Other SOP's Flashcards
When are you required to call Sink Rate
ROD > 1000ft/min
Requirement to nominate a Weather Alternate
Must be nominated unless:
For at least 1 hour before and after the ETA, the forecast indicates that:
- The cloud ceiling will be at least 1,000ft above the applicable DA/MDA for the instrument approach intended to be used; and
- The visibility will be at least 5km, or 2km (whichever is greater) above the published minima for the instrument approach intended to be used.
- Crosswind including 50% of the gust exceeds aircraft max
Alternate aerodrome criteria (Weather and Tech)
Meteorological forecast indicates that at the ETA at the alternate aerodrome:
Precision Approach:
- 600ft Or 200ft above
-3000m or 1000m above
Non-Precision Approach:
- 800ft or 200ft above
- 4000m or 1500m above
Crosswind including 100% gust does not exceed aircraft limits
- Ground based nav aid needs to be considered.
- If a ground based nav aid is required, then secondary power supply has to be operational.
- Must have secondary power supply for lighting operational.
Visual Return to Land Minima
- 1000ft AAL; or the minimum acceleration altitude.
- 5000m visibility
- 2000ft AAL; or the minimum acceleration altitude.
- 10km visibility
Hotel Mode Consumption Rate
Holding consumption rate
Additional instrument approach fuel
160kg (80kg for approach + 80kg for missed approach
Operation below DA or MDA
Descent must be made using normal descent rates and manoeuvers.
Visibility not less than the minimum prescribed.
At least one of the following in sight,
Approach lighting, threshold markings, threshold lights, REILs, VASIs, touch down zone or markings, runway or runway markings or runway lights.
Critical Phase of Flight
- Below 10,000ft (including Taxi, not while stopped and park brake on)
- 1000ft to go
- Approaching / commencing descent
Shoulder harnesses to be worn when…
- Take off and 5min prior to landing
- Below 1000ft AGL
- Instrument approach
- Turbulence
- Emergency
-Taxing - When one pilot vacates their seat
Resetting CB’s
Cannot reset the Fuel Pump CB
Not recommended unless:
- For safety it is req
- Must have a cooling period of around 2 min.
- On the ground and is approved by MOC.
A Tech log entry must be raised.
Emergency Talk Flow
- Enquiry
- Advocacy
- Assertion (Maybe first if time sensitive)
- “Captain you must listen”
- Safety Report
Secure flight deck door
Must be locked from before “Before propeller rotation checklist”.
- Must be 2 people in the cockpit at all times.
- When delivering refreshments - must be done within 2 min from making the call.
Unlawful interference phrase
“This is (name), seventy five hundred. I must come to the flight deck”
Full name and staff number
Guarding controls with AP on
On approach / departure when below 1000ft AAL
FMS Navigation
Both FMS systems need to be available. Otherwise reference to a ground based nav aid is required.
Holdover time after de icing
Icing Conditions Definition
Ground: SAT = 5* or less AND visible moisture.
Flight: TAT = 7* or less AND visible moisture.
Maximum surface wind to operate
Lightning strike temp range
-10* to +5*
Aerodrome with unserviceable navaid
- 2 serviceable FMS’s
- Destination must have RNAV approach
- An alternate must be nominated that has a ground based navaid other than NDB
- Sufficient fuel to be carried to divert at any point.
Are VOR Overlay approaches allowed via an Arc?
What is the minimum RFS for a Tech Alternate?
There is no prescribed minimum
Max Speeds into an unattended aerodrome
180kts below 5000ft AGL
Consider slowing below 200kts below 9,500ft AGL
Minimum visibility on a circling approach?
5000m or prescribed minima (whichever is higher)
Ground-Based Nav Aid Requirement
Either the Destination or Alternate aerodrome has to have at least 1 nav aid (other than NDM) operational.
Eg. A flight to TG will need to have a Tech or WX alternate that has an operational VOR or ILS approach at time of diversion.
Departure Alternate Requirement and conditions
Departure alternate is required when:
- Departure aerodrome weather is below landing minima.
- Alternate aerodrome minima apply.
- No ground-based nav aid req.
- RFS, ATC, ground staff are not considered
- Flight time to alternate has to >1 hour flight time at single engine cruise speed.
If the crosswind is close to the aircraft’s limitation prior to commencing the approach, what should you do?
Request a wind check prior to commencing the approach, if above the limitation do not commence the approach.
If during the approach the wind increases above the limitation then a discontinued approach / go around must be commenced
How long are RAIM predictions valid for?
72 hours
Circling minima
1000ft AAL or published minima + 50ft, whichever is higher
What is the configuration for drift down procedures when terrain limited and when not
Terrain limited:
- drift down speed and flaps 0 (flaps 15 in icing)
Non terrain limited:
- IAS 200kts
- once ROD reduces to 500ft/min - maintain ROD
Optimum cruise alt = 7000ft/8000ft
When the runway contaminant is less than 25%, do you consider it a wet or dry runway
Can you take off and land at an airport with a reduced length due to the threshold being contaminated?
Not for landing unless the threshold is the opposite runway and the reduced length is within the landing distance.
Takeoff can be performed with consultation with the Performance team.
Can you operate into or out of an uncontrolled aerodrome that is contaminated
No - only controlled
Are circling approaches approved at aerodromes in uncontrolled airspace?
No. Fly straight in approaches only