Osteology Flashcards
Which carpal bones articulate with the radius?
scaphoid, lunate
What two important structures do the auditory ossicles connect?
tympanic membrane (outer ear) and oval window (inner ear)
What is the name of the concavity on the lateral side of the coronoid process of the ulna? What does it articulate with?
radial notch
head of the radius
What do fingers 1, 2, and 5 have that fingers 3 and 4 lack? Which toe also has this feature?
Fingers 1, 2, and 5 have sesamoid bones
The first (big) toe
Which bone forms the posterior and inferior walls of the cranium?
occipital bone
Which muscle partially attaches to the coronoid process of the ulna?
What feature of the scapula is a ridge of thickened bone on the posterior aspect of the scapula? Which muscles attach here?
spine of the scapula
deltoid (origin)
trapezius (insertion)
Is the shape of the femur straight, bowed anteriorly or bowed laterally?
bowed anteriorly
Which carpal bone is wedge shaped with a hook? Which muscle partially attaches to this hook?
flexor carpi ulnaris
Name the two structures that make up the vertebral (neural) arch.
List five muscles that insert on the greater trochanter.
piriformis obturator internus gemelli (sup/inf) gluteus minimus gluteus medius
Where is the medial malleolus? What bone does it articulate with?
medial inferior tibia
How is rib 1 atypical?
Shortest, broadest, most curved
Only one articulation with T1
Contains scalene tubercle (separates subclavian vein and artery)
Where on the os coxa does the superior gemellus muscle attach?
Ischial spine
What aperture contains the supraorbital nerve (branch of CN V1) and artery? Where is this aperture located?
supraorbital foramen
frontal bone
Which bones are separated by the lamboid suture?
parietal, temporal, occipital
What makes a rib a “true” rib?
A “true” rib attaches to the sternum via its own cartilage
1st 7 ribs
Which aperture contains the medulla oblongata, the vertebral artery, the meningeal branches of the vertebral artery and the spinal roots of the accessory nerve? Where is this aperture located?
foramen magnum
inferior surface of occipital bone
Which muscles attach to the coccyx?
gluteus maximus
coccygeus muscles
Identify the atypical lumbar vertebra.
Which aperture contains olfactory nerve bundles? Where is this aperture located?
foramina of the cribiform plate
ethmoid bone
How many carpal bones are there in each hand?
Which bone is located between the orbits, deep to the frontal bone?
ethmoid bone
Which sutures form bregma?
sagittal and coronal sutures
Which angle of the scapula is formed by the intersection of the superior and medial borders of the scapula?
superior angle
Where on a typical thoracic vertebra is the transverse costal facet found?
on the transverse process
Which feature of the femur is a lateral mass, located where the neck joins the body, and has superior and lateral projections?
greater trochanter
Which fossa of the scapula is a larger inferior posterior space for the attachment of a muscle that shares its name?
infraspinatus fossa
At what level is the hyoid bone found?
Which is the widest and thickest part of the sternum?
How are T11 and T12 atypical?
each has only one costal facet on their pedicles
Is the kyphotic curve primary or secondary?
Which aperture contains the mental nerve (branch of CN V3) and artery? In which bone is this aperture located?
mental foramen
Which border of the scapula attaches to the serratus anterior muscle anteriorly and the rhomboid muscles and levator scapulae muscle posteriorly.
medial border
What feature of the scapula projects anteriorly and laterally, superior to the spine of the scapula?
coracoid process
Through which structure do the sciatic and pudendal nerves pass?
greater sciatic notch of the ischium
Where is the jugular notch?
superior border of the manubrium
What are the two main functions of the hyoid bone?
attachment site for anterior neck muscles
keeps trachea open
Which fossa of the scapula is a smaller superior posterior site of attachment for a muscle that shares its name?
supraspinatus fossa
Which set of curved bones project into the nasal cavity?
inferior nasal conchae
Which bone of the skull has a mastoid process?
temporal bone
What feature of the humerus articulates with the olecranon process of the ulna?
