Othello 2.3 Flashcards
“Iago is
most honest”-Othello
-showing how good Iago is at conceding his duplicitous nature
“An inviting
eye, and yet methinks right modest.”-Cassio
-Showing how Cassio knows how to be respectful and behave around other peoples wives, unlike what is assumed of him
“I have poor
and unhappy brains fro drinking”-Cassio
-showing his restraint
“If I can
fasten but one cup upon him”-Iago
-Iago’s ability to find a weakness and exploit it
“the lieutenant
is to be saved before the ancient”-Cassio
-Increasing Iago’s jealousy as Cassio boasts his higher position
“He is a
soldier fit to stand by Caesar and give direction. And do but see his vice-‘Tis to his virtue a just equinox”-Iago
- theme-aperrence versus reality
- Iago is setting up for the plan
- shows his ability to confidently lie and make things up on the spot
“Away I
say, go out and cry a mutiny.”-Iago
-showing Iago’s ability to manipulate the situation as it unfolds
“Honest Iago,
that looks dead with grieving”-Othello
-Showing Iago’s ability to fool everyone around him even in his facial expressions and body language
“If partially
affin’d or leagued in office, thou dost deliver more or less than truth, thou art no soldier”-Montano
- we know that Iago does not care about the morals behind this but more how he would look to Montano
- and the benefits he gets from admitting it’s Cassio
reputation, reputation!”-Cassio
- He knows how bad it is
- Iago has ruined Cassio’s reputation beyond the point of being able to remain so he can get a job elsewhere
“I would rather
sue to be despised than to deceive so good a commander with so light, so drunken, ad so indiscreet an officer”-Cassio
- Shows that Cassio has strong morals and knows right from wrong
- He can in fact be trusted
yourself freely to her, importune her to help to put you in your place again”-Iago
- Shows Iago’s ability to get people to do what he wants by putting it in a way that will help the person]
- he comes across helpful and caring but is in fact the opposite
“I protest,
in the sincerity of love and honest kindness.”-Iago
“And what’s
he then that says I have played the villain, When this advice is free I give, and honest”-Iago
-justifying what he has done as if this is not a pre thought out plan with other motives
“When devils
will the blackest sins put on, they do suggest at first with heavenly shows”-Iago
- comparing himself to the devil
- he knows how bad he is and yet he does not car, this is worse than not knowing as he continues regardless
“And out of
her own goodness make the net that shall enmesh them all”-Iago
-Shows Iago’s ability to manipulate situations that are perfectly innocent and harmless without his input