Ethics Flashcards
How can a firm manage diversity?
Must be overall strategy - continuous process not one off
Clear that it’s everyone’s responsibility
Communicate and train
Measure, review and reinforce
What are the benefits of managing diversity?
People want to work for a company with good values
Market competitiveness
Corporate reputation
What are the benefits of a code of conduct?
Foote - provides guidance when difficult to know which action will benefit all stakeholders
What problems are associated with a code of conduct?
Can’t cover every situation
Wiley - role modelling and clear commitment from top essential
What is diversity management?
Hays & Thomas
Use of processes and strategies to make differences among people an asset
What are the problems of positive discrimination?
Those seen to be filling quotas will face assumptions about their ability
Patronising to whole group
What are some reasons for positive discrimination?
Compensation to make up for long term discrimination
Equality and closing gap
Means of addressing urgent social problems
What is positive discrimination?
Groups given preferential treatment to address previously unfair distribution
Norwegian government - at least 40% of board seats in public companies held by women
What does Noon say?
What does Von Bergen say about equal opportunities?
Noon - people should be recruited on their ability to do the job and nothing else
Von Bergen - by ruling out a group, deprive of pool of talent which leads to non engagement and non optimal performance
What role can HR play in ethics?
Ensure statutory obligations are met
Integrate values into culture
Influence management
Use it to attract, recruit and retain
What does CSR involve?
Reporting on triple bottom line
Economic results
Effect on environment
Effect on social well being
What is the stakeholder view of the firm?
Employees one of many groups who’s interests are part of organisations agenda and must be balanced
What is the shareholder view of the firm?
Employees seen as a resource to maximise shareholder wealth
What is a normative view?
Acknowledges that not all activities will be seen to maximise shareholder wealth
How does Sternberg say an action can be ethical?
Must ensure it is
Consistent with business purpose
Consistent with requirement of decency
Consistent with requirement for distributive justice
What did Friedman say?
What implication does this have for CSR?
An organisations purpose is to make as much money as possible within the law and rules of competition
Leads to ethical objections to CSR
What did a CIPD report find about the purpose of an organisation?
49% of participants saw it as maximising shareholder wealth
What did Ellesworth say?
Important to consider purpose when thinking about ethics of HRM
How do the 3 main approaches to ethics have relevance in the workplace?
Some ways of treating people are just inherently wrong
Can’t ignore consequences
Yukl - discussions of leadership include virtues
Describe the ethics as virtues approach
What are the problems?
Desirable qualities possessed by good people - how we should live life in order to realise highest potential
Takes time and experience
Cultural differences
What is professionalism?
The principles behind what you do
Wiley - in an organisation people detect what is acceptable from their line manager and their basic upbringing
What are the 3 main approaches to ethics?
Ethics as duties
Ethics as consequences
Ethics as virtues
Describe the ethics as duties approach
What are the problems?
Things that should be done/refrained from because they are good/bad in their own right
Focus on acts not consequences
Problems - excessive rigidity, complexity, priority
Describe the ethics as consequences approach
What are the problems
Good acts lead to good results and vice versa
Utilitarianism - greatest good for greatest number
Problems - how do you measure happiness
Mackie - allows undeserved bad consequences for one group to be offset by good for another