Which sutures converge at lambda?
sagittal and lamboid
Which bone forms part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and the medial wall of the orbital cavity?
lacrimal bone
Where on the os coxa does the adductor longus muscle attach?
pubic crest
Which aperture contains the mandibular nerve (CN V3)? Where is this aperture located?
foramen ovale
sphenoid bone
List the three parts of the sternum.
manubrium, body, xiphoid
Which medial feature of the humerus is a site of insertion for the subscapularis muscle?
lesser tubercle
Which aperture contains CN III, CN IV, some branches of CN V1, CN VI and the superior ophthalmic vein? Where is this aperture located?
superior orbital fissure
sphenoid bone
Which fossa of the scapula is found on the concave anterior surface and serves as an attachment site for a muscle that shares its name?
subscapular fossa
Is the base of a phalange proximal or distal?
Name two muscles that attach to the head of the fibula?
biceps femoris and soleus
Name three muscles that attach to the styloid process.
stylohyoid, styloglossus, stylopharyngeus
Which angle of the scapula is a blunt concave head that forms the glenoid cavity? Which borders intersect here?
lateral angle
superior and lateral borders
What feature of the humerus accepts the coronoid process of the ulna when the elbow is flexed?
coronoid fossa
Where does the second rib joint the sternum?
sternal angle
What feature of the mandible forms the prominence on the chin?
mental protuberance
Which is shorter: the radius or the ulna?
What makes a rib typical?
typical ribs have a head, tubercle, and shaft
Which bones make up the lateral longitudinal arch of the foot?
calcaneus, cuboid, and two lateral metatarsal bones
How many sesamoid bones are there in a typical hand?
Which muscle attaches to the cuboid bone of the foot? What muscle has a tendon that runs along a groove in the cuboid bone?
flexor hallucis brevis
peroneus (fibularis) longus
Do C1 and C2 have articular facets?
Is the head of a phalange proximal or distal?
What feature of the scapula is a lateral continuation of the spine of the scapula and articulates with the clavicle?
Where on the humerus is the groove for the ulnar nerve?
posterior surface, medial to trochlea
Identify the three atypical cervical vertebrae.
C1, C2, C7
Which carpal bone is four-sided with a prominent tubercle?
List the contents that pass through the mandibular foramen.
inferior alveolar vessels and nerves
Which bone contains the foramen magnum?
occipital bone
Where is the pubic tubercle located?
lateral end of the pubic crest
Which aperture contains the inferior petrosal sinus, CN IX, CN X, CN XI, the sigmoid sinus, and the posterior meningeal artery? Where is this aperture located?
jugular foramen
intersection of the temporal and occipital bones
List five apertures of the temporal bone. Which two of these are formed at the border of the temporal and the occipital bones?
carotid canal, stylomastoid foramen, internal acoustic meatus
foramen lacerum, jugular foramen
Where is the adductor tubercle of the femur? What muscle inserts here?
superior to medial epicondyle
adductor magnus
Which aperture contains the inferior alveolar nerve (branch of CN V3) and artery? Where is this aperture located?
mandibular foramen
Which ribs articulate with the sternum?
ribs 3-6
What paired set of bones form the lateral cranial walls and part of the inferior cranial walls?
parietal bones
At what level can the manubrium be found?
T3 and T4
Which curvatures, when combined, form the primary curve of the spine?
thoracic and pelvic curvatures
What is the other name for a false rib?
vertebrochondral rib
Which bone has lesser wings? What cavity do these wings define?
middle cranial fossa
Name two bones with which the calcaneus articulates.
talus and cuboid
Which nerve passes through the mandibular foramen?
inferior alveolar nerve
Where on the tibia is the fibular notch? What structure articulates with it?
distal end
Which feature of the humerus is laterally located and is the site of insertion of three rotator cuff muscles? Name the three muscles.
greater tubercle
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor
Where on the os coxa does the iliacus muscle attach?
iliac fossa of the ilium
Name the bones that make up the hard palate.
palatine and maxillae
At what level is the sternal (aka manubriosternal) angle?
