Managing The Employment Relationship Flashcards
What reasons does the CIPD give for exceeding legal requirements?
People want to work for good organisations Bigger pool of candidates Market competitiveness Open new markets Corporate reputation
What tips does the CIPD give for implementing diversity management?
Support from senior management Continuous process not one off Focus on fairness Encouraged ownership Develop guidelines Link to other initiatives
According to Ahmed why does Equal Opportunities fail?
Does not adequately cover all disadvantages groups
Fails to generate investment of managers who see as just an employment issue
What is one problem associated with equal opportunities?
Employers rely on consistency which is a problem as all are treated alike but not necessarily well
What are the 4 drivers of engagement?
Holbecke and Matthews
Connection - need sense of identification /pride
Voice - keep informed and listen
Support - feel employer cares about well being
Scope - work purposeful and underpinned by trust
What are the benefits of employee engagement?
Engaged employees are more likely to perform better
Willing to take on more
More likely to be innovative
More likely to want to stay
What does Alfes say about employee engagement?
Has 3 dimensions
Intellectual engagement - thinking about job and how it can be done better
Affective engagement - positive feelings about a job well done
Social engagement - actively seeking opportunities to discuss work related issues
What do Macleod and Clarke say about employee engagement?
An engaged workforce can lead to organisational success and employee well-being
What is a partnership agreement?
A cooperative approach between employers and unions
Shared commitment to success
Union accept need for employees to work flexibly
Some form of guarantee of job security
Describe a collective approach to management?
Captures extent to which managers accept that employees have right to act collectively
One extreme - resistance to unions
Other extreme - collaboration with unions
Partnership approach
Adversarial relationships - unions have been recognised for years but managers don’t want
Describe a high/low individualism approach
High - investment, employees important resource, internal markets, development and empowerment
Low - cost minimsation, labour as a commodity, limited training and tight control over pay
What 2 types of management style do Purcell and Ahlstrand propose?
Explain the Marxist view of conflict
Conflict results from workers being exploited in the employment relationship
Explain the pluralist view of conflict
Conflict inevitable
Difference in interests
Find ways to manage conflict so disruption limited
Explain the neo-unitary view of conflict
Cooperation and harmony normal
Can be prevented if managers are proactive in developing policies and practices
Explain the unitary view of conflict
Conflict dysfunctional
Expect cooperation - leaders best placed to make decisions
Results from poor communication or troublemakers
In what ways can conflict be viewed?
Neo- unitary
What benefits can collective bargaining have to an employer?
Efficient - no individual consultation
Can help get employees accept terms
What principles of natural justice should be evident to prove a dismissal was handled fairly?
Employee made aware of behaviour expected Employee informed of allegation Investigation undertaken Given chance to explain Offered right to be accompanied Penalty proportionate Right of appeal
Under the employment relations act, what are the 5 fair reasons for dismissal?
Capability Conduct Redundancy Statutory bar to employment Some other substantial reason
What happens if an employee is unfairly dismissed?
May have to reinstate
What do Williams and Adam-Smith say about the employment relationship?
Major problem with viewing as just contractual
Contract implies 2 parties come together equally but employee is in weaker position
Power dimension
What are collective agreements?
Terms negotiated between Union and employer
What does Beecroft say about employment rights?
Critics believe regulation damages UK business competitive position and deters businesses from taking on more employee