, all others it needs to be requested
public assist, fire alarms ringing response
1 engine
automatic aid response
1 engine
mutual aid response
1 engine or number and type requested
cover engine response to another jurisdiction
1-ENG, BC notification only
*can send additional upon request and at approval
of BC
santa ynez airport general and red alert response
SB airport alert 1 response
SB airport alert 2 through 4 response
SM airport alert 1 through 4 response
Haz-Mat investigation response
Haz-Mat full response
DC, BC, 3-ENG, HM31, HMS, BS18,
HMU, LMP (HMS is Hazmat Support
Haz-Mat mutual aid response
BC, HM-31, HMS, and BS-18
maximum operational response level
All risk response capabilities are met. This is
our normal day-to-day staffing pattern.
medium operational response level
Incidents that have short term impact to response
levels of 12 hours or less, and may or may not require back-filling of engine companies.
minimum operational response level
Developing incidents that have major impact to
response levels and require severe drawdown of on-duty resources.
Medium Operational System Status Response Level
Battalion 1
In Priority Order: Station 13 Station 11 Station12 Station17
Battalion 2
In Priority Order: Station 30 Station 41 Station 51 Station 22
Minimal operational System Status Response Level
Battalion 1
In Priority Order: Station 13 Station 11
Battalion 2
In Priority Order: Station 30 Station 41 Station 22
Definition of “In-Service”
A company is “in service” when the minimum required numbers of qualified personnel are
present and apparatus/equipment is response ready.
Initially what AAR format is used
IRPG format
Incidents of significance needing an AAR, what happens
follow the AAR with
an “After Incident Report” (AIR) to the Operations Division Chief
Threshold factors for an AIR
- Significant Event or Multi alarm Incident successes or failures
- Injury to Department personnel or Near Miss Inc.
- Department property damage
- Department equipment failure or malfunctions
- Safety concerns
categories of service related stress
environmental and clinical
circumstances for mandatory CISD
line of duty death, serious injury to field personnel, serious MCI, suicide of a co-worker, traumatic death of a child, incident with unusually powerful impact
most appropriate timeline for CISD
48 to 72 hours after the incident
RED roadblock condition
This condition requires that officers at the roadblock allow only emergency vehicles into the
incident area.
YELLOW roadblock condition
This condition requires officers at the roadblock to allow only residents and friends of
residents that are in the same vehicle to enter the incident area. Residents should provide
identification to prove their residency in the incident area.
GREEN roadblock condition
This condition establishes a roadblock to warn persons coming into the area of impending
danger or to control an area after a incident has occurred in order to prevent stealing, looting,
etc. The roadblock officer is instructed to allow emergency vehicles, residents and friends
assisting them, and all other persons having legitimate reasons into the incident area.
can media personnel be excluded from an incident
no, unless there lives will be in imminent danger.
freeway or divided highway response code?
no flashing lights, sirens or horns, unless in times of extreme congestion, opposing traffic, or driving on the shoulder
first arriving engine on scene of an incident on the roadway should park where?
to protect the scene
how do you park to protect the engineers panel
Block to the right
how do you park to protect the medical and extrication compartment?
Block to the left
how do you park if neither side of the engine needs to be protected
In a way to divert the traffic flow around an incident
how many lanes should be blocked on the roadway
one additional lane more than already blocked by the incident. if the shoulder is available, use this as an additional lane
if parking uphill and upwind takes priority for the first in engine on the roadway, where do you park?
uphill and upwind, but have the second in engine block downwind from a safe distance.
what lights are used by equipment no blocking
4 way flashers
what is the cone configuration for blocking on the roadway
4 cones, 25 to 30 foot intervals
When can CHP be the incident commander
all emergency related incidents on
all freeways, state highways and county roads.
who can take items from a scene
Only Arson Investigators and only as evidence
can the property owner permit property removal
Operational Priorities after an earthquake
- Station survey. (personnel, apparatus and station status)
- District Survey, (report situation status of first in district to the Battalion Chief)
- Evaluation of battalion & countywide impact of earthquake (report to Duty Chief)
- Allocation of resources per incident prioritization
Captains Duty during a station survey
a. Direct Engineer and Firefighter(s) to start the Station Survey Checklist
b. Receive disposition of station survey from crew and communicate your station’s status to
the Duty BC and Dispatch Center.
c. Start the first in district survey as soon as possible after determining your personnel, apparatus, and station status
Engineers Duty during a station survey
a. Move all apparatus out of the engine room to a safe area.
b. Move all essential equipment to a safe area.
c. Check condition of all apparatus.
d. Report findings to Captain when assignment is completed.
