Overview of Fractures Flashcards
What are transverse, short oblique, and long oblique fractures like?
TRANSVERSE = fracture line is perpendicular to the long axis of the bone
SHORT OBLIQUE = fracture like is diagonal and less than twice the diameter of the diaphysis
LONG OBLIQUE = fracture line is diagonal and more than twice the diameter of the diaphysis
What are segmental and comminuted fractures like?
SEGMENTAL = multiple fracture lines are present and do not converge or communicate
COMMINUTED = multiple fracture lines are present and converge or communicate
What is the difference between complete and incomplete fractures?
COMPLETE = both cortices are affected
INCOMPLETE = one cortex affected
What are the 5 types of Salter-Harris physeal fractures?
- physis only
- physis and metaphysis
- physis and epiphysis (articular fracture)
- metaphysis, physis, and epiphysis
- physeal compression results in partial or complete physeal closure
What does proper fracture healing require?
blood supply, lack of infection, and stability
(no matter the age of the patient)
What is the fracture timeline like?
- initial fracture (day 0) = acute trauma where fracture lines are sharply marginated, lacking periosteal reaction
- day 7-10 = initial radiographic changes where there is fibroblastic invasion (hemorrhage, fibrous layers) into fracture site with replacement of the initial blood clot/hemorrhage
- day 14 = cambium layer prolliferation where osteoclasts and osteoblasts act on the fracture lining, making it more ill-defined and irregular and osteoprogenitor cells differentiation into healing osseous callus
- day 21-28 = osseous callus formation where osteoblasts lay down organic matrix with subsequent mineralization with hydroxyapatite crystals (secondary intention)
- day 28-30 = healing by primary intention, where cutting cones cross the fracture line with a closing cone resulting in normal ossification and fracture healing (decreases the appearance of the fracture line)
- day 60 = complete healing where the fracture line is no longer visualized, orthopedic deviced are stable without lucencies, and no bridging callus (primary) or there is a circumferential bridging callus present with no fracture line (secondary)
- day 180 = remodeling of second intention callus back to original cortical thickness according to Wolff’s law
What are 9 fracture complications?
- atrophic non-union - osseous tapering of the ends of fracture fragments
- hypertrophic non-union - abundant callus formation with no bridging bone
- avascular fragment - piece of bone lost its blood supply and looks like the original fracture fragment without reaction
- sequestrum - infected avascular fragment causes the formation of an involucrum and a draining tract to the outside (cloaca)
- malunion - healed fracture segments are no longer in correct anatomical alignment
- plate protection - surgical plate takes on the burden of weight bearing, which causes the bone underneath it to atrophy and possibly non-union
- pathological fracture - abnormal bone (neoplasia, hyperparathyroidism, skeletal developmental abnormalities, infection) fractures without necessary trauma
- sarcoma induction - internal fixation or chronic infection causes the bone to undergo neoplastic transformation (primary sarcoma)
- delayed union - delay in normal fracture healing associated with infection, comminuted, or motion of the fracture site
What are the 4 A’s of fracture healing?
- ALIGNMENT = fracture fragments are properly aligned to their normal anatomical position (especially in Type III and IV Salter-Harris fractures)
- APPOSITION = fracture fragments are in complete contact
- ACTIVITY = callus formation should be occuring at the fracture site (reactions away from the fracture site may indicate infection)
- APPARATUS = external or internal fixation should be reviewed for evidence of motion or loosening (may require oblique projections)
How should the fracture in this radiograph be described? How are the bones displaced? Is there soft tissue reactions?
- sharply marginated, simple, short oblique closed fracture within the mid-diaphysis of the fibula with lateral, cranial, and proximal displacement of the distal fracture fragment
- sharply marginated, simple, long oblique, closed fracture within the mid-diaphysis of the tibia with lateral, caudal, and proximal displacement of th distal fracture fragment
- there is thichening of the surrounding soft tissue
How should the fracture in this radiograph be described? How is the bone displaced? Are there soft tissue reactions?
- sharply marginated, complete, comminuted, closed fracture within the mid-diaphysis of the femur with multiple large fracture fragments
- cranial and proximal displacement of the distal fracture fragment
- moderate stifle joint effusion and surrounding soft tissue thickening
What type of Salter-Harris physeal fracture is present in this radiograph? How is the bone displaced?
Type I (physis only)
- epiphysis = cranial and lateral
- diaphysis = caudal, proximal, and medial
How has the fractured bone been displaced in this radiograph?
- femoral head still in acetabulum
- femur displaced cranially and laterally
What are the 4 major steps to fracture healing?
- fracture and hemorrhage
- inflammatory response and mobilization of fibroblasts from inner cambium layer of endosteum and periosteum
- callus formation —> fibrous, cartilage, osseous with complete bridging
- remodeling
What are some factors that impact fracture healing?
- age (young > old)
- species (cats, cows > dogs, horses)
- open vs closed fracture (infection)
- simple vs comminuted
- pathologic fracture
- blood supply
- local environment
- rigidity of fixation
What are the 4 radiographic stages of fracture repair? What is primary intention healing?
- acute phase = sharp fracture margins
- fracture margin resorption
- osseous callus formation
- complete loss of fracture lines
rigid and stable fixation
What is indicated in this radiograph of a healing fracture?
callus formation with faint fracture lines —> indicates proper healing
Non-union healing:
Mal-union healing:
osteolysis and irregular cortical margination with periosteal reactions and present fracture line
What 6 attributes are present in the fracture seen below the orthogonal radiographic study from a 2 year old mixed breed dog after being hit by a car?
a. closed fracture
b. open fracture
c. segmental radial fracture
d. transverse radial fracture
e. segmental ulnar fracture
f. spiral ulnar fracture
g. lateral displacement of distal fragments
h. medial displacement of distal fragments
i. cranial displacement of distal fragments
j. caudal displacement of distal fragments
k. proximal displacement of distal fragments
l. distal displacement of distal fragments
A, D, E, G, I, K
What are 6 attributes of the fracture seen on the orthogonal radiographic study from a 1 year old mixed breed dog after being hit by a car?
a. closed fracture
b. open fracture
c. Salter-Harris type I of tibial apophysis
d. diaphyseal fracture of the femur
e. comminuted fracture
f. simple fracture
g. lateral displacement of the distal fragment
h. medial displacement of the distal fragment
i. cranial displacement of the distal fragment
j. caudal displacement of the distal fragment
k. proximal displacement of the distal fragment
l. distal displacement of the distal fragment
B, E, F, H, I, K