OWHG Ch 6 - Revision Flashcards
Where does China rank in size with the other nations of the world?
China is the third largest country.
Whose teachings did the Chinese have to study to hold a government job?
Confucius’s teachings
From which dynasty did China get its name?
the Ch’in dynasty
Give three facts about the Great Wall of China.
It was built entirely by hand
It took hundreds of years to complete
It is more than 1500 miles long - the longest structure ever built by man
Ancient horsemen used the top of the wall as a road
What was the name of the land route that connected China with Europe?
The Great Silk Road
In which river valley did ancient Chinese civilisation begin?
the Huang He
Which emperor ordered the completion of the Great Wall of China?
Shih Huang Ti
The philosophy of what famous Chinese teacher influenced Chinese history for over 2,000 years?
What beautiful fabric were the Chinese the first to discover and use?
Of what was the first real paper made?
the inner bark from the mulberry tree
What was the first type of printing used?
block prints (made by carving a picture or symbol on a piece of wood)
What were the Chinese able to print even though movable type was not practical for their language?
the first known paper money
Who made China known to the oustide world? What was established because of this?
Marco Polo; trade between China and Europe
Why is Hudson Taylor called the “Father of Faith Missions”?
He trusted God alone to meet his needs in answer to prayer, being a member of no mission society.
Which Italian trader wrote a book about his experiences in China once he returned to Europe?
Marco Polo
What fine, delicate type of pottery was developed in China?
What fraction of the world’s population lives in China?
Name six Chinese inventions.
paper money
Which young missonary couple was martyred in Communist China?
John and Betty Stam
Who established the first Republic of China?
Sun Yat-sen
Who was the leader of the Communists in China?
Mao Tse-tung
Who was the leader of the Naionalists of the Republic of China?
Chiang Kai-shek
Who gained control of mainland China?
Where did the Chinese Nationalists go?
Taiwan (many also fled to other countries)
Which was the longest ruling Chinese dynasty?
the Chou dynasty
What is a pagoda?
A pagoda is a building or tower with many storeys. Each storey has a small roof before the next one begins, and each storey is slightly smaller than the one beneath it. Often the top is pointed.
What are junks and sampans?
small boats
The lack of what freedom makes people in Communist countries like prisoners without a gaol?
the lack of feedom to move from one place to another at home or abroad
What right helps prevent innocent people from being punished for crimes they did not commit?
the right to trial by jury, and the assumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty
What happened in Tiananmen Square in 1989?
A million Chinese people gathered in Tian’an Men (Tiananmen) Square in Beijing to protest Communism and demand democratic reforms that would allow the citizens to take a more active part in the country’s government. The Communist government responded by sending tanks and soldiers to Tian’an Men Square, killing at least 5,000 people and imprisoning many others.
What is the main food group grown in China?
Who united the nomadic Mongol tribes to create the Mongol empire?
Genghis Khan
Which desert, located mostly in Mongolia, is one of the coldest and is the northernmost desert in the world?
the Gobi Desert
After World War II, who controlled North Korea?
the Communists and the Soviet Union
After World War II, who controlled South Korea?
The United States
Who opened Japan for foreign trade?
Commodore Matthew Perry
What caused America to enter World War II?
the surprise attack on Pearl Harbour on 7 December 1941
What brought the end of World War II and Japanese fighting?
In August of 1945, the United States dropped the world’s first atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
What is Japan’s most famous landmark?
Fujiyama (Mount Fuji)
Which is the world’s largest city?
Tokyo, Japan
Which country is called the “Land of the Rising Sun”?
Who was the emperor of Japan before and during World War II?
What famous train can be found in Japan?
the bullet train
Which empire was the largest in history?
the Mongol empire
Which country was formerly known as Siam?
Which country is sometimes referred to as the “spice islands” or the “East Indies”?
What is the world’s largest island?
What is the world’s second largest island?
New Guinea
Which is the only Southeast Asian country that has never been under European rule?
What is significant about the Grand Canal?
It is the longest man-made waterway.
What is a kimono?
a long robe traditionally worn by Japanese women
Who became a powerful Japanese general during World War II?
Who is known as the “Father of American Missions”?
Adoniram Judson