P&P Fire Prevention Flashcards
what is considered AG burning
1, Materials produced solely from the operations in the growing and harvesting of crops or the raising of fowl or animals
- Grass and weeds in or adjacent to fields in cultivation or being prepared for cultivation
- Russian Thistle eradication is the burning of cut stacked dry “tumbleweeds”
what is a bonfire
an outdoor fire utilized for ceremonial purposes that does not meet the definition of a recreational fire.
What is fire hazard reduction burning
cuttings from trees, vines or bushes that
have been cut specifically for the purpose of reducing a potential fire hazard. restricted to high fire hazard areas
what is a recreational fire
3 feet or less in diameter and 2 feet or less in height for religious, ceremonial, cooking or similar purposes. Permits are not required for recreational fires
what is residential burning
the burning of leaves, weeds, grass clippings,
shrubbery and tree prunings (all adequately dried) by occupants of one and two-family
dwellings only, within the Northern Zone
what months are the residential burns allowed
February May August November
Where is residential burning prohibited?
incorporated cities of Solvang, Santa Maria and Lompoc.
what is right-of-way burning
the clearance of rights-of-way by a public entity or
utility for levee, reservoir and ditch maintenance. All material burned must be cut and
prepared by stacking, drying or other methods to promote combustion. Cuyama valley only
What burns need permits
- Residential Dry Vegetation Burning
- Right-of-Way Burning
- Fire Hazard Reduction Burning
- Agricultural Burning
- Bonfires
Do recreational fires need a permit
No, and they are exempt from county imposed burning bans or, no burn day declarations by the APCD
do recreational fires on the beach need a permit?
if below the mean high tide line also do not require permits as long as they meet the 3-foot in diameter and 2-foot or less in height requirements.
when does a burn permit inspection get done?
prior to the issuance of the permit
Does SBC issue permits within the federal DPA
what is an adequate drying time for cut materials to be burned.
a. 6 weeks for trees and large branches
b. 3 weeks for prunings and small branches
residential burning hours
between the hours of 10:00 a.m.
and 4:00 p.m. The fire must be dead out by 4:00 p.m.