Face and scalp muscles of facial expression Flashcards
What muscles move scalp and external ears?
- occipitofrontalis muscle which is facial muscle over the scalp. (Galea aponeurotica broad flat apenrousis between the frontal and occipital bellies of the muscle.
- Auricularis; three auricularis (Anterior, posterior and superior) They all move the pinnae.
What muscles forms sphincters the eyes, nose, and mouth?
- Eyes; oricularis oculi m; orbital portion extends beyond orbital margin; palpebral portion runs along eyelids.
- Nasalis muscle around the nose (duh)
- Orbicularis oris m (Contraction of this muscle puckers the lips)
What is the function of the levator labii superioris muscle;
elevates the upper lip as in showing teeth
The function of the zygomaticus major and minor?
elevates corner of the mouth (SMILE)
Depressor anguli oris muscle?
pulls the corner of the mouth as in frown
What is the function of the buccinator muscle? What is the buccal fat pad?
- deep facial muscle; presses cheeks against molar teeth to push food onto occlusive surfaces
- Its covered by the buccal fad pad
What is the supratrochlear artery branch off? where is it located?
- Branch of internal carotid artery
- found on the forehead medial to the corner of the eye
What is the supraorbital a branch of and where does it exist?
- Branch of internal carotid artery
- Exits skull from supraorbital foramen
- lateral to the supratrochlear artery
What is the transverse facial artery branch of? where does it pass?
- Branch of the superficial temporal artery
- passes superior to parotid duct
What is the facial artery branch of? where is it located?
- Chief artery of face; branch of external carotid artery
- crosses the mandible anterior to masseter m. climbs towards the medial corner of the eye. lies anterior to facial vein
What is the function of the facial vein? why is it clinically important and where does it run?
- Runs posterior to the facial artery
- provides facial drainage of the face
- make a connection with veins in the braincase and infections can be transmitted to the brain
Where is the sensory innervation of the face derived from?
What are the V1 branches and where are they located?
- Lacrimal nerve; sensory to lateral corner of orbit.
- Supratrochlear and supraorbital nerves; runs with arteries of the same name and supply medial scalp
- Infratrochlear n; sensory of the medial corner of eye and side of nose
- External nasal nerve; located on side of the nose
What are the V2 branches and what do they supply?
- Zygomaticotemporal n; covers area just posterior to orbit. Enters foramen of the same name
- Zygomaticofacial n- Covers lateral cheek and enters foramen of the same name
- infraorbital n; enters infraorbital foramen after covering upper jaw
What are v3 branches and what do they supply?
- auriculotemporal nerve; supplies skin infront of ear and side of head
- buccal n; supplies skin over cheek
- mental n; enter the mental foramen after supplying the lower jaw
What is trigeminal neuralgia?
-most common cranial nerve neuralgia; excruciating pain in one or more dermatomes of the nerve.
What are the motor nerves of superficial face
supplied by facial nerve CN VII
- Temporal branch- supplies frontalis and orbicularis oculi m
- Buccal branches- to muscles over the cheek
- mandibular branches- muscles over the lower jaw
- cervical branches: supply platysma
- Occipital branch goes to the occipital region
- auricular branch goes to the auricle
How is the nose formed?
- Pairing of the lateral cartilage
- septal cartilage
- the pairing of the alar cartilage
What are palpebral rima or fissure?
opening between the lids
What is the iris? pupil? Cornea? Sclera? tarsal glands?
- Iris; colored diaphragm seen thru cornea
- pupil; apreture in iris
- cornea; clear anterior 1/6 of outer coat of eyeball
- sclera White, posterior 5/6 of outer coat of eyeball
- Tarsal glands- open just posterior to cilia; seals lids
What is the conjunctiva?
membrane lining sac
- fornicas is where the conjunctiva reflects off eye and onto eyeball
- conjuntcival sac- potential space between lids and eyeball
What does the lacrimal gland provide?
in upper corner provides tears
What is cauncula? Lacus lacrimalis? Lacrimal papillae? Lacrimal puncta? Lacrimal sac? Nasolacrimal duct?
- caruncula reddish lump in lacus
- lacus lacrimalis; space between medial ends of upper and lower lids
- Lacrimal papilae; small papillae near medial canthus on upper and lower lids
- lacrimal puncta; small orfices in papillae that drain lacus into canalculis
- lacrimal sac; drains canaliculus
- naslolacrimal duct’ drains into nasal cavity
What are the 5 layers of the scalp?
-connective tissue (Contains major blood vessles and nerves of scalp)
-apeneurosis of occipitofrontalis m
-loose connective tissue
pericarnia (Periosteum of skull bones)