Othello 4.1 Flashcards
“and they
tempt heaven.”-Othello
“By heaven,
I would most gladly have forgot it.”-Othello
“Ay, what
of that?”-Iago
“With her,
on her, what you will.”-Iago
that’s fulsome!”-Othello
“Work on, /
My medicine, work!”-Iago
credulous fools are caught”-Iago
“Now will I
question Cassio of Bianca -Iago
“As he shall
smile, Othello shall go mad”-Iago
‘O dear Cassio!’ as it were. His gesture imports it.”-Othello
“This is /
some minx’s token”-Bianca
“By heaven,
that should be my handkerchief!”-Othello
“How shall
I murder him, Iago?”-Othello
“And to see
how he prizes the foolish / woman your wife: she gave it to him, and he hath given / it his whore.”-Iago
“I would have him nine years a-killing. A fine woman, a / fair woman, a sweet woman!”-Othello
“let her rot
and perish, and be damned tonight, for / she shall not live.”-Othello
“I will
chop her into messes. Cuckold me!”-Othello
“Do it not
with poison; strangle her in her bed, even the / bed she hath contaminated.”-Iago
“I would do much /
T’atone them, for the love I bear to Cassio.”-Desdemona
“I have not
deserv’d this.”-Desdemona
“If that the earth
could teem with woman’s tears, / Each drop she falls would prove a crocodile.”-Othello