Which aperture contains the maxillary nerve (CN V2)? Where is this aperture located?
foramen rotundum
sphenoid bone
Through which structure does the pudendal nerve pass?
lesser sciatic notch of the ischium
Which part of the clavicle is convex anteriorly? Which portion is concave anteriorly?
medial 2/3
lateral 1/3
Which bone forms most of the posterior orbital cavity?
sphenoid bone
Which ribs are vertebrochondral (“false”)?
ribs 8, 9, 10
Which two structures form the floor of the nasal cavity?
palatine process of the maxillae and horizontal plate of the palatine bone
Which lateral feature of the humerus is located midway down the shaft, serving as a site of insertion of the deltoid muscle?
deltoid tuberosity
List five bones that articulate with the frontal bone.
lacrimal, ethmoid, sphenoid, zygomatic, nasal bones
Which bone forms the roof of the orbit and part of the floor of the cranial cavity?
frontal bone
Where on the tibia does the semimembranosus muscle attach?
medial condyle
Where is the calcaneal tuberosity located? Name the three tubercles that form this tuberosity.
posterior aspect of the calcaneus.
medial, lateral, and anterior tubercles
Which muscles attach to the olecranon of the ulna?
triceps brachii, anconeus, part of flexor carpi ulnaris
Which toe is lacking a middle phalange?
the big toe
Which set of bones is located between the maxilla and the the ethmoid on each side of the face?
lacrimal bones
Which metatarsal bones articulate with the cuboid bone?
IV and V
Which three bones form the roof of the nasal cavity?
ethmoid, frontal, sphenoid bones
Name four structures that pass through the intervertebral foramen.
intervertebral artery, vein, and lymphatic channels, spinal nerve
where is the linea aspera? List six muscles that attach here.
posterior aspect of shaft of the femur
adductors longus, brevis, and magnus, vastus lateralis and medialis, short head of biceps femoris
Which gland is lateral to the styloid process?
parotid gland
Which pair of bones form the posterior portion of the hard palate?
palatine bones
Which aperture contains the emissary vein? Where is this aperture located?
foramen cecum
frontal bone
Which bone transfers weight to the talus?
Name seven muscles that attach to the body of the fibula.
peroneus longs, tertius, and brevis; soleus, extensors digitorum and hallucis longus; flexor hallucis longus
Which bones are separated by the coronal suture?
frontal and parietal bones
Which ribs are typical?
Ribs 3 to 9
Which cervical vertebra does not have a spinous process or a body?
C1 (atlas)
Which skull bone articulates with the atlas?
occipital bone
Which carpal bone is pea-shaped? Which muscle partially attaches to it?
flexor carpi ulnaris
Name the bone that holds the upper teeth.
List five muscles that attach to the metacarpals.
flexors and externsors carpi (ulnaris and radialis), abductor pollicus longus
On which bone is the mental protuberance found?
Where on the tibia is the soleal line? What muscle originates here?
it runs inferiorly and medially to the medial border
soleus muscle
What feature of the humerus articulates with the radius?
Which fossa of the scapula is a shallow oval concave cavity that articulates with the head of the humerus?
glenoid cavity
Where on the os coxa does the pectineus muscle attach?
on superior ramus and pectenial line of the pubis
What feature of the humerus accepts the head of the radius when the elbow is flexed?
radial fossa
Name the four bones that make up the pelvis.
sacrum, coccyx, and two hip bones
Which feature of the femur extends medially from the junction of the neck and the body? Name the muscle that inserts here.
lesser trochanter
iliopsoas muscle
Do muscle insert on cuneiform bones of the foot?
How many phalanges are there in each foot?
Name two specific surfaces that the head of the radius articulate with.
capitulum of the humerus and the radial notch of the ulna
Which aperture contains CN II and the ophthalmic artery? Where is the aperture located?
optic canal
sphenoid bone
Which paired structures form the anterior portion of the hard palate?
palatine processes of the maxillae
Name the three bones that each maxilla articulate with.
nasal, zygomatic, and frontal
Where on the os coxa do the adductor magnus, the long head of the biceps femoris, the semiteninosus, quadratus femoris, and semimembranosus muscles attach?
ischial tuberosity
Which muscle attaches to the styloid process of the radius?
