Other lymphoproliferative and myeloproliferative diseases Flashcards
What cancer is most commonly associated with leukemia cutis?
Usually, there is proceeding marrow and peripheral blood involvement but you can have aleukemic leukemia cutis as well
What is the clinical appearance of leukemia cutis?
Violaceous papules and nodules at any location. Note these can have a green appearance
What subforms of AML are most associated with leukemia cutis?
Myelomonocytic and monocytic
What is the histology of leukemia cutis?
Grenz zone
- diffuse dermal infiltrate of myeloid blasts
- These cells are monotonous and w/ high nuclear to cytoplasm ratio and fine chromatin.
- Can look like they are in sheets, nodules, perivascularly or infiltrative cords (Indian filing)
What is the most common staining for leukemia cutis?
MPO+, CD117 (c-kit)+, CD13+, CD33+, and CD34+
What is the name of the green appearing nodules in the setting of AML?
What is the cause of the green appearance in a chloroma?
Myeloperoxidase activity
What is the differential diagnosis for red indurated plaques involving the face?
Lupus erythematosus, PMLE, Lymphoma Cutis, Lymphocytoma cutis, Jessner’s lymphocytic infiltrate
What is the clinical appearance of Jessner’s lymphocytic infiltrate?
1 or several asymptomatic erythematous papules,
plaques, and less commonly, nodules, with the absence of secondary changes like scale on head, neck, and upper back
May appear as annular plaque with central clearing if individual lesion
No associated systemic manifestations
What is the treatment of Jessner’s Lymphocytic Infiltrate?
Resolves spontaneously within months to years, without scarring or sequelae
50% pts may improve with hydroxychloroquine
Thalidomide, pulsed dye (595 nm) laser, chemotherapy as other options
What is the histology of Jessner’s lymphocytic infiltrate?
Superficial and deep perivascular and periadnexal lymphocytic infiltrate
interface dermatitis is absent
predominance of CD8+ lymphocytes
What is the cause of cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia?
Reflects exaggerated local immunologic reaction to a stimulus, often unrecognized
Inciting agents: arthropod bites, metal implants, tattoos, vaccinations and medications as well as several infections and reactive disorders
What is the clinical appearance of cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia?
Firm, erythematous to violaceous papules, plaques or nodules located on head, neck or upper extremities
Often solitary but may be multiple and grouped
Vast majority lack surface changes
Most often in adults; slightly more common women
What can cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia also be called?
Pseudolymphoma (can resemble lymphoma or have a more benign appearance)
What is the treatment for cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia?
Treat conservatively, spontaneous resolution may occur without scarring; topical or IL steroids for persistent lesions; simple excision, cryosurgery, laser ablation, and radiation therapy; thalidomide for recalcitrant cases
What type of leukemia is most often associated with neutrophilic disorders (Sweet’s, pyderma gangrenosum, and neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis?
In what leukemias can you see exaggerated arthropod reactions or erythroderma?