osteology quiz Flashcards
you see cervical vertebrae with process that are vertical. What are they called?
uncinate processes
you see the atlas attached to the head. What joint is that?
attlantooccipital articulation
you see the atlas attached to axis. what joint is that?
atlantoaxial articulation
you see a thoracic vertebra and they point to the superior edge of the body next to the pedicle. what is that?
superior costal facet. also available is inferior costal facet.
you see a lumbar vertebra. on the superior processes there are superficial notches? what are they called.
mamillary processes
you see a clstavicle. How do you know to which it belongs?
the side that articulates with the manubrium is thicker and is like a pyramid. The side the articulates with acromion is a smaller part of the S and is flatter. The big loop of the sticks out in front next to clavicle.
You find a process on the posterior side of the clavicle? what is it? what is next to it and what attaches there?
it is the conoid tubercle.
next to it is the trapozoid ridge and the costoclavicular ligament and subclavius insert there
you see the manubrium and sternum together. what is the name of the joint between them?
suprasternal notch
what is the name of the joint between the sternum and the xiphoid process?
xiphisternal joint
what inserts at the crest of the scapula? what originates?
trapezius and deltoid
what originates at lateral border of scapula? what groove is there?
teres minor/ groove for the scapular circumflex artery
what inserts at the superior angle of scapula?
levator scapulae
what inserts at medial border of scapula?
rhomboid and serratus anterior
you see a tubercle on top of the glenoid fossa? what is its name?
supraglenoid tubercle
you see a tubercle under glenoid fossa? what is it?
infraglenoid tubercle
what originates at coracoid process? inserts?
o: short head of biceps brachii, insertion of pec minor and origin of coracobrachialis
what inserts at lesser tubercle of humerus?
what inserts at greater tubercle?
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor
you see a humerus with a tag on a ridge right above the lateral epicondyle. what is it?
lateral supracondylar ridge.
what originates at lateral epicondyle?
brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus and common extensor tendon
what originates at medial epicondyle?
common flexor tendon
what inserts at olecranon process of ulna? originates?
triceps brachii and anconeus insert
origin: flexor carpi ulnaris
what originates at coronoid process?
pronator teres, flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus
what inserts at ulnar tuberosity?
you see the ulna. under proximal coronoid process, you see a process. what is it?
ulnar tuberosity
what is the name of the interior border of ulna?
interosseous border
what is the crest next to ulnar tuberosity?
supinator crest, origin of supinator
what attaches at styloid process of ulna?
radial collateral ligament of wrist
what inserts at radial tuberosity?
biceps brachii
where is ulnar notch on distal part of radius?
on triangular side of distal end
what is on the inferior side of radius?
articular facets for the scaphoid and lunate
what attaches at greater trochanter?
gluteus minimus and medius, piriformis, gemelli, obturators externus and internus, and quadratus femoris
what attaches at lesser trochanter?
intertrochanteric line, what attaches there?
lateral most attachment of hip joint capsule
between two condyles, anterior, what is there on femur?
patellar surface
posterior , between to condyles, what is it?
intercondylar notch
you see a bump on medial condyle of femur. what is it? what inserts there?
adductor tubercle. adductor magnus inserts there.
distal side of tibia has what two things?
medial malleolus and fibular notch
what do tendons of tibialis posterior and flexor digitorum longus run through?
medial malleolar sulcus
flat surface on head of fibula is most likely?
articular facet for tibia
what is the name of the notch on the head of the fibula? what attaches there?
styloid process. attachment of fibular collateral ligament
you see the calcaneus. what is that thing sticking on the medial side?
the sustentaculum tali
what is the very front of calcaneus?
the head
what is the bulge at the very back of calcaneus?
the tuberosity
what is between the back and head?
You see the hand. what is the ligament that runs across the four lesser metacarpals?
the deep transverse metacarpal ligament
what is ACL and PCL short for?
anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament
you see a nerve on the trapezius. what is it?
the spinal accessory nerve.
where will you find the dorsal scapular nerve?
lateral to the spine, superiorly. it innervates the levator scapulae and the rhomboids.
you see a nerve at the thenar region. what is it?
recurrent branch of median nerve
what is the name of the vein that crosses the basilic and cephalic veins
median cubital vein
cephalic vein is where?
you see the fibular artery on the lateral side of the leg, and you see a branch of it near ankle. what is it?
perforating branch of fibular artery
what is the ulnar collateral ligament divided into?
oblique and transverse bands
there is a ligament tagged going from medial end of ula across wrist bones. what is it?
ulnocarpal ligament
you are in the spinal area and you see a distinct singular long surface with lots of nerves stemming from it. what is it?
conus medullaris
what if you see one single string tagged in spine that isn’t spinal cord.
filum terminale internum
you see a pea sized thing tagged off spine. what is it?
dorsal root ganglion.
you see a muscle right under the clavicle. what is it?
the subclavius
you see an artery going from neck and lining medial border of scapula. what is it?
dorsal scapular artery
you see an artery coming out of occipital triangle. what is it?
vertebral artery
you see an artery on the neck, above scapular region. what is it?
superficial cervical artery