Osteoarthritis Flashcards
What is osteoarthritis?
Disorder of synovial joints which occurs when damage triggers repair processes leading to structural changes within a joint.
Which joints are most typcialla affected by Osteoarthritis?
Small joint of Hands
(Shoulder, Spine)
What are the main pathological features of OA?
- Localized loss of cartilage
- Remodelling of adjacent bone and the formation of osteophytes (new bone at joint margins).
- Mild synovitis (inflammation of the synovial membrane that lines the joint capsule).

What is the epidemiology of OA
- Affects 25% of person aged >60
- 70% radiological changes
- (Women>Men)
- More common in caucasians, asians
What are risk factors for the development of OA?
- Genetic
- Female
- Increasing Age
- Obesity
- High and Low bone density
- stress, exercise, heavy loads
- damage, injury, reduced muscle strength, malingnacy
What are presenting Symptoms of Osteoarthritis?
Activity-related joint pain
Without or with morning stiffnes/stiffnes after rest <30min
Functional impaimrnet
What are signs of OA on exmaination?
- Crepitus on movement
- Hard swelling/Nodes
- Restricted Movement
- Joint effusions (uncommon except for the knee).
- Joint warmth and/or tenderness (there may be synovitis)
- Muscle wasting and weakness, joint instability
What are investigations that should be done in OA?
Ask about impact on life
- Clinical diagnosis with exclusion of DD
What are the presenting signs and symptoms of OA in the Hand?
carpometacarpal (CMC) joint at the base of the thumb, the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint, and the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint.
- wasting thenar muscles
- Osteophytes and subluxation –> squaring
- Heberden’s and Bouchard’s nodes

What are signs and symptoms of OA in the hip?
- deep groin, radiating to thig, buttock, knee
- worse on activity (climbing stairs), can occur at rest (distrubling sleep)
Restriction of movement
- internal rotation with hip flexed
- Fixed flaxion on external rotation
- with pelvic tilt and lumbar loidosis
- antalgig (lurge towards affected hip, less time spent)
- trendelenburg

What are signs and symptoms of OA at the knee?
- Bilaterail symmetrical (if unilateral due too trauma/disease)
- Localised to affected compartment (Medial+lateral tibiofemorl/patellofemoral)
- Medial: anteriomedial pain in walking
- Lateral: lateralmedial pain when walking
- Patellofemoral: anterior pain worse when stairs (going down) + prolonged sitting
- Giving Way
- Locking
- Crepituss
- Restriction of movement
- small - moderate effusion and synovitis

What are X-Ray finding of OA?
- include subchondral bone thickening and/or cysts;
- osteophyte formation (new bone formation at joint margins)
- loss or narrowing of the joint space (provides an estimate of the severity of cartilage damage).

Which investigations would you do in a patient with osteoarthritis?
- Clinical might be supported by
X-ray of joint
- Joint space narrowing
- Loss of cartilage
- Subchondral cyst
- Subchondral sclerosis
- Osteophytes
- Synovial FLuid analysis (to exclude differnetials)