Cutaneous Neural Tumors Flashcards
What are the two major groups of neural tumors?
Peripheral nerve sheath tumors and neural heterotopias
What 4 types of neural tissue are neural heterotopias associated with?
meningeal (meningoceal, reudimetary menigocele, meningioma), neuroglial (nasal glioma), neuroblastic/ganglionic (neuroblastoma, primary primitive neuroectodermal tumor, ganglioneuroma), miscellaneous (pigmented neuroectodermal tumor of infancy)
What is a/w multiple mucosal neuromas?
MEN2b –> neuromas occur on all mucosal surfaces (lips, tongue, conjunctiva, nasal and laryngeal). You get pheochromocytoma, aggressive medullary thyroid cancer, marfanoid appearance, blubbery lips, CALM, circumoral lentigines.
What mutation is seen in multiple mucosal neuromas?
Ddx for cutaneous tumors that hurt?
BANGEL or blend an egg blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome, angiolipoma/angioleiomyoma, neurilemmoma/schwannoma, glomus, eccrine spiradenoma, leiomyoma
Which neurofibroma is pathognomonic for neurofibroma?
Plexiform neurofibroma
What stain is + when a neural tumor has a capsule?
What stain is positive if a neural tumor as axons?
What inflammatory cell can be seen in neurofibromas that can help you distinguish them?
Mast cells
What are the 2 types of neurothekeoma?
Cellular and myxoid
What is the difference in staining between myxoid and cellular neurothekeoma?
Myxoid (nerve sheath myxoma): s100 + S100A6 +; cellular neurothekeoma s100-, S100A6 +
What are some notable cutaneous lesions that are S100A6 + ?
Cellular neurothekeoma, histiocytic tumors, spitz, AFX
What stains help distinguish cellular neurothekeoma?
s100 -, desmin -, s100A6 +
what causes the granules in the granular cell tumor?
lysomal dysfunction
What is the staining for a perineurioma?
s100 -, NSE/AXON -, EMA + (becuase capsule)
What are the two types of perineurona?
Soft tissue and sclerosing
What entity should you suspect in rapidly growing nodule in plexiform nodule
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor
What margins should be achieved on Merkel cell carcinoma?
What is the IHC staining for Merkel cell carcinoma?
TTF -; CK20+; EMA and enolase +, CK7 + (maybe), CK5/6 + (low molecular weight keratins)
What is the DDx for small cell blue tumors?
LEMONS: lymphoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, Merkel, oat cell, neuroblastoma, small cell endocrine carcinoma
What is the presentation of a nasal glioma?
Occurs on the midline of the face in babies, or the medial canthus. Can present w/ nasal cartilage or have eyes spaced far apart. (along cranial suture lines)
What are the 3 categories of peripheral nerve sheath tumors?
Hamartomas (neuromas), true nerve sheath neoplasms (schwannomas, neurofibromas, nerve sheath myxoma, cellular neurothekeoma, perineuroma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor); miscellaneous (Merkel cell and granular cell tumor).
Where are the perineurium cells derived from and what do they stain for?
They are modified fibroblasts of mesodermal origin. Stain for epithelial membrane antigen, not with S100
Clinical presentation of traumatic/amputation neuroma?
Uncommon tumor, usually solitary, skin-colored firm papule or nodule, painful. Is on sites of wounds, surgical scars, and amputations
What is the histology of a traumatic/amputation neuroma?
Composed of chaotic, poorly organized tangles of nerve fascicles embedded within a fibrous scar
There are clefts between fascicles, located in any level of the dermis or subcutis
Stains: s100+, MBP+, Bodian stain+, NSE/Axon +, EMA +/-
What is the histology of a rudimentary digit/polydactyly?
Numerous nerve fiber bundles in connective tissue in the upper dermis; oval corpuscles present (looks like Meissner corpuscles)
Key differences between palisaded encapsulated neuroma and and traumatic neuroma?
Perineural tissue capsule surrounds the tumor in traumatic neuroma and there is clefting around the bundles in PEN
Also, there is no fibrous tissue sheath around fascles in PEN which is unlike truamatic neuroma.
What is the mutation in Men2b?
RET protooncogene on chromosome 10q11.2
Multiple mucocutaneous neuromas with a predilection for the face and distal extremities occur in what syndromes?
PTEN harmartoma tumor syndromes: Cowden, Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba
What is the histologic and clinical presentation of a schwannoma?
These are m/c on the flexural aspects of extremities and are often painful
Histologically these only have Schwann cells in it no axons, so there is a well-encapsulated deep dermal or subQ tumor that has both hypercellular Antoni A tissue and hypocellular myxoid type B tissue
What is the IHC staining pattern for schwannoma?
s100+, NSE/AXON -, EMA + Myelin basic protein -, s100, vimentin, EMA, type IV collagen all +
What is the histology of a neurofibroma?
Non-encapsulated, loosely textured tumor centered in the dermis; grenz zone, thin fascicles of cells w/ a wavy spindle. S-shaped or comma-shaped cells with sharp pointed ends. Mitoses rare. bubblegum stroma and mast cells