Benign epidermal tumors Flashcards
When do SK’s start?
4th decade of life usually
Genetic mutations associated with seborrheic keratoses?
Activating mutations in FGFR3 and PIK3CA
Where don’t SK’s form?
Mucous membranes, palms and soles
Are HPV viruses located in SK?
SK’s in the genital region are likely condyloma acuminatum. Recommend bx. -HPV has been detected frequently in SK of the groin
What conditions are associated w/ an abrupt appearance/increase in # of SK”s followed by regression when condition resolves
Pregnancy, co-existing inflammatory dermatoses (in particular erythroderma), and malignancy.
What cancers are associated with leser-trelat
Adenocarcinoma of the breast, colon, gastric and lymphoma
Where is leser-trelat usually seen?
On the back, can have itching, can have malignant acanthosis nigracans
What is a lichenoid keratosis?
Inflammation/regression of benign lentigo, sk, or ak
What do lichenoid keratoses look like clinically?
Pink papule, scaly, most common on the forearm and upper chest (mimics BCC or SCCIS)
What is a path difference between deratosis papulosa nigra and SK?
DPN is like an SK w/o the pseudohorn cysts
What virus is stucco keratosis associated with?
How can you get rid of stucco keratosis?
Suggest keratolytics
Varients of porokeratosis?
- Porokeratosis of Mibelli
- Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis
- Linear porokeratosis
- Punctate porokeratosis
- Porokeratosis palmaris, plantaris, et disseminata
- Porokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal duct nevus
What are the risk factors for porokeratosis that increase the risk of complications, such as malignant transformation?
Length of time w/ lesion, older pts, linear variants
Which type of porokeratosis has the lowest risk of malignant change