Anterior Triangle Flashcards
Boundaries of the anterior triangle
- Median line of the neck
- anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
- inferior border of the mandible
Superficial structures within anterior triangle
- Platysma muscle.
- retromandibular v.
- facialv
- external jugular v
- anterior jugular v
- communicating v
Platysma muscle
Muscle of facial expression that have migrated onto neck and dragged the facial nerve with them.
Removal of platysma reveals superficial veins that drain the superficial head and neck.
Retromandibular v
formed from maxillary and superficial temporal veins. connects external jugular and common facial veins
facial vein
drains face into the internal jugular vein.
External jugular v
crosses sternocleidomastoid muscle
anterior jugular v
located near the midline
communicating v
between anterior jugular and common facial v
muscular triangle boundaries
Superior belly of omohyoid m. anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and median line of the neck.
Muscular triangle contains
infrahyoid or strap muscle. part of rectus cervesis.
superficial group
-Superior belly of omohyoid m
- Superior belly of omohyoid m: Depresses hyoid bone.
- sternohyoid muscle: depresses hyoid bone
Deep group:
Thyrohyoid: depresses hyoid bone
Sternohyoid: Depresses hyoid bone
Deeper structures of the muscular triangle:
- Thyroid gland which is deep to strap muscle.
- Parathyroid gland.
- Recurrent laryngeal n
Thyroid gland:
Deep to strap muscle:
- Isthmus connects the two lobes of the thyroid gland
- pyramidal lobe: if present it ascends from isthmus sometimes as high as the hyoid bone
- It is an endocrine organ, therefore, its blood supply rich,
- -The superior, middle and inferior thyroid v drain it
- -superior, middle and inferior thyroid arteries supply it,
- thyroid ima occasionally supplies the thyroid gland inferiorly from brachiocephalic artery.
Parathyroid gland:
Critical for Calcium and phosphorous metabolism. 2-6 are located on the posterior-medial surface of thyroid lobes. (hard to see in cadaver but easy in live person)
Recurrent laryngeal nerve (Branch of CN)
Runs in the groove next to esophagus just deep to thyroid gland. normally recurs around right subclavian or aorta.