What is planning appraisal and how is it used?
An assessment to evaluate the development potential of the site in planning terms.
Analysing planning policy and site contraints.
What is development control?
Local authority department that regulates land and building developments. Ensuring that new development complies with planning laws and policy.
Tell me about your understanding of the key principles and processes used to determine the need for planning consent
Assessing Permitted Development Rights
Checking Local Planning Policies
Submitting a Planning Application
Public Consultation and Decision
How do you analyse environmental features and issues?
Conduct Site Surveys
Review Environmental Data
Prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): If required, document findings and propose mitigation strategies to minimise negative impacts.
How long does it take to obtain a planning decision
8 weeks for standard planning applications.
10 for applications with technical details consent.
13 weeks for major developments.
What are the different types of planning appeals and when are they used?
Written Representations to PINS: The simplest appeal method, suitable for straightforward cases.
Hearing: For with some complexity that requires discussion but not a full public inquiry.
Public Enquiry: For large complex cases. These are a court-like hearing with the evidence presented.
Tell me about planning policy and procedures relevant to your locality/region of working.
NPPF, PPG in viability Local planning policy. Crucial for the context of FVAs e.g. amount of affordable housing / policies with an impact on viability.
Tell me about your understanding of the role of supplementary planning documents, design guides and codes in guiding planning applications and their consideration.
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs), design guides, and codes provide detailed guidance on specific planning issues and design standards.
What precedent was set in Hillside Parks Ltd (Appellant) v Snowdonia
Precedent that previous planning consents cannot be implemented when a new planning consent supersedes it.
What is Permitted Development?
How are Permitted Development rights affected by a local Article 4 designation?
Article 4 Direction is a local planning control in the UK that can restrict or remove Permitted Development rights in specific areas.
Tell me about an example of when you have submitted a planning application
I have submitted a full planning application for Kelham Central - scheme with 114 residential units. I coordinated the relevant reports required such as flood risk, ecology and archaeology.
I have submitted various applications for planning condition discharge.
I have submitted a section 73 application to amend the wording of the planning condition.
Tell me about an instance of when you have interpreted strategic planning policies.
Sheffield’s planning policy to encourage sustainable development within the local plan. Our development provided a new sustainable development.
How have you supported the making of planning applications and/or appeal documentation?
Submitted various planning applications, along with procurement of relevant planning required reports.
Completed FVAs on behalf of developers to go into a planning application.
How have you selected, researched and analysed information and data and writing reports in support of or in response to planning applications?
FVA process both in submitting for developers and reviewing on behalf of local authorities.
Detailed research is completed into values, build costs and other appraisal assumptions
Long Wittenham, Didcot
How did you go about assessing the viability of the scheme?
What was the purpose of your instruction?
How do you verify the inputs such as build costs?
What was the policy compliant requirement for the site?
What was your reasoned conclusion and advice to the client?
I completed a review of the applicant’s FVA, doing research into the appraisal assumptions to understand if they are reasonable.
Purpose was to understand if the scheme could provide affordable housing, given it was providing a new school and community centre.
Advice that the scheme could not provide any affordable housing.
Tell me about when you have provided reasoned client advice on a planning application (including potentially advising on an appeal).
Pollington, viability assessment that the residential development was required to fund the remediation of the site.
Moorfield House - Viability assessment showing that no affordable housing could be provided.
Barnsley (Woodhead Hall farm)- enabling development. Grade 2 listed building could not be refurbished without providing additional residential units.
Historic England guidance, various options with more development
Tell me about an instance of when you have advised a client on the reasonableness of planning conditions.
I have received draft planning conditions from the local authority.
I advised to my director that some of the conditions were unreasonable, for example providing certain reports and drawings pre commencement rather than pre-occupation.
I liaised with the council to amend these.
Tell me about an example of when you have overseen the work of external consultants in relation to the planning process.
Instructed architects for planning drawings, then going forward through plans on condition discharge.
Commissioned flood risk assessments, wind assessments, ecology assessments.
Noise verification.
How have you provided reasoned advice in the preparation, presentation and/or negotiation of planning application and/or appeals documentation?
I have prepare full planning applications along with the relevant and required reports / supporting info.
I negotiated on specific points such as the urban design - use of a shared surface street and narrowness of streets.
Kelham Central, Sheffield
Tell me about the consultant team for the application preparation?
What was the planning policy context?
Explain your involvement in the preparation of the DAS.
What were the key planning conditions that you were involved in discharging?
Did any complications arrive during the application or discharge of conditions and how were you able to address this?
Citu Design architects, Civic engineers, IDP planning and heritage consultants, various other smaller reports.
Allocated for residential development, brownfield site transitions area. Recommended medium density (flats/houses).
Internal architects that provided plans but I completed DAS in terms of development/wider context.
Specific design details such as cladding, drainage, landscape, cycle parking. Sound verification tests.
Had to provide further details on specific drainage measures given it was in a flood risk area. Site remediation was required, this was conditioned.
Almshouses, Sheffield
Why didn’t the architect prepare the design and access statement?
What information did you include in the sustainability statement?
What were the key arguments of the planning statement?
Was the scheme in accordance with planning policy?
Explain the heritage status of the building.
What was the overall outcome of this project?
Internal architects provided the design side but I completed the development context.
Sustainability statement showed how the development complied with local plan policy. Energy, carbon output and water usage detailed.
Planning statement showed how the scheme was restoring a heritage building and complied with the policy allocation.
Following minor amendments to further protect the heritage details, the scheme was approved.
What do you know about proposals to change planning obligations?
Under the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023, there has been a proposal to change to a system based on GDV.
Would replace S106 and CIL.
LPAs can set their own rate subject to national guidelines - also covers affordable housing.