Ovarian Tumors Flashcards
How are ovarian tumors classified?
By cell of origin
What is the most common type of ovarian tumor?
Common epithelial tumors
What tumor accounts for over 90% of ovarian cancers?
Epithelial tumors
What are the three broad classifications of Epithelial tumors?
- Benign
- Borderline malignant
- Malignant
What are risk factors for ovarian cancer?
- High pituitary gonadotropin levels
- Cyclic (“incessant”) ovulation
- FHx
- BRCA1 or BRCA2 breast cancer
- Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colon Cancer
What is the most common epithelial tumor and what does it histologically resemble?
Serous tumor; Fallopian tube epithelium
What are the typical types of benign epithelial tumors?
Serous or mucinous adenomas
A benign epithelial tumor is found to be cystic. What is the Dx?
A biopsy shows Ciliated tubal-type epithelium. What is the Dx?

Serous cystadenoma of the ovary
A benign mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary is shown. How is it different than its malignant counterpart?

Thin walls and lack solid areas (This goes for all benign ovarian epithelial tumors)
What is another name for a Brenner tumor?
Transitional Cell Tumor
What is the Px of a Brenner tumor?
Generally benign
A nest of transitional cells is shown. What is the Dx?

Brenner tumor
What is a Borderline tumor? Px?
Characterized by epithelial cell proliferation and nuclear atypia but not destructive stromal invasion; Generally good outcome.
A tumor is thought to be a borderline tumor, but it is found that there is presence of more than focal microinvasion (Discrete nests of epithelial cells <3 mm into the ovarian stroma). What is the Dx?
Low-grade invasive serous carcinoma
What is the Dx of a borderline tumor with lymph node metastase?
Borderline tumor
What is a major difference betwixt high grade and low grade serous adenocarcinomas?
- Low-grade: Assc. w/ serous borderline tumors and KRAS or BRAF oncogenes
- High-grade: Arise de novo, high frequency of p53 mutations
A papillary tumor shows hierarchical and complex branching w/o stromal invasion. What is the Dx?

Serous cystic borderline tumor
A low-grade serous carcinoma is shown. What is it characterized by?

Irregular invasion of the ovary by small, tight neests of tumor cells within variable desmoplasia
A laminated structure is seen within the low-grade serous carcinoma. What is it?

Psammoma Body
What is the principle criterion for distinguishing low- and high-grade serous carcinomas?
Uniformity of the nuclei
A large solid tumor shows multinodular masses w/ necrosis and hemorrhage. Histo shows psammoma bodies, high nuclear grade, and irregular bracnhing. What is the Dx?

High-grade serous carcinoma
What are the two subtypes of Mucinous adenocarcinoma?
- Expansile (Confluent glandular pattern)
- Infiltrative
What is pseudomyxoma peritonei?
Clinical condition of abundant gelatinous or mucinous ascites in the peritoneum, fibrous adhesions, and frequently mucinous tumors involving ovaries
Endometrioid adenocarcinoma is shown. Where is it believed to arise from?

Arise by malignant transformation of endometriosis, and not ovarian surface epithelium
What are the typical mutations seen in sporadic endometrioid carcinoma of the ovary?
Beta-catenin (CTNNB1) and PTEN genes
Clear cell adenocarcinoma of the ovary is shown. What are typical histo characteristics of this condition?

- Sheets or tubules of malignant cells w/ clear cytoplasm
- Tubular form: Bulbous nuclei that protrude into lumen of tubule (hobnail cell)
What antigen can be ID’ed in 50% of ovarian epithelial tumors?
What is the most important prognostic index for ovarian tumors?
Surgical stage of the tumor at the time it is detected
What is the Px of germ cell tumors in children? In adults?
Generally malignant; Generally Benign
What is the most common cancer in children?
Germ cell tumors
What is a dysgerminoma?
Germ cell tumor composed of neoplastic germ cells similar to oogonia of fetal ovaries
The neoplastic germ cells are distributed in nests separated by delicate fibrous septa. Stroma contains lymphocytes. What is the Dx?

What is a teratoma?
A tumor of germ cell origin that differentiates toward somatic structures.
A ovary appears to be sprouting hair. What is the likely Dx?

Mature cystic ovarian teratoma
What is Struma ovarii?
Cystic lesion composed predominantly of thyroid tissue
How are immature teratomas of the ovary different from mature teratomas of the ovary?
ITO contain embryonal tissue
An immature teratoma of the ovary is shown. What histo morphologies that are clues to this Dx?

Rosettes with multilayered nuclei and Embryonal glia displaying densely packed, atypical nuclei
Schiller-Duval bodies are shown. What are they characteristic of?

Characteristic of Yolk Sac Tumor
IHC was performed and the tumor was found to be a Yolk Sac Tumor. What is it IHC positive for?
A female patient is found to be hCG positive but is not pregnant. What is the possible Dx? Why?
Choriocarcinoma; CC secrete hCG
What is gonadoblastoma associated with?
Gonadal dysgenesis especially in women who have a Y chromosome
Fill in the blanks: Teratoma, Endodermal sinus (yolk sac) tumor, Embryonal carcinoma, Choriocarcinoma, Dysgerminoma

What are the majority of stromal tumors?
What is Meigs Syndrome?
Triad of ascites, pleural effusion, and benign ovarian tumor (most fibromas)
An ovary is conspicuously enlarged by a firm, white, bosselated tumor. What is the likely Dx?

Ovarian Fibroma
How do thecomas differ from fibromas?
Contain varying amounts of steroidogenic cells that in many cases produce estrogens or androgens
A thecoma is shown. What are the typical cyto findings?

Oblong cells invested by collagen. The theca cells contain lipids.
What function do Granulosa Cell Tumors posess?
Estrogen secretion
A granulosa cell tumor of the ovary is shown. What is the characteristic morphology of such a tumor?

Call-Exner bodies where tumor cells are oriented about central degenerative spaces
What is secreted by ovarian granulosa cell tumors?
Inhibin (suppresses pituitary release of FSH) and Calretinin
What is the major clinical take-away of Granulosa cell tumors?
Many secrete ESTROGEN
What is a common presenting sign of ovarian granulosa cell tumors?
Endometrial hyperplasia
Sertoli and Leydig cells are found in a tumor in a female patient. What are typical clinical findings in such a patient?

Hirsutism, male estucheon, enlarged clitoris, deepend voice
What is the steroid cell tumor that arises from Leydig cells and can cause virilization and masculination?
Hilus cell tumor
What is a Krukenberg tumor? From where do most originate?
Metastases to the ovary composed of nests of mucin-filled “signet-ring” cells in a cellular stroma derived from the ovary; The stomach