Ozone Flashcards
Where is the “bad” ozone located?
Up high in the stratosphere
Where is the “good” ozone located?
Down at the ground level in the troposphere
Function of good ozone
Protect planet from harmful UV radiation
UV Radiation Health Effects
- Skin cancer
- Eye cataracts
- Increased skin aging and keratosis
- Reduced immune response
Primary contributor holes in the stratospheric ozone layer
chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s)
Ozone- depleting chemicals
- CFC’s
- HCFC’s (refrigerants)
- Halons (refrigerants)
- Halocarbons
- CCl4, Methyl chloroform, Methyl bromide
What does stratospheric ozone do?
- Blocks UV light from entering the troposphere.
Ground Level Ozone composition
- Volatile organic compounds
- O2 + Volatile organic cmpds + NOx + sunlight
Health effects of Ozone in Lungs
- Can trigger asthma attack for those who have asthma
- Interferes with normal lung functioning.
- Causes eye irritation.
- Aggravates respiratory disease.
- Pain in breathing, wheezing, coughing.
- Long term exposure associated with premature aging of lungs.
National EPA standard for Ground level ozone
0.075 ppm
The Clean Air Act Amendment: Ozone control strategies
- Emission limits
- Ambient air quality standards.
- Control industrial precursor limits
- Control automotive precursor limits
•Trip reductions
What is MTBE?
- Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
- Additive for gasoline.
- Suspected carcinogen.
Effects of MTBE Water Contamination
- Very soluble in water.
- EPA enacted reduced MTBE use.
- Ethanol as alternative.
RFG fumes study
- Telephone survey
- No specific syndrome evident.
- Milwaukee residents had highest symptoms.
- MTBE exposure in gas 1000x worse than ambient exposure.
- Exposure to RFG fumes not associate with acute effects
Montreal Protocol 1987
- 180 nations agreed to cut CFC production in half
- CFC production has decreased by 95%
T/F CFC’s directly affect human health.
What was the biggest hole in ozone that we saw?
11.4 million km^2
Where was the ozone hole and when did it appear?
- Antarctica
- In 1980’s
Reformulated Gasoline
A gasoline whose composition has been changed to reduce the percentage of olefins, aromatics, and sulfur and to add oxygenated compounds
T/F: EPA has reduced MTBE use and requirements of fuels for CFC precursor prevention.
False. It is for ozone precursor prevention.