Which border of the scapula runs parallel to the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae when the scapula is in anatomic position?
medial border
What are the contents of the sacral hiatus?
terminal filum of the spinal cord, S5 nerve and coccygeal nerve
Where on lumbar vertebrae do medial intertransverse lumborum muscles attach?
accessory process of the transverse process
What muscles originate from the lateral epicondyle of the femur?
popliteus and lateral head of gastrocnemius
Where on the os coxa do the adductor brevis, adductor magnus and gracilis muscles attach?
inferior ramus of the pubis
Which bone contains a fossa that is bound inferiorly by the zygomatic arch?
temporal bone
Where are the superior articular surfaces on the tibia? Name four muscles that attach here.
on the posterior surface
popliteus, soleus, flexor digitorum longus, tibialis posterior muscles
Identify the ribs that have only one facet.
ribs 10, 12
Which aperture of the skull is mostly plugged with cartilage? Where is this aperture located?
foramen lacerum
junction of temporal and occipital bones
Is the cuboid bone of the foot lateral or medial? Is it in the proximal or distal row of tarsal bones?
Which is the strongest bone in the foot?
Name the flat area of bone located between the eyebrows and above the nose.
Which angle of the scapula is formed by the medial and lateral borders of the scapula?
inferior angle
How many phalanges are there in each hand?
Which bone of the skull contains a sieve-like structure on either side of a crista galli? What is this structure called?
ethmoid bone
cribriform plate
Which aperture contains CN XII? Where is this aperture located?
hypoglossal canal
occipital bone
Where on the os coxa does the rectus femoris muscle attach?
on the body of the ilium
Which aperture contains CN VII and CN VIII? Where is this aperture located?
internal acoustic meatus
temporal bone
On which ribs can cartilage be found?
all ribs
Which ribs are atypical?
ribs 1, 2, 10, 12
Which aperture contains CN VII? Where is this aperture located?
stylomastoid foramen / internal acoustic meatus
temporal bone
Which suture is H-shaped? Which bones meet here?
frontal, pareital, sphenoid, temporal bones
How many processes are there on a typical vertebra?
seven (four articular, two transverse, one spinous)
Which bone of the foot is boat-shaped? Name four other bones that articulate with this bone.
medial, intermediate, and lateral cuneiforms; talus
Where on the os coxa does the sartorius muscle attach?
Where on the humerus is the olecranon fossa found? What is its purpose?
posterior surface on the distal end of the humerus
accepts the olecranon of the ulna
Where on the os coxa do the obturator externus and internus muscles attach?
ramus of the ischium
Which bone of the leg supports body weight?
Which bone articulates with almost every other bone of the skull?
sphenoid bone
How is rib 2 atypical?
two facets and a tubercle for muscle attachments
Name the shortest, broadest, and most curved rib.
rib 1
Which cuneiform bone of the foot is the largest? Which is the smallest?
Which U-shaped bone lies at the level of C3 vertebrae?
hyoid bone
Where is the lateral malleolus found? Which bone does it articulate with?
distal end of fibula
Where on the os coxa does the quadratus femoris attach?
on the body of the ischium
Where are the lateral and medial sesamoid bones of the foot located? Which ligaments cover them?
plantar surface of the foot at the head of the first metatarsal
plantar ligaments
Which motion is prohibited by lumbar vertebrae?
Which bones connect the nose to the forehead, forming the bridge of the nose?
nasal bones
Which aperture contains the posterior ethmoidal artery, vein and nerve? Where is this aperture located?
posterior ethmoidal foramen
cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
Which suture separates the parietal bones?
sagittal suture
Which is the longest and heaviest bone in the body?
Which aperture contains the infraorbital nerve (branch of CN V2) and artery? Where is this aperture located?
infraorbital foramen
How many ribs are considered “true” ribs?
Which carpal bone is wedge-shaped?
Which carpal bone articulates with the articular of the distal radioulnar joint?
Which bone contains the supraorbital notch? What are the contents of this foramen?
frontal bone
supraorbital artery, nerve, and vein
Which cervical vertebra has an odontoid process?
