Othello 5.1 Flashcards
“I’ll be
at thy elbow.”-Iago
“I have no
great devotion to the deed, / And yet he hath given me satisfying reasons”-Roderigo
“Now, whether
he kill Cassio, / Or Cassio him, or each do kill the other, / Every way makes my gain.”-Iago
“I have
rubb’d this round quat almost to the sense, / And he grows angry.”-Iago
“my coat is
better than thou think’st.”-Cassio
“O brave
Iago, honest and just, / That hast such table sense of thy friend’s wrong!”-Othello
teachest me.”-Othello
“Thy bed,
lust-stain’d, shall with lust’s blood be spotted.”-Othello
“Forth of my
heart those charms, thine eyes, are blotted”-Othello
“O me,
lieutenant! What villains have done this?”-Iago
“O damn’d
Iago! O inhuman dog!”-Roderigo
heaven forbid! / Light, gentlemen. I’ll bind it with my shirt.”-Iago
“I do suspect
this trash / To be a party in this injury.”-Iago about Bianca
No-yes, sure-O, heaven, Roderigo!”-Iago
guiltiness / will speak, though tongues were out of use.”-Iago about Bianca
“This is
the night / That either makes me, or fordoes me quite.”-Iago