Organisastions Flashcards
What is ICAO?
UN Specilised Agency , established 1944. (Formed 4th Spril 1947)
Oversees international cooperation on regulations standards and procedures governing Civil Aviation.
What are the aims of ICAO?
- Safe and Orderly growth of International Civil Aviation worldwide.
- Aircraft design for peaceful purposes.
- Develop Airways, Airports, Navigation Facilities for International Civil Aviation.
- Promote Safe, Regular, Efficient and Economical Air Transport.
- Prevent waste caused by unreasonable competition
- Ensure rights are respected and every state has the right to operate international airlines.
- Avoid discrimination between states
- Promote flight safety
What are the bodies of ICAO?
Council (36 Member states)
Secretariat (Committees)
- ANC (Air Navigation Commission)
- Finance