C2 (axis)
Name the medial projection on the distal portion of the calcaneus. What bone articulates here?
sustentaculum tali
head of the talus
What are the superior and inferior shapes of the bodies of C3-C6 vertebrae?
concave superior, convex inferior
How many metacarpal bones are there in each hand?
Which bone has greater wings? What muscles attach here?
lateral pterygoid and temporalis muscles
Which muscle attaches to the trapezoid line of the clavicle?
trapezoid muscle via the trapezoid ligament
What is the name given to the ridge on the lateral aspect of the calcaneus?
fibular trochlea
Which bone forms the posterior part of the nasal septum?
Where is the intertrochanteric crest? What muscle originates here?
posterior femur, between greater and lesser trochanter
quadratus femoris
Identify the five atypical thoracic vertebrae.
T1, T9, T10, T11, T12
Which neck of the humerus (anatomical or surgical) is inferior to the lesser and greater tubercles of the humerus?
surgical neck
Which bone of the skull has a superior nuchal line? List the three muscles that attach here.
occipital bone
trapezius, SCM, splenius capitis muscles
Identify the two tubercles on the scapula that border the glenoid cavity.
supra- and infra- glenoid tubercles
Name the three bones that make up the auditory ossicles.
malleus, incus, and stapes
What gives the thoracic wall its elasticity?
costal cartilage
Which aperture contains the internal carotid artery? Where is this aperture located?
carotid canal
temporal bone
Name the two structures that form the intervertebral foramen.
superior and inferior vertebral notch
Which tendon of the foot has a groove formed by the sustentaculum tali?
tendon of flexor hallucis longus
How many sesamoid bones are there typically in each foot?
Where is the intertrochanteric line? What muscle originates here?
anterior femur, between greater and lesser trochanter
vastus medialis muscle
Which landmark forms the most prominent projection of the occipital bone at the posterior inferior part of the skull?
Where on the tibia is the tuberosity? What attaches here?
anterior border
patellar ligament of quadriceps femoris muscle
Where is the gluteal tuberosity? What muscle inserts here?
femur, proximal to the lateral lip of the linera aspera.
gluteus maximus
Which nerve passes through the superior scapular notch?
subscapular nerve
Name the two bones that articulate with and are inferior to the frontal bone.
zygomatic and nasal bones
Which bones form the vertex (apex of the skull)?
parietal bones
Which is the only tarsal bone that has no muscle or tendon attachments?
Where on the humerus is the groove for the radial nerve?
posterior aspect of the shaft, medial to the deltoid tuberosity
Which aperture contains the middle meningeal artery and vein and the meningeal branch of the mandibular nerve (CN V3)? Where is this aperture located?
foramen spinosum
sphenoid bone
Which cervical vertebra has a long non-bifid spinous process?
Where is the pectineal line of the femur? What two muscles insert here?
runs from the proximal end of the linea aspera to the base of the lesser trochanter
pectineus and adductor brevis muscles
Name the bones that make up the os coxa.
ilium, pubis, and ischium
What muscle attaches to the subclavian groove of the clavicle? Where is the groove found?
subclavius muscle
medial 1/3 of the clavicle
Where on a typical thoracic vertebra is the superior costal facet found? Which rib number does it articulate with (same, one higher, one lower)?
on the body
articulates with the head of the rib of the same number
Which vertebrae have bodies that are kidney-shaped?
lumber vertebrae
Which border of the scapula runs superiorly and laterally towards the apex of the axilla and is the origin of the teres major and minor muscles?
lateral (axillary) boder
Which muscle attaches to the tuberosity of the radius?
biceps brachii
Which aperture contains the anterior ethmoidal artery, vein, and nerve? Where is this aperture located?
anterior ethmoidal foramen
cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
Name four bones with which the talus articulates.
tibia, fibula, calcaneus, navicular
Which bones have a styloid process?
ulna, radius, and temporal bone
Which neck of the humerus (anatomical or surgical) connects the head of the humerus to the shaft of the humerus?
anatomical neck
Which carpal bone has a round head?
What is the name of the obstetric landmark that projects on the anterior surface of S1?
sacral promontory
Which is the widest of the cervical vertebrae?
