Cysts Flashcards
What cysts have a granular layer?
EIC dialted pore of Winer, milia, pilar sheath acanthoma, dermoid cyst, eruptive vellus hair cyst, verrucous epidermal cyst, pigmented follicular cyst +/- steatocytoma
Differentiation between EIC and millia?
<3mm = milia
Pathology of EIC?
Cystic cavity w/ laminated keratin w/ stratified squamous epithelium w/ granular layer. NO ADNEXAL STRUCTURES IN WALL like vellus hair cyst or dermoid cyst
Associations with EIC?
Gardners syndrome, Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome, multiple cysts can lead to scrotal calcinosis
What meds lead to EIC?
BRAF inhibitor
Pathology of a dilated pore of Winer?
Lined by a granular layer, ancathotic finger-like projections pushing into the dermis. Squamous epithelium.
Difference between pilar sheath acanthoma and dilated pore of Winer?
Thicker epithelium with the pilar sheath acanthoma that extends further and deeper than a dilated pore of Winer.
Name of milia on the hard palate of an infant?
Epstein’s pearls (Bohns nodules are more lateral at the buccal and lingual dental ridges)
Describe Epstein’s pearls?
Keratin-filled cysts with squamous epithelial lining (like an epidermal inclusion cyst) that are often found on the palate.
What dz can lead to EIC?
Blistering dz like EBA and PCT –> scarring dz, going to trap some follicular structures
Path of milia?
Same as EIC but smaller <3
Pathology of a pilar sheath cyst?
They do not have granular layer, compact, keratinization analogous to that of outer root sheath of the hair follicle at the isthmus, homogenous material w/ freq foci of cacification
What are 2 categories of milia?
Scarring vs non scarring
Why do scarring cause milia?
Traps eccrine gland, contents can’t get out
Histology of a proliferating pilar cyst?
Proliferating trichilemmal tumor. broad anastomosing bands and nodules of squamous epithelium, proliferation… like pilar cysts that are together
Histology of a vellus hair cyst?
Has granular layer, loose laminated keratinizing with numerous vellus hairs
What are the most common locations of vellus hair cysts?
Associated things with hair cyst?
Eruptive vellus hair cysts / a/w steatocystoma multiplex
Histology of steatocystoma?
Shark tooth lining (serrated appearing), associated w/ sebaceous gland in the wall (not always visible), loose material in the center, decapitative secretion.
Sometimes no granular layer (sources vary on this)
What associations are seen with steatocystoma?
Steatocystoma multiplex, associated with pachyonychia congenita type 2.
Mutation in steatocystoma multiplex?
Keratin 17
Another name for pachyonychia congenita type 2?
What is the difference on histology between steatocystoma and cutaneous keratocyst?
Similar path to steatocystoma but w/ no sebaceous gland associated w/ it
Most common location of dermoid cyst?
Located around the eyes in an infant, lateral eyebrow is the m/c place
May be a/w underlying skull defect in embryonic fusion planes **don’t bx w/o imaging
Pathology of a dermoid cyst?
Has granular layer, stratified squamous epithelium, contains other normal cutaneous structures such as hair (terminal hairs not vellus hairs), sebaceous lobules, eccrine, apocrine glands, smooth muscle