oxidation of fatty acids Flashcards
what are fatty acids used as
major fuel source of many tissues
examples of tissues where fatty acids are the fuel
cardiac and skeletal muscle
when does the use of fatty acids increase
during a fast
an example of a tissue which cannot use fatty acids for fuel
what form do activated fatty acids take
acyl groups
how do acyl groups make it across the inner mitochondrial membrane
by the carrier called carnitine
substrate availability for B-oxidation is controlled by what
regulation of the carnitine shutter
(malonyl CoA inhibits carnitine palmitoyl-transfase I)
what are the 4 reactions that remove 2-C units from the fatty acid chain
where do the 4 reactions that remove 2-C units from the fatty acid chain happen
matrix of the mitochondria
what does each cycle of B-oxidation yield
1 acetly CoA (10ATP)
1 FADH2 (2ATP)
even chain lengths yield an additional acetyl CoA
in the last cycle odd chain fatty acids will yield
1 acetyl CoA
1 propionyl CoA
where and how does the succinyl CoA produced go
TCA cycle and gluconeogenesis
via malate and oxaloacetate
what stops B-oxidation from happening
if the branched point is on the B-C
how is the problem overcame so that B-oxidation can occur
a-oxidation removes CO2 to move B-C to a-position
where can oxidation of a-c occur
peroxisomes, mitochondria and the E.R
what is refsum’s disease
lack of peroxisomal a-oxidation which leads to high levels of branched chain fatty acids
what is the treatment for refsums disease
restrict intake of dairy and meat products
what is ketogenesis
found in the liver hepatocytes. is the oxidation of fatty acids also used to produce ketone bodies
How is ketogenesis used in the brain
to produce fuel during prolonged fasting
what can acetoacetates decarbonate to
what substances diffuse out of hepatocytes and are carried to tissues by the bloodstream
acetoacetate, D-B-hydroxybutyrate and acetone
acetoacetate, D-B-hydroxybutyrate and acetone can be used for what and by what
variety of non-hepatic tissues
what are acetoacetate and