C1 (atlas)
Which border of the scapula is the shortest and the thinnest?
superior border
Between which other landmarks is the neck of the radius located?
the head and tuberosity
Which bone forms the sella turcica?
sphenoid bone
How is T1 atypical?
one coastal facet for the head of rib 1 and a demifacet for the cranial part of rib 2
Which bone has a pterygoid process? Which muscles attach here?
sphenoid bone
lateral and medial pterygoid muscles
The styloid process of the skull is a part of which bone?
temporal bone
Is there a intervertebral disc between C1 and C2?
Where on the tibia is Gerdy’s tubercle? What inserts here?
superior anterior surface
iliotibial tract
How many pairs of sacral foramina are there?
How many metatarsals are there in each foot?
Which suture separates the parietal and the temporal bones from the occipital bones and is shaped like an inverted U?
lamboid suture
Which tendon attaches to the supraglenoid tubercle?
tendon of the long head of the biceps muscle
Which cuneiform bone of the foot articulates with the cuboid bone?
lateral cuneiform
Define choanae.
posterior opening from the nasal cavity to the nasopharynx
How are ribs 10 and 12 atypical?
each only has one facet
Name the five parts that make up a typical vertebra.
pedicles (2), lamina (2), transverse processes (2), articular processes (4), spinous process (1)
Which paired set of bones may contain foramen that transmit the emissary vein from scalp to venous sinus of the cranial cavity?
parietal bones
Which bone forms the posterior portion of the hard palate?
palatine bone
Where on lumbar vertebrae do multifidus and medial intertransverse muscles attach?
mamillary processes
How is the hyoid bone stabilized superiorly? Inferiorly?
superiorly: suspended from stylohyoid ligaments which connect to the styloid process of the temporal bone
inferiorly: bound to thyroid cartilage
What is the other name for true rib?
vertebrocostal rib
Which accessory bone of the neck has no articulation with other bones?
hyoid bone
Where on a typical thoracic vertebra is the inferior costal facet found? Which rib number does it articulate with (same, one higher, one lower)?
on the body
articulates with head of rib one number higher
How is the body of the tibia shaped?
Name the four fossae of the scapula.
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapular fossa, glenoid cavity
What feature of the humerus is the site of origin of pronator teres and common flexor tendons of the forearm?
medial epicondyle
Which cervical vertebra may or may not carry a vertebral artery in its transverse foramen?
List five apertures of the sphenoid bone.
optic canal, superior orbital fissure, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, and foramen spinosum
List six contents of the intervertebral foramen.
spinal nerve, intervertebral artery and vein, intervertebral lymphatic vessels, peripheral nerve roots and meningeal sleeves, adipose tissue
At what level can the xiphoid be found?
How is T10 atypical?
only one costal facet
Identify the three angles of the scapula.
inferior, superior, and lateral
What muscle attaches to the deltoid tubercle of the clavicle?
deltoid muscle
At what level is the sternum found?
What feature of the humerus is located between the lesser and greater tubercles? What structure passes through it?
intertubercular groove
tendon of long head of the biceps passes through it
Where is the tuberosity of the ulna? Which muscle attaches to the tuberosity of the ulna?
inferior to the coronoid process
brachialis muscle
How many tarsals are there in each foot?
Which tendon attaches to the infraglenoid tubercle?
long tendon of the triceps muscle
how many ribs are considered floating ribs?
What feature of the humerus is the site of origin of aconeus and the common extensor tendons of the forearm?
lateral epicondyle
Which bone of the skull has a perpendicular plate? What structure does this plate form?
ethmoid bone
superior nasal septum
Which bones make up the medial longitudinal arch of the foot?
calcaneus, talus, navicular, three cuneiforms, and three medial metatarsals
Is the lordotic curve primary or secondary?
Which pair of bones forms the superior portion of the cheek, the inferior lateral wall of the orbit and the anterior portion of the zygomatic arch on each side of the face?
zygomatic bones
Which cervical vertebrae have bifid spinous processes?
Where on the os coxa do the gluteal muscles attach?
iliac wing