Other hematologic viruses Flashcards
What viruse presents with an erythematous facial rash, joint swelling/pain, and anemia (often sub-clinical)
Parvovirus B19
Why should exposed women be tested for anti-B19 IgG?
Parvovirus B19 increases risk for fetal hydrops
How is transient aplastic crisis caused by parvovirus B19 Tx’d?
Blood transfusions and supprotive care
How is PRCA and and post-exposure pro-phylaxis of parvovirus B19 Tx’d?
Anti-B19 immunoglobulin
Lymphotropic herpes viruses
CMV; EBv, HHV-6, HHV-7, and HHV-8)
Where does EBv undrgo primary replication?
In the pharynx and salivary epithelial cells
Downey Cells
CD8+ T cells with abnormal lobular nuclei that rosette w/ RBCs
How does EBv cause leukemia/lymphoma?
EBv induces translocation of the c-myc proto-oncogene to the immunoglobulin locus - increases c-myc expression and transforms the host cells
If a patient lacks functional T cell responses, EBVmediated B cell transformation can cause leukemia or lymphoma
EBv results in what malignancies if AIDS or a transplant Pt is infected?
Hairy leukoplakia and B cell lymphomas
Malaria and EBv can result in what maligncancy?
African Burkitt lymphoma
DOC for CMV?
Ganciclovir and valganciclovir - inhibit DNA polymerase activity and cause chain termination
Side-effect of ganciclovir and valganciclovir
May cause severe neutropenia
What is used to Tx drug-resistant CMV (especially CMV retinitis)?
Side-effects of foscarnet
HHV6 and HHV7 cell tropism
CD4+ T cells