Organisational Design Flashcards
What contingent factors should influence the structure?
Technology-Woodward found a link
Size of organisation-research Aston University said this was most important
Organisation environment- the more turbulent the more organic
What did Child say about environments?
Large organisation can manipulate their environment e.g. Walmart
What is a virtual network structure?
Individuals operate separately from head office
Organisation may not do what most famous for e.g. Nike
Hub organisation might impose structures on the partner or might let devise their own
What is an organic structure?
Effective in turbulent environments Network of control Employees committed to task not organisations Communication not just top-down Informal and flexible
What is the divisional structure?
Entire division set up to do with all aspects of product or service e.g. General Motors
Divisions contained
Headquarters coordinate overall strategy
What is a matrix structure and what are the criticisms?
Multi reporting
Easier collaborative reporting
Potential for ambiguity
Confusion in reporting
What are project team structures?
Temporary setup for specific purpose
Cross functional
Facilitate cross facilitation of ideas
Describe the bureaucracy model of structure
What the criticisms?
Tasks allocated according to certified expertise
Controlled through hierarchy
Formal rules and procedures
Recruit and promote based on clear criteria and qualifications
Unable to cope in change
What does Daft say about organisation structure?
There needs to be a move away from rigid bureaucratic forms of structure so an organisation can respond quickly to the needs of the environment
What do Leach and Wall say about job redesign?
Recommend increasing number of tasks through enrichment or enlargement
Describe direct and indirect control
Direct control-stress on prescribed procedures with minimal commitment from employees
In direct control - discretion as to how employees perform tasks-high commitment and mutual trust
What is the distinction between job design and work design?
Job design - patterns of tasks that could happen in any area of the organisation
Work design is underpinned by broadly defined principles that reflect culture and structure
What is job design?
Planning and specification of job tasks and the work setting in which they are to be accomplished
What are the subcomponents of organisation structure?
Formalisation-the extent to which company stipulate how work should be carried out
Specialisation - the extent to which role involves range of specialist activities
Vertical differentiation - power and authority
Centralisation - decision making
Line and/or staff functions - line connect with purpose, staff supplement aims
What is organisational design?
A planned activity where managers attempt to adjust the formal shape of their organisation
French-the process of choosing and implementing a structural configuration for the organisation
Describe the traditional job principles and the more recent work
Traditional-emphasised job simplification
More recent-expand jobs to increase satisfaction and encourage flexibility (Hackman)
What is scientific management?
Taylor-organising tasks into highly specialised jobs
Managers plan coordinate and monitor and the worker is the operative
Workers grouped together to achieve standardisation e.g. call centres
What are the criticisms of scientific management?
Product inflexibility Dehumanising Foster's compliance Views work as a means to an end Boredom
What is Herzberg’s two factor theory?
Pure motivation comes from content rather than hygiene factors
What five characteristics identify how motivating a job is?
Hackman and Oldman
Skill variety Task identity Task significant Autonomy Feedback
What is an instrumental orientation to work?
Goldthorpe and Lockwood
View work as a means to an end so often go for unfulfilling but highly paid work
What is smart working?
An approach to organising work that aims to drive greater efficiency through flexibility and autonomy while optimising work environment for employees