Osseous Defects Flashcards
osseous defects
clinically termed infrabony defects (pockets), intraosseous defects or intrabony defects
how does osseous defects appear on radiographics?
angular bone defects (also known as vertical bone loss)
how are osseous defects categorized clinically?
by the number of remaining walls
how else are osseous defects classified?
- deep vs shallow
2. narrow vs wide
which osseous defect has the best chance for fill following regenerative perio surgery?
deep, narrow three-walled osseous defect
which defect has no chance for fill?
shallow, wide 1 walled defect
bony dehiscence
buccal or lingual bone is partially absent (but may still have attachment)
window in the bone
regarding different osseous defects, which is the most common one?
crater (has 2 remaining walls - buccal and lingual)
hemiseptal defect
one wall on the proximal
termed hemiseptal because it appears that one half of the septum is intact
moat defect (also called continuous one-walled defect and a circumferential defect)
osseous defects completely around tooth
interdental crater
two-walled defect (buccal and lingual walls)
what is the most common osseous defect?
interdental crater
what are the most common bony defects?
interproximal craters
what does interproximal craters represent
perio disease progression