Memory Items Updated 2024 Flashcards
DC Gen 1 and 2 Fault
- PF - Capt
- DC 1 Gen - Reset
- DC Gen 2 - Reset
If one Gen is recovered then apply the DC Gen 1 (2) Fault procedure
If not: - Green Hydraulic Pump - Off - TRU - On If no TRU light comes on vacate IMC within 30min. TRU - Off - Land ASAP
If smoke/fumes in the cockpit:
- Crew oxygen masks - Don
- Crew oxygen mode - 100% or emergency
- Goggles - Don
- Crew coms - Establish
- Recirculation fans 1 + 2 - Off
- AP - On
- Land ASAP
Engine 1 or 2 fire or severe mechanical damage in flight
- Power Lever (affected eng) - Flight idle
- Condition Lever (affected eng) - Feather then fuel shut off
- Fire handle (effected side) - Pull
Wait 10 sec - If fire persists, Agent 1 - Discharge
Wait 30 sec - If fire persists, Agent 2 - Discharge
Engine fire or severe mechanical damage on the ground
- Aircraft - Stop
- Brake handle - Parking
- Condition lever 1 + 2 - Feather then fuel shut off
- Fire handle (effected engine) - Pull
If Fire Persists: - Agent 1 - Discharge
Wait 30 sec - If fire persists, agent 2 - Discharge
Engine 1 and 2 flame out
- Pilot flying - Captain
- Power lever 1 + 2 - Flight idle
If NH drops below 30%: - Condition lever 1 + 2 - Feather then fuel shut off
- Speed - Optimum VmHB
Emergency descent
- Crew oxygen masks - As required
- Crew coms - As required
- Goggles - As required
- Descent - Initiate
- Power levers 1 + 2 - Flight idle
- Condition levers 1 + 2 - 100% Override
RNP LNAV guidance disagree
- Both lateral deviations - Compare
During Approach: - Go around - Perform
Severe Icing
- IAS - Icing bug + 30kts (or Icing bug if flaps 15)
- Power management - MCT
- Power lever 1 + 2 - Adjust
- Condition lever 1 + 2 - 100% Override
- Control column - Push
- Engine power - Increase
If flaps 0: - Flaps - 15
- Maintain wings level
Unreliable airspeed
- AP/YD - Off
- Pitch - Maintain
- Torque - Maintain
If during T/O or GA below 1500ft - Pitch to 8* - Immediately
- Icing conditions - Vacate
- Volcanic ash - Vacate
Flaps unlk
Before V1: - Abort After V1: - Vr, V2 - Speed Bugs Automatically increased During approach: - Go around - Perform - VGA - Not less than Vmin OPS
Pitch Disconnect
- Free column - identify
- PF - Becomes free column side
Max IAS = 180kts
Pitch Control Jam at Takeoff or Landing
- Max IAS = 180kts
- Control columns - Uncouple
- Free Column - Identify
- PF - Becomes free column side
Increase Speed
Increase speed to Icing bug + 30kts
PEC 1 or 2 fault
If in short final approach below 400ft RA)
Go around - Perform
Propeller severe vibration (no longer memory item)
- Speed - Reduce below 200kts
- TQ - 10% or greater
Engine 1 or 2 flame out in flight
- Power lever (effected engine) - Flight idle
If NH drops below 30% (no immediate relight) - Condition lever (effected engine) - Feather then fuel shut off
Low pitch in flight
Power lever (effected engine) - Flight idle Condition lever (effected engine) - Feather then fuel shut off
Abnormal procedures during start
If ITT tends to exceed 900*C / no ITT / no NH:
- Condition lever (effected engine) - Fuel shut off
- Engine start selector - Off and Start Abort