Firefighters Duty during a station survey
a. Check for structural integrity of building.
b. Check natural gas, electricity, water, and condition of station generator.
c. Report to Captain when assignment is completed.
when does the earthquake district survey get completed
ASAP after the station survey
what are the two phases of the earthquake district survey
- The Primary Survey should focus its damage assessment on the district’s target hazards
and transportation corridors. - The Secondary Survey should focus on residential areas and utility damage.
where does information gathered during the district survey get passed on to
On duty BC and on the Damage Assessment Worksheet
Major Earthquake Priority Guidelines. Priority one
Life threatening conditions: rescue of trapped victims, collapsed structure,Structure fires, & fires with a high probability of spread and exposure threat, Hazardous materials releases, Medical Aid (life threatening)
Major Earthquake Priority Guidelines. Priority two
Potential Life threatening conditions a. Gas leaks inside structures b. Elevator Recues c. Medical Aid (non-life threatening) d. Threats to natural gas, flammable liquid pipelines or tank failures with no life exposures
Major Earthquake Priority Guidelines. Priority three
Non-Life Threatening Conditions
a. Flooding
b. Public assists
c. Fire alarms
d. Gas leaks outside
e. Medical assists (first aid)
Hazardous Liquid Spill Proceedure
- Eliminate ignition sources
- if small enough let spill evaporate
- prevent from entering waterways
- if water is used control the runoff
How is Dirt used to damn a hazardous liquid handled
handled as hazardous waste and the HMU specialist should be notified
When dont you need to notify the HMU specialist
fluid released is typical
motor vehicle fuels, lubricants, brake fluid, hydraulic fluid, or coolants in small quantities
that are normally associated with vehicle accidents.
What should be identified at the scene of a hazardous spill
is the spill from the vehicle operating or from its cargo
Do all cargo spills need to be reported to HMU
What needs to occur on all hazardous spills
reported to the Protection Services Division within 24 hours of occurrence regardless of the exceptions noted in this policy.
who is contacted int the event of a “trouble” alarm on UCSB campus fire alarm system
Does the Captain have the option of not resetting an alarm on UCSB campus
Yes, if the alarm is sounding for an unknown reason. If this is the case, UCPD needs to be contacted
who is responsible for initiating rehab and medical care on an incident
Incident Commander and or Operations Sections Chief
who establishes a rehab schedule on an incident?
should a crew rehab together or as single people
As a company if at all possible
how much liquid should we drink each shift
48-64 ounces
how far away should shade or cooling measures be provided on an incident
50-100 yards
rehab location at structure fires
1/2 to 1 block away from the fire
rehab location for a high rise fires
at least two floors below the fire. Can be the same floor as staging but needs to be seperated.
rehab location on wildland fires
centralized location such as base camp.
rehab location on a haz mat call
in the support zone
how big should a rehab area be
minimum of 20 by 20 feet
what needs to be more than 100 feet away from rehab due to noise
air and light unit
minimum criteria to enter rehab
minimum of two or more air exchanges in SCBA
adverse health effects
as deemed necessary by the IC
what should be done while in rehab
vitals taken and rest for 20 minutes while rehydrating
what gets done again before leaving rehab
when will an EMS helicopter be dispatched
when an incident is located in an auto launch (remote)
area or when requested by the Incident Commander or responding units.
who has the authority to request a helicopter outside of an auto launch area
Incident Commander, the highest medical authority on scene or the responding units
what else gets dispatched with an EMS helicopter
ground response
Other circumstances when EMS helicopter can be used
where transport by ground personnel would be excessively long, might negatively affect the injury or be exceedingly painful for the patient.
