Organisms & Their Environment, Human Influences on Ecosystems, Biotechnology & Genetic Modification Flashcards
How is energy allocated in an organism [2]
1) 10% of energy is stored in the organism as biomass
2) 90% of energy is lost through egestion, excretion, and respiration
Producers define
Organisms that make their own organic nutrients from sunlight using photosynthesis
Define consumer
Organisms that get their energy by consuming another organism
Rank of consumer
Primary -> Secondary -> tertiary -> Quaternary
How does the arrow point in the food chain?
From nutrient source to predator
Food webs vs food chain
Food webs shows all food chains within an ecosystem and all of the possible ways the energy could be transferred
Food pyramids use
Tell us the population numbers of different trophic levels. It does not always have to be pyramid shaped
Food pyramids of biomass [2]
1) Measure the differences in the total proportion of mass between different trophic levels
2) Always pyramid shape, as it accounts for size of organism
How much energy is passed from one trophic level to the next as biomass
Ways energy is lost
waste, respiration, maintaining body temperature etc
Why are pyramids of energy preferred over pyramids of number [2]
1) Pyramids of number does not account for life span or size
2) Pyramids of biomass account for different sizes, lifespans, and different types of biomass have different energy requirements
Why does the farmer rather farm seaweed than salmon [3]
1) Seaweed is at lower trophic level
2) Energy is lost between trophic levels (10% transfer)
3) Energy lost in respiration, heat, and movement
Explain how some mammals are able to stay in cold water for a long time compared to a reptile. [5]
1) Vasoconstriction will redirect blood away into vital organs
2) Fur and fat under skin
3) Poor conductor of heat
4) Generate heat by shivering
5) Fats help insulate the body
Risks of untreated sewage to marine ecosystems [2]
1) Negative impacts and can lead to eutrophication of water
2) This eventually creates an oxygen-deprived environment where very little can survive
Steps of eutrophication [6]
1) Excessive nutrients from fertilisers run off from land into water
2) Aquatic plants flourish and grow rapidly
3) Algae also show rapid growth
4) Algae bloom prevents sunlight from reaching aquatic plants, water oxygen levels fall
5) Decomposition rate increases, aerobic respiration of decomposers reduces dissolved oxygen further
6) Death of organisms requiring dissolved oxygen in water (Anoxic environment = no oxygen in water)
Plastic pollution - Oceans [3]
1) Animals can eat plastics and become caught in it
2) Plastics can release toxins in to the water
3) Small microplastics can be ingested by marine organisms and enter the food chain
Plastic pollution - land [2]
1) Buried in landfills
2) Toxins in plastic leech in to the soil, making it unfit for growing crops or livestock
Air pollution - greenhouse gases [2]
1) Humans are responsible for elevated levels of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere
2) leads of global warming and climate change