Abdominal Lymph Nodes & Wall Flashcards
Normal intra-abdominal lymph nodes:
not normally visible radiographically!
Abdominal lymph nodes, Roentgen signs:
What do the mesenteric and ileocolic lymph nodes drain? What can they be mistaken for then enlarged?
intra-abdominal organs —> intestines
mid-abdominal mass —> spleen
(M = jejunal LNs, IC = right colic LNs)
What can be observed in this radiograph showing a mid-abdominal mass?
- normal spleen
- mid-ventral mass (LN?)
Where is an enlarged medial iliac lymph node seen? How is it affecting other organs?
dorsal, caudal
ventrally displaced colon
What does the medial iliac lymph node drain?
- pelvic canal
- lower urinary tract
- perineal region
- pelvic limbs
- last 2-3 mammary glands
Lymph nodes, differential diagnoses:
What are the 3 most common causes of multifocal/generalized enlarged lymph nodes?
- round cell neoplasia: lymphoma, mast cell tumor, histiocytic sarcoma, plasmacytoma, melanoma
- metastasis
- infection: fungal, bacterial
What are the 3 most common causes of focal enlargement of lymph nodes?
- infection
- non-infectious inflammation
- metastatic neoplasia
know where these LN drain
What are the 3 major extra-abdominal body wall structures able to be visualized on radiography?
- soft tissues: muscles, pelvic diaphragm, fascial planes, SQ tissues, mammary tissues
- bones: vertebra (sacrum), pelvis, coxal joints, femurs, os penis, os clitoris
- thorax: caudal thorax: lungs, heart, caudal mediastinum
What is the body condition of this patient like?
large amount of dorsal SQ fat and intra-abdominal mass
- also a large RA —> take thoracic rads!
Body wall masses, Roentgen signs:
What are the most common structure of body wall masses? How are they characterized?
fusiform and broad based
by location in the wall and tissues involved (muscle, fat, skin)
What should be considered based on the location of the abdominal body mass?
ventral mass near mammary chain —> r/o mammary adenocarcinoma
- aspirate/biopsy!
What is the mammary chain like in this radiograph?
increased soft tissue opacity along chain