Organization of neck as well as bony and cartilaginous landmarks Flashcards
Posterior Vertebral Unit
Includes spinal cord, vertebrae and back muscles.
Surrounded by prevertebral fascia.
Anterior Visceral unit
Esophagus and trachea.
Delineated by pre-tracheal fascia.
Carotid sheath:
Major vessels in the neck plus the vagus nerve. The sheath is derived from prevertebral fascia, pre tracheal fascia, and deep cervical fascia.
The posterior vertebral unit, Anterior visceral unit, and the carotid sheath all lie within which fascia?
The investing layer of deep cervical fascia.
Mastoid process
Part of temporal bone
Styloid process
Part of temporal bone derived from 2nd pharyngeal arch
Hyoid bone
Located at the angle between the floor of the mouth and superior end of the neck. Parts include: Body, Lesser and greater horns.
Thyrohyoid membrane
Extends between thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone
Thyroid cartilage
houses voice box. Laryngeal prominence (Adams apple) extends anteriorly
Cricothyroid membrane
extends to cricoid and thyroid cartilages
cricoid cartilage
inferior to thyroid cartilage and superior to first tracheal ring at the level of C6
Composed of C-shaped cartilages; solid anteriorly open posteriorly
Constitutes the lower jaw
Mylohyoid Groove
Groove which runs a neurovascular bundle to ant digastric and mylohyoid muscles.
Mylohoid line
where mylohoid muscle attaches to mandible
submandibular fossa
hollow for submandibular gland inferior to the mylohoid line
sublingual fossa
hollow for sublingual gland, anteriolry, superior to the mylohyoid line.
digastric fossa
Attachment site for an. digastric muscle.