Other Pulmonary Disorders Flashcards
Tuberculosis infection (Pathology)
infection that affects primarily lungs bacteria become walled off in lungs person may be a carrier but not have active TB low resistance may allow it to become active lung tissue destroyed and bacteria spread to other tissue
Tuberculosis Cause (Etiology)
Risk Factors TB
Malnutrition, crowding, alcohol and chronic disease
Treatment TB
long term drug treatment
Aspiration (Pathology)
solid objects trapped leads to obstructed airflow, collapse of area distal to object and possible loss of consciousness depending on object, may develop inflammatory response
Aspiration (Causes)
Talking with food in mouth
vomiting in supine
lack of muscle control in muscles used for swallowing
S&S (Aspiration)
coughing, choking, hoarseness, wheezing, tachycardia hypoxia, loss of consciousness
Medical Rx (Aspiration)
Heimlich maneuver in adults/back blows on inverted infant
COPD Chronic Bronchitis (Pathology)
inflammatory changes in bronchi increased sections from mucus glands frequent infections due to excess mucus
COPD (Etiology)
exposure to smoking and/or industrial pollution
constant productive cough especially in am SOB, tachypnea rhonchi, hypoxia and cynaosis
Medical Rx
-decrease exposure to irritants expectorant bronchodilator postural draining/percussion O2 low flow
Pulmonary Edema Pathology
fluid in alveoli from high capillary pressure interfere in O2 diffusion difficulty expanding lungs and eventual collapse
PEdema Etiology
kidney/ liver disorders with hypoproteinemia inflammation from inhaled toxic gases
S&S Pulmonary Edema
cough, rales, orthopnea early later hemoptysis, labored breathing, “drowning”
Medical Rx
causative factors, O2, upper body elevated- do not lay patient flat!
Pumonary Embolus Pathology
fluid and blood fill alveoli
if large, effect C-V system with R heart failure and decreased cardiac outpt
PEmbolus Caues
usually thrombus dislodged from leg vein (thrombophlebitis or phlebotherombosis)
or fat emboli from bon fx (trauma)
tumor emboli (cancer)
amniotic fluid (pregnancy esp. during delivery)
air emboli injected into vein
PEmbolus S&S
sudden onset of chest pain, tachypnea, dyspnea SNS response: nervous, restless etc.
Medical Rx PEmbolus
preventive with reisk factors if due to thrombus then O2, herparin
collapse of lung or part of lung
Atelectasis (Pathology)
alveoli airless and collapses
decreased O2 diffusion
increased repiration rate to compensate
Atelectasis (Etiology)
obstruction of air flow from tumor, mucus compression of lung
increased plural cavity pressure
Atelectasis (S&S)
if small, no S&S, if large = dyspnea, incr HR and RR, chest pain