Drugs Flashcards
Define hormone
A chemical substance produced by a gland, transported by blood, and that alters the acitivities of organs
Explain why deamination happens
Deamination occurs when excess amino acids are absorbed in the blood, these cannot be stored, NH2 is removed.
explain process of deamination [4]
1) Enzymes in the liver split up the amino acid molecules
2) Carbon is turned into glycogen and stored
3) Nitrogen turned into ammonia then urea
4) Urea is dissovled into blood and it is taken to the kidney to be excreted
Describe how lactic acid is processed
1) Excreted into the blood and transported into the liver
2) Where it is oxidised producing carbon dioxide and water
3) Lactic acid + Oxygen -> Carbon dioxide + water
Explain the importance of osmoregulation to the cells
1) concentration of the solutions inside and outside the cells are similar
2) If tissue fluid / blood plasma was more dilute than the cells, water would move into the cells by osmosis causing cells to burst
3) If tissue fluid / blood plasma was more concentrated than the cells, water would move out of the cells causing cells to shrivel up
why is there no protein in the filtrate
protein molecules are too large to leave the blood in the glomerulus during ultrafiltration
Define tropism
Plant growth respond to stimulus
Define gravitropism
Plant growth respond to stimulus of gravityD
Define phototropism
Plant growth resond to stimulus of sunlight
Explain the response of stems to gravity [4]
1) Auxin is produced in the tip
2) Moves to the lower side
3) Causes cells to elongate
4) Stem grows upwards
explain how imulses are transported through synapse [4]
1) Neurotransmitters released diffuse across the cleft
2) Attached to receptors on the postsynpatic membrane
3) Triggers an impulse which travels along the postsynpatic neurone
4) Neurotransmitters are recycled or destroyed after the signal is sent
Define involuntary action
A response to a stimulus without thinking, automatic and fast
The organs of the human body are coordinated by the nervous system list one other way it can be coordinated
Hormones secreted into the blood to stimulate target organs
Explain why glucose needs to be converted to glycogen for storage rather than
remaining dissolved in the blood [3]
1) glucose is soluble, glycogen is insoluble
2) Glucose concentration in the blood lowers water potential
3) Much larger quantity can be stored
Explain why antibiotics, such as penicillin, kill bacteria but not viruses. [2]
1) Antibiotics ruptures cell walls and stop cell wall growth; virus have no cell walls
2) Antibiotics stop enzymes working, Viruses have no enzyme
Define drug
A substance taken into the body that affects the chemical reactions in organs
Why you shouldn’t just stop taking antibiotics after feeling better [2]
1) Not all the pathogens may be dead which means resistant pathogens may remain and continue to exists if they develop resistance
2) The disease can reappear/reinfect
Explain how bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics and how humans can reduce the problem [6]
1) Mutation in bacteria causes it to have the resistance gene
2) There is variation in how bacteria can survive, the strongest one will live to reproduce due to natural selection
3) The offsprings will carry on this gene and every bacteria produces very quickly
4) Bacteria without resistance genes won’t reproduce and die out
5) Humans need to finish off a course of antibiotics to kill all bacteria
6) Only taking antibiotic when necessary
Describe the changes that occur to the blood as it flows through the dialysis machine [3]
1) Urea conc decrease
2) Salt conc decreases
3) Glucose can increase, decrease, or stay the same
Define excretion
the removal of the waste substances of metabolic reactions, toxic materials and substances in excess of requirements.
Products of yeast anaerobic respiraiton
Carbon dioxide and alchohol
muscle that contracts
to lower the ribcage
Internal intercoastal muscle
Describe the mechanism of inspiration. [4]
1) External intercoastal muscles contract & internal intercoastal muscles relax
2) diaphragm contracts
3) volume of, thorax increases
4) pressure in thorax decreases ;
air flows in down a pressure gradient
What are the receptors of light
Rods and cones
Describe how rods and cones function
light absorbed (by a pigment) ;
rods detect low light (intensity) ;
give ‘black and white’ vision / do not detect colour ;
provide night vision / AW ;
cones detect high light (intensity) ;
cones detect colour ;
any detail, e.g. three different types of cone ;
convert light into (electrical) impulses ;
impulses sent to brain ;
via, neurones / sensory nerve / optic nerve ;
Pancrease secrete [2]
Where is adrenaline secreted from
The kidney
Name organ that stores glucose as glycogen.
Define antibiotic
Antibiotics are chemical substances made by certain fungi or bacteria that affect the working of bacterial cells, either by disrupting their structure or function or by preventing them from reproducing.
Suggest why some antibiotics are used less frequently than others [3]
bacteria are resistant to some antibiotic ;
ref. to selection ;
result of overuse ;
some are specific ;
some antibiotics used for rare disease(s) ;
some only used as last resort ;
have (many / unpleasant) side-effects / harmful / cause
allergy ;
too expensive ;
cannot be used on children ;
AVP ; ref. to other uses, e.g. on animals
How the normal glucose concentration of the blood is maintained in dialysis
dialysing solution / dialysate, contains glucose ;
glucose / sugar, diffuses / moves ;
(until blood is) at, correct / normal, concentration ; A amount / level
Explain the changes in urea concentration in the blood [4]
increase (urea) produced in liver ;
deamination ;
amino acids ;
decrease diffuses, out of blood / into dialysate;
through (dialysis) membrane ;
ref to concentration gradient / no urea in
dialysate ;
Describe how urea is transported in the blood to the kidney
Dissolved in plasma
Function of capsule
Collects filtrate
Function of tubule
(selective) reabsorption ;
reabsorbs, water / glucose / salts / minerals / ions /
amino acid
Function of collecting duct
(re)absorbs water / passes urine to pelvis or ureter ;
Function of glomerulus
Filtering blood
Functions of ribs
Prevent the collapse of lung due to pressure change
Can increase or decrease to change volume