Lungs (9/22) Flashcards
What is respiration?
- Intake of O2 and removal of CO2
- Maintain homeostasis in pH, CO2, acid-base balance of blood
- Endocrine functions
- Defense functions
How much air are humans moving?
- 10,000 liters/day
- 1/2 liter/breath
- 60 liters/breath
Phases of respiration
- Ventilation
• mouth - Diffusion
•Lungs - Transportation
•Heart/blood - Utilization
surface of gas exchange in respiratory system
conducting airways
nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi
musculo-skeleton “pumps”
rib cage, pleura, respiratory muscles
Defense mechanisms: against penetration and retention
- Humidification, dilution, neutralization, absorption of gases
- Filtration of particulates
- Closing larynx
- Slow breathing, holding breath
- Bronchospasm
Defense mechanisms: removal
- Cough
- Sneeze
- Gag
- Mucous transport
- Alveolar clearance
How might a physiologic defense response result in disease?
- Cellular detoxification
- Immunologic processing
- Amplified- uncontrolled expression of those pathways
Symptoms of respiratory disease
- Dyspenea on exertion at rest
- Cough
- Expectoration
- Hemoptysis
- Wheezing
- Chest tightness, pain
- Fatigue, weight loss
Signs of respiratory disease
- Breathing rate, labored
- Wheezes, ronchi
- Crackles
- Dullness
- Breathsounds
Diagnostic studies for respiratory diseases
- History and physical exam
- Imaging studies
- Chest xray, ct scan
- Pulmonary function test
- Exercise stress testing
- Sleep monitoring
Invasive procedures
- Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy
- Transbronchial biopsy
- Percutaneous needle biopsy
- Open lung biopsy
- Video Assisted Thoracoscopy
- Thoracocentesis
- Pulmonary angiography
T/F Occupational diseases CANNOT be prevented.
False. They are preventable.
How are workers protected against occupational health issues?
Threshold or limit values established by ACGIH or OSHA
- American Conferance of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
- Development of threshold limit values and biological exposure indices
- Occupational safety and health administration
- Sets guidelines for workplace safety and environmental concerns and enforces their regulations
What is TLV-TWA?
Threshold limit value - time weighted average
Average exposure for an 8hr/day 5day/wk where most workers will have adverse effects if you go over it.
What is TLV-STEL?
- Max concentration for up to 15 min that can cause chronic or irreversible changes in tissues or narcosis
Examples of Occupational diseases
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Silicosis
- HP
What is occupational asthma?
- Onset after entering workplace
- Association of symptoms to workplace
- Agent known to cause OA or Work-related changes in lung function
Therapy for occupational asthma
- Same as for normal asthma
- Most imp: avoidance of exposure
An ____-triggered irritant can cause autonomic activation
Types of occupational alveolar injury
- Organic dusts • Allergic pneumonitis - Inorganic dusts • Pneumoconiosis - Chemicals • Pulmonary Edema or Diffuse Alveolar Damage
What is hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- Lung disease resulting from sensitization and recurrent exposures to organic dust
- Bird Breeders
- Farmer’s lung
Where might one get silica exposure?
- Mining
- Sand blasting
- Ceramics
2 chemicals involved in Defective- Zamboni disease
CO and NO2