Organisation and histology of the nervous system Flashcards
How many anatomical subdivisions of the nervous system are there and what are they?
Central nervous system (CNS)
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
Central Nervous system
-Brain and spinal cord enclosed in bony coverings
Peripheral nervous system
-All nervous system except the brain and spinal cord
Bundles of axons in connective tissues
Bundles of axons in connective tissue
Swellings of cell bodies in a nerve
Difference between efferent and afferent
Afferent- Describes things like nerves, blood vessels, and arteries that lead toward or bring things like blood to an organ, such as the heart or brain.
Efferent- Parts that carry or lead things away from organs or other parts.
Afferent division of the PNS
(visceral sensory and somatic sensory division)
Efferent division of PNS
(Somatic motor divison)