Overview of PT Interventions for People w/ Neurological Dysfxn (2) Flashcards
Rood approach
postural system needed to hold against resistance and release the hold
first in weight bearing and then in non-weight bearing
Rood developed
use of external facilitation techniques to either facilitate or inhibit the neuromuscular system
what does the rood approach use
quick ice
sustained ice
why do we use these interventions for rood approach
influence specific sensory receptors w/in muscle spindle
patterning approaches
what is the brunnstrom approach related to
adult hemiplegia only
what does brunnstrom do
observe stereotypical movement patterns
called pathological synergies
main concept of brunnstrom
in the absence of movement
use an means to facilitate movement
including pathological reflexes
once voluntary movement is present in both directions (flexion/extension)–> brunnstrom
even as pathological synergy patterns
start to mix the patterns
what is normal movement
combination of patterns
goal –> brunnstrom
normal movement patterns
bobath approach is also called
neuro developmental therapy (NDT)
originally developed for –> bobath approach
children and expanded to adults
what does bobath approach use
reflex inhibiting postures (RIP)
to reduce pathological reflexes and abnormal tone
by keeping child in specific postures passively
adhered to –> bobath approach
concept of never encouraging use of pathological reflexes
in adult hemiplegia –> bobath approach
facilitated movement in positions which are not influenced by pathological reflexes
encouraged mixing pathological synergy patterns
goal –> bobath approach
normal movement patterns
today–> bobath approach
incorporated many principles from motor learning and control approaches
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation –> underlying philosophy
all human beings gave untapped existing potential
tx is directed at the total human being
tx approach –> proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
always positive
reinforcing what the patient could do
primary goal –> proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
pt achieve their highest potential
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation uses concept of
all normal movements incorporate spiral diagonal patterns
include flex/ext, abd/add and rotations
what does proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation uses
specific patterns of movement
manual facilitation
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation can be used w/
pts with any system problems
conference to report on latest research in CNS rehab
motor control
based on most current basic science principles of how the CNS works
what does motor control take into account
CNS must control multiple systems simultaneously
motor control encourages
combo of neuromuscular, biomechanical, environmental manipulation. fxn and learning principles
more of a hands-off approach
pt problem solving