Asthma Flashcards
Asthma – episocic bronchial obstruction, may lead to permanent damage; two types:
Extrinsic and intrinsic; asthma is uaually a combination of both types
Asthma (Pathophysiology) Antigen binds with IgE on mast cells relasing_______ and other chemical mediators
Histamine, Prostaglandin
Histamine causes contraction of smooth muscles
Inflammation with edema and increased secretion of thick_______ which may totally obstruct_______
mucous, airflow
May develop ______
Status asthmaticus
persistent severe attack, may be fatal
Asthma (Etiology)
Hypersensitive airways
Internal causes:
genetic predispostion, specific antigens
External causes:
Exercise, cold air, cigarette smoke
Clinical findings
- Cough
- Dispnea
- Tight chest
- Wheezing
- Thick Fenacious mucus
- Tachycardia
- Respiratory failure: decreased responsiveness, decreased PO2 and increased CO2
Asthma Medical Treatment
- Avoid
- Good ventilation/air exchange:
- Breathing techniques
- Regular swimming
- Inhalers
Asthma (Drugs)
Corticosteroids (Decr inflammation)
Preventive decrease hypersenfitive response