Leadership Flashcards
Describe the functional approach
Who is main thinker
3 main areas of managerial leadership
Considers what leaders to do be effective rather than what they are
Building team
Developing individual
Achieving task
Less emphasis on selection and more on training
Pilbeam - fails to recognise tacit knowledge
What replaced the management charter initiates competency approach?
National occupational standards for management and leadership
Managing self and personal skills Providing direction Facilitating change Working with people Using resources Achieving results
What is managerial leadership?
Activities surrounding creation and development of an infrastructure for business operations
What is strategic leadership?
Activities involved in the initial creation of overall strategy and directing resources to achieve this
Describe the behaviour of leaders approach
Consider effects leaders have on actual performance - examine behaviour and relate to outcome
Not prescriptive
No universally superior style - considers situation
What are the key tasks in the strategic planning process?
Analysing environment Identifying key resources Match resources to add value Choosing preferred strategic option Realigning, modifying and getting rid of resources Responding to unexpected events
How does Kofter distinguish between managers and leaders?
Managers plan organise and control problems
Leaders set direction, align people to vision and motivate them
What is Clarke and Pratt’s approach to leadership?
Considers importance of stage of growth - Boston Box
Start-up - champion
Growth - tank commander
Maturity - housekeeper
Decline - lemon squeezer
What are the key differences between the Management Charter initiative’s competency approach and what replaced it?
Much more emphasis on leadership and collaboration and less on control
Managing people replaced with working with people
What does Mullins say about leadership and management?
There is a close relationship between the two
Describe the situation and contingency approach
Consider circumstances
Hersey and Blanchard focus on stage of readiness
Telling - high guidance, low support Selling - high guidance, high support Participating - high support, low guidance
Delegating - low guidance, low support
Explain the resource-based view of strategy
Johnson - identifying key resources to give distinctive capability and applying to give best prospects
What is the Management Charter Initiative competency-based approach?
Analysis of the nature of management and establishing a framework for managerial qualifications
Managing operations
Managing finance
Managing people
Managing information
Describe transformational and inspirational leadership
What are the main criticisms?
Transformational-leaders create high levels of motivation and commitment by communicating vision and appealing to values
Rosner - motivating by transforming individual self-interest into goals of group
Inspirational- Adair
Creating and communicating vision, engaging enthusiasm, performing heroic deeds and taking long-term view
Inspire trust and confidence to unlock talent
Alimo Metcalf - charisma can be lethal in the wrong hands
Describe the qualities and traits approach
The great person theory- identify significant features of acknowledged leaders
Criticisms Bias May not be universally applicable No suggestion how to develop traits No context
Describe the leadership styles approach
What did Tannenbaum and Schmidt say?
What are the benefits?
Analyses difference between styles and focuses on leaders attitude towards people and behaviours they exhibit
Tannenbaum and Schmidt- focus on relative strength and power of managers and non managers in decision-making
autocratic boss centred
democratic joint centred