Other Contemporary Urban Environmental Issues Flashcards
Give the causes of air pollution
- Population expansion.
- Industrial / technological growth -> few pollutant reduction policies.
- Better standards of living -> afford luxuries.
- Greater manufacturing / energy consumption.
- Urbanisation -> higher population density.
- More vehicles worldwide.
Give the effects of air pollution
Acidification -> damage vegetation / buildings
Air pollutants -> produce ozone -> harm humans, animals, plants
Give the short term health problems caused by air pollution
Eye, nose, throat irritation. Respiratory illness eg bronchitis. Headaches Nausea Allergic reactions Aggregate athsma
Give the long term health problems caused by air pollution
Brain, nerves, liver, kidney damage
Chronic respiratory illness
Lung cancer
Heart disease
Give government / community level strategies towards air pollution
Prevention rather than solution.
Investing in renewable resources.
Paying more attention to manufacturing activities.
Car companies creating more energy efficient cars.
Give individual level strategies to prevent air pollution
Greater use of public transport.
Emphasis on recycling.
Encouraged to cut down use of luxury items.
Name the places that are case studies for air pollution
Describe the HIC case study for air pollution
•1952 legislation -> reduce amount of smoke entering atmosphere.
•The Act of 1956 -> smoke-free zones, result of Great Smog (1952).
•Local councils now required to monitor levels of air pollution -> in 2015 nitrogen oxide levels were higher than EU’s recommended.
•Measures to clean up construction sites -> responsible for 12% of Nitrogen oxide emissions.
Describe the LIC case study for air pollution
•Population 11 million, density 27600/km2.
•Cold winters, hot summers -> dramatic difference in seasonal air pollution levels.
•Annual coal consumption = 21 billion tonnes in 2000 (30% industry).
•Domestic-use coal = 0.3% sulphur.
Emission control programmes…
— increase supply of gas for industrial use.
— convert residential fuel to gas.
— modify boilers.
— pave unsurfaced roads / plant trees etc -> reduce wind blown dust.
Give the causes of urban dereliction
Run down housing estates / former industrial sites -> derelict.
Deindustrialisation -> abandoned inner city industrial buildings, pubs / shops became vacant due to decline.
Give the effects of urban dereliction
- Higher crime / vandalism rates.
- House prices fall -> outmigration.
- High cost of urban renewal -> discourages renovation.
- More investment is needed.
Give the ways that urban dereliction risks human health
- Contamination from industry remains in environment -> health problems eg heart disease, cancer.
- Eg industry in Glasgow had a high usage of toxic chemicals -> health issues.
Give strategies for tackling urban dereliction
• Regeneration schemes on brownfield sites
-> improves physical env
-> revives older communities
-> preserves historical landmarks
-> reduces urban sprawl
X high cost of clearing land
X high levels of traffic in inner city areas
Name the places that are case studies for urban dereliction
Describe the HIC case study for urban dereliction
2012 Olympics ‘urban park’.
• 350 hectare area was cleaned up, East London.
• Largest new urban park in Europe.
• 100 hectares of open land.
• 45 hectares of new habitat.
• Excavated soil was treated - 80% was reused on site.
• 235,000m3 contaminated groundwater was treated.
Describe the LIC case study for urban dereliction
• Derelict land -> due to redundant tanneries.
• Little investment for regeneration -> lack of gov funding.
• Sites often occupied by squatters / illegal rubbish dumps.
-> soil / water pollution / health issues
Give the causes of water pollution
- Surface runoff from streets - oil, heavy metals.
- Industrial waste.
- Poorly treated sewage.
- Rubbish dumps.
- Toxic waste.
- Chemical / fuel storage.
- Intentional dumping of hazardous substances.
- Air pollution eg acid rain, nitrate / ammonium deposition.
Give the effects of water pollution
- Over 1.2 billion people lack access to clean water.
- 80% of all infectious diseases are waterborne.
- Creates breeding ground for malaria carrying mosquitos.
- Damage to ecosystems -> extinction of species.
Give the effects of water pollution on health
- Heavy metals -> slow development -> birth defects / cancer.
- Industrial waste -> damage health of aquatic life and those who eat them.
- Microbes -> infectious diseases to aquatic animals / pollute drinking water -> cholera / typhoid fever -> LIC infant mortality.
- Organic matter + nutrients -> eutrophication.
- Suspended particles -> reduces drinking quality / sunlight penetration -> disturb growth of plants / micro organisms.
Is there lower water quality in LICs / HICs? Why?
LICs due to lack of money, inadequate technology, lack of effective legislation
What do HICs focus on when trying to improve water quality?
Construction of water treatment facilities / wastewater plants.
Regulation aimed at point source polluters.
Name the types of strategies used to manage water pollution
- Low impact development (LID).
- Legislation, regulation, enforcement.
- Education / awareness.
- Improvements in sewage / waste water processing.
- Appropriate technology.
Define low impact development
A stormwater management approach to reduce storm water runoff.
Inc - vegetation, permeable surfaces.
Eg permeable streets, green roofs, rain gardens, urban parks
How does legislation, regulation and enforcement help to manage water pollution?
Eg incentive based approaches that charge polluters per unit,
Factories have limits on amount of pollution they can discharge.
How does education and awareness help manage water pollution?
If people know about causes / effects of water pollution they can try to avoid adding to the problem.
Eg 2014, Wessex Waters used mobile billboards in hotspot areas to encourage people to bin wet wipes rather than flush them
How can appropriate technology help manage water pollution?
Eg Janicki Omniprocessor
Small scale technology -> clean water in LICs.
Boils raw sewer sludge -> separates water vapour from solids.
Solids put into fire -> steam -> generate electricity for the processor + local community.
Water out through cleaning system -> safe to drink.
Name the places that are case studies for water pollution
River Thames
Yamuna River, New Delhi
Describe the HIC case study for water pollution
River Thames, London.
• cleanest river in the world that runs through a major city.
• declared biologically dead 50 years ago.
• war time bombing destroyed sewers -> pollution.
• river became oxygen deprived due to bacteria + waste.
• 1960s -> sewer systems improved.
• factories became more environmentally aware.
• tighter pesticide regulations / charity cleaned up river.
• pollution from toxic metals decreased -> stricter industry regulations.
• now over 125 species of fish in river.
Describe the LIC case study for water pollution
Yamuna River, New Delhi
Pollution due to..
• 58% of waste goes into the river.
• Over 500 factories are situated along river -> all dump waste.
• Human settlements -> pesticides, insecticides, people washing, defecating into river.
• Unable to support marine life.
• Biodegradable waste -> overgrowth of algae -> loss of oxygen.
• Arsenic levels increased by 20x in last 20 years -> cancer, skin problems.
• Farmers use water for agriculture -> get diseases.
Efforts made…
• Gov promised to clean up River -> spent 2000 cores.
• cleared slums / installed inexpensive toilets.
• Fines set for dumping waste.
-> most plans failed and very little has been done.