when can a rescue helicopter be dispatched instead of an EMS helicopter
If the designated Air Ambulance is unavailable or their ETA is greater than 30 minutes
Who is in charge when two paramedics are on scene
the first paramedic to make patient contact
when is patient care completed?
when the initial paramedic determines that a transfer of care is in the best interest of the patient
Can we cross staff a private ambulance with Fire Dept personnell
yes, if it requested by the initial paramedic that a fire dept person drives to optimize patient care
obvious death criteria
cold and stiff in a warm environment decapitation decomposition incineration non-recent death
expected death criteria
valid DNR
terminal illness, planned death
how do we respond to an obvious death call
code 2 as a public assist
are we available while on scene of an obvious death call
at the company officer discretion
what happens when two paramedics on scene disagree
first arriving paramedic rides to the hospital and retains care
time limit for sbcofd ambulance on code 3 call
7 minutes 59 seconds on 90%
time limit for sbcofd ambulance on code 2 call
14 minutes, 59 seconds on 90%
who decides if RA 251 gets put in service for a second call
it is company officers discretion, but it is the intent to comply with the standard
does the engine have to go to code 2 calls when the RA is responding
its captains discretion
what is an elder
65 years and older
what is a child
under 18 years of age
are we mandated reporters
yes, we are legally obligated to report any and all suspected and witnessed abuse
who is notified immediately after making a report of abuse
immediate supervisor
if a child or adult is in imminent danger or its after hours what do you do
call law enforcement immediately
contact on duty BC
contact hotline the next business day
when does the suspected child abuse form get submitted by
within 36 hours
when is the elder abuse/dependent adult abuse for submitted by
within 2 working days
When can PAS be terminated
when the IC decides no hazardous area is present
who is the initial PAS officer
first in engineer or a member of RIC
who initiates a PAR
pas officer, IC, PAS group supervisor
when is PAS implemented
on all structure fires, and any time that a hazardous area is present
how many nametags should each employee have
when is a PAR initiated
- A report of missing or trapped firefighters,
- A sudden hazardous event at the incident such as flashover, backdraft, or collapse,
- A change from offensive to defensive,
- Any time an emergency abandonment is declared, and
- Any time the IC or PAS Officer deems it necessary.
what is the verbal phrase used for abondonment
“emergency traffic, abandon the building”
how many times is the abandonment command repeated and where
3 times over all frequencies used on the fire ground
what is the audible abandonment alarm
consist of repeated short blasts of the air horn for
approximately 10 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of silence. This sequence of air horn
blasts for 10 seconds followed by a 10-second period of silence will be done three (3) times;
total air horn evacuation signal, including periods of silence, will last 50 seconds.
what does the IC do after the abandonment signal is given
establish a meeting area
initiate a PAR
what does the IC do when all personnel are acounted for after abandonment
issues an all clear on all frequencies being used
Which unit is designated as RIC
closest engine company that is not assigned as
part of the suppression units within the first or second alarm assignments, or as determined by the IC.
What makes up a full RIC component
RIC group supervisor and RIC company
what are the OP Area Tactical channels used
v fire 22, 23, and 26
examples of “Emergency traffic”
shots fired, lines down, wind shifts, transitional phase from offensive to defensive
examples of “Mayday traffic”
firefighter trapped, firefighter down, firefighter lost
what is the incident clock and who starts it
started by dispatch on all working structure fires and haz-mat incidents. update every ten minutes from dispatch
what is the evacuation signal
repeated short blasts of the air horn for
approximately ten seconds, followed by ten seconds of silence. This sequence of air horn blasts for ten seconds followed by a ten-second period of silence will be done three times; total air horn evacuation signal including periods of silence will last fifty seconds
what gets done along with the evacuation signal
emergency traffic notification broadcasted on all channels
when is a PAR recommended
• Any report of a missing or trapped firefighter
• Any change from offensive to defensive fire attack
• Any sudden hazardous event – Flash Over, Back Draft, Collapse, etc.
