Brunnstrom Lab Flashcards
LE techniques
hip flexion
ramiste’s phenomenon
hamstring activity
hip extension
ankle DF
hip flexion
resist opposite LE flexion
marie foix reflex
on the unaffected side
resist opposite LE extension
on the unaffected side
marie foix reflex
stages 1-3
affected side
foot into inversion and PF
reaction of marie foix
DF at the ankle
flexion at the hip
ramiste’s phenomenon
coronal plane
resist on unaffected side
when the knee is extended –> ramiste’s phenomenon
stages 1-3
when the knee is bent –> ramiste’s phenomenon
stage 4
hamstring activity
on the affected side
knee to chest
heel slide
knee to chest –> hamstring activity
needs more control and stability
heel slide –> hamstring activity
mixing and matching synergies (flexion and extension)
stage 4 and beyond
getting pt ready for everyday activity
hip extension
resist opposite LE flexion
knee flexion over the side of the mat
resist opposite LE flexion –> hip extension
resist above the ankle and above the knee
stages 1-3
bridging –> hip extension
stability, mixing and matching synergies
stages 4 and beyond
knee flexion over the side of the mat –> hip extension
flexing knee of the unaffected side to promote extension of the affected side
stages 1-3
ankle DF
affected side
resist hip flexion
work in knee flexed position
resist hip flexion –> ankle DF
stage 4 and beyond
affected side
work in knee flexed position –> ankle DF
stage 4 and after
affected side
pawing –> ankle DF
stage 4 and beyond
mix and match synergies in short sitting
DF and flexion, PF and extension (like pedaling on a bike)
DF w/ emphasis on eversion
one foot bridging
DF w/ emphasis on eversion –> eversion
on affected side
UE techniques
trunk motions w/ arms cradled
what is cradling
good arm supporting weak arm
under the elbow
trunk motions w/ arms cradled is done w/
feet supported to keep spine in neutral
where do we grab for trunk motions w/ arms cradled
inferior angle of the scap
movements of trunk motions
forward flexion
oblique flexion
rotation w/ head in neutral
rotation w/ alternate head rotation
lateral flexion
forward flexion –> trunk movements
guiding forward
oblique flexion –> trunk movements
forward to the R or L
will be more comfortable towards the good side
start w/ good side
rotation w/ head in neutral –> trunk movements
head doesnt move
rotation w/ alternate head rotation –> trunk movements
head and trunk rotate opposite
lateral flexion –> trunk movements
coming more from the hips
prepare for a scoot
hand shake grasp
thumb hold grip
hand shake grasp –> rowing
“weaker arm” on top
cross arms
how do we start rowing
w/ flexion
once they get it
move to extension
thumb hold grip
hold w/ V
use if they have palmar grasp
same procedure