• As companies report an all clear and fire under control
any time the IC deems necessary
what is priority traffic
Term used to pass on time sensitive information to other resources or the Incident Commander. Ex; “IC E-21 Priority Traffic. We are pulling off the roof due
to potential collapse, notify all interior working crews”.
what is LUNAR and NUCAN
LUNAR: Location, Unit, Name, Air, Resources
NUCAN: Name, Unit, Condition, Action, Needs
when should a RIC be established
in any instance where an IDLH atmosphere, or physical or Life hazards exist in the emergency working environment as outlined by this policy.
when can RIC be dispatched
second alarm, working fire, or IC thinks necessary
what is the initial RIC crews identification
They keep there engine company number
in high rise, where does RIC stage
staging floor, or no lower than 2 floors below the fire floor
what should RIC not being doing on the fire ground
assigned to or engage in routine firefighting activities that are not directly related to RIC operations.
what does the RIC officer check before deployment
Pre-Deployment checklist
what does the IC do when a “Mayday” is made
immediately acknowledge the
Emergency Traffic, announce radio silence, and ask the Firefighter initiating the
“Emergency or MAYDAY” for his/her name, location, situation, and condition
what should the IC tell a lost or trapped FF to do after calling the “mayday”
turn on PASS, turn on flashlight, remain calm, stay on there current radio channel
while the RIC is being deployed who else can help in the rescue
crews working in close proximity to the “Mayday” call
Who must be assigned to RIC once a mayday is made
RIC Group Supervisor, if not already assigned
who does the management of the RIC deployment get transferred to
the RGS
once the mayday rescue is initiated and all other personnel switch radio channels, what is done by the IC
PAR, assign an additional RIC, request an additional alarm if needed, ensure that firefighting efforts are not abandoned
who initiates the RIC air management form and when
RGS prior to entry
when is a standby ambulance used
on all working structure fires
what should be ordered during a mayday involving building collapse
consideration with media during a mayday
keep them at a safe distance and ensure the names of downed firefighter is not told. PIO is recommended
per policy, when do we use high rise response guidlines
4 stories or greater
high rise incident priorities
- Life safety of building occupants and responding firefighters
- Preservation of personal property
- Protection of the environment
first alarm high rise
4 Engines (Batt 1) 5 Engines (Batt 2) 1 Truck (Batt 1) 1 RA Unit (Batt 1) 1 Battalion Chief
second alarm high rise
3 Engines 1 Division Chief 1 Battalion Chief 1 Breathing Support 1 AMR Ambulance
third alarm high rise
3 Engines
1 Battalion Chief
fourth alarm high rise
mutual aid
first alarm high rise procedures
ALS Base
A of ALS Base
Attack/Investigate, find out the magnitude of the incident
hose line numbers and placement for high rise first alarm
two lines on fire floor and third line floor above fire floor
L of ALS Base
Lobby, should be established early, controls elevators and building keys, directs attack forces to appropriate stair wells
S of ALS Base `
Staging, the initial equipment drop off location, rehab, above ground accountability and RIC location
Base of ALS Base
Parking lot, staffed with a base manager upon the call of additional alarms
what needs to happen prior to taking an overhead assignment
notify BC and get approval from them, regardless of rank
do you need to have your red card when responding to wild land incidents
upon leaving for an overhead assignment, who do you notify
duty officer, dispatch or expanded dispatch to inform them of the start time
what must be obtained for all overhead assignments
order number and request number
upon returning from an overhead assignment, who do you notify
duty officer, dispatch or expanded dispatch to inform them of your stop time
what must you bring back from an overhead assignment
a signed 225 that goes to your BC and training section
if being re-assigned to another out of county incident what do you need to do
get approval from the on duty BC and duty officer prior to accepting
when does a F 150 get turned in from an out county assignment
with 24 hours of returning or the next business day
length of incident management team assignments
14 days excluding travel unless agreed to extend by IC and home unit duty chief , then 21 days including travel
currency as a strike team leader includes strike team leader workshop every…
at least every two years
when can private contractors perform duties on an incident
when approval comes directly from the IC after he ensures it is safe, they are provided with clothing and communications
can private citizens or off duty personnel be used to assist on an emergency call
what is a “high risk fire day”
Notice issued by the Predictive Services Units in Riverside and Redding
indicating that there is a 20% chance of either a new large fire occurring or a significant
growth of an existing fire.
what is a “fire weather watch”
Notice issued to alert fire agencies to the high potential for development of a Red Flag event in the18-96 hour time frame. The Watch may be issued for all or selected
portions of a fire weather zone or zones.
what is a “red flag warning”
Notice issued to inform agencies of the impending or occurring Red Flag conditions. A Red Flag Warning is issued when there is high confidence that Red Flag criteria
will be met within the next 48 hours or less or criteria are already being met.
what do engine companies do when a red flag warnign goes into effect
they flip down the red flag warnign signs and station 15 puts down the no parking signs in mission canyon
company officer red flag checklist
Maintain highest state of operational readiness
Ensure that all apparatus are response ready
Ensure that all personal gear is in order
Cancel Training & Public Presentations
Take periodic weather observations
Stay aware of situational status / Brief station personnel
Patrol first-in district in affected areas
what are the haz mat companies?
Haz mat 31, STB haz mat 2
what is a “full haz mat response”
Three Engine Companies plus one HazMat Company with five HazMat Specialist-trained personnel and a Chief Officer and breathing support
what is generated on all haz mat incidents including oil spills
A Major Incident Report
what is haz mat task force
10 members, 5 must be specialists, and one Haz mat assistant safety officer
when should the IC call for a full haz mat response
when an incident involves any type of
unknown material, explosion, explosive device, weapons of mass destruction, terrorist
event, or any circumstance where the IC determines a full HazMat response is needed
how long is the station requirement for haz mat and at which stations
2 years and station 18 and 31
qualification deadlines for haz mat at station 31 or 18
technician by 12 months and specialist by 18 months
how many personnel make up the water rescue team
what are the water rescue core stations
11, 17, 12, 14 and 18
what are the USAR core stations
11, 12, 14 and 17
how many personnel are required for USAR daily
is there a time commitment for USAR qualification
yes. 2 years
ASU minimum staffing
2 hoist qualified paramedics one must be a rescue swimmer
helispot landing area for ground fill operations
i. 75’ for Type 3 helicopters touchdown pad 15’ X 15’
ii. 90’ for Type 2 helicopters touchdown pad 20’ X 20’
iii. 110’ for Type 1 helicopters touchdown pad 30’ X 30’
light locations for heli pad
ambers on the corners of the pad, white light 5-8 feet in front of the pad on the windward side
When dispatched to an actual or threatened spill or leak of a hazardous material and there is no
known responsible party
the SBCFD Incident Commander will notify the Emergency Communications Center (ECC) to contact appropriate agencies as required by law.
what does dispatch call a violent incident
code 77
what should the initial captain find out about a violent incident first
weather or not the incident is dynamic or static and relay that information to incoming units.
What incidents do you wear ballistics vests and helmets
Active Shooter(s)
Civil Unrest
Terrorist Event
What incidents do you wear ballistics vest only
- Stabbing
- Shooting
- Domestic Violence
- Fight
what units are dispatched for a code 77
- 2 Chief Officers (BC and/or DC)
- 1 EMS Supervisor (AMR Supervisor)
- 1 Safety Officer
- 3 Engines (one engine for Command Post support/safety)
- ALS RA (incident dependent)
- MCI Unit (incident dependent)
what is a code 77 hot zone
The Hot Zone is that area wherein a direct and immediate threat exists.
what is a code 77 warm zone
The Warm Zone is that area wherein a potential threat exists, but the threat may not be direct
or immediate.
what is a code 77 cold zone
The Cold Zone is that area where no significant danger or threat can be reasonably
when is expanded dispatch opened
when an IC upgrades an incident from initial attack to extended attack
how many people does it take to open expanded dispatch
2 trained people
what needs to happen to get a rental car for an incident overhead assignment
Incident IC approval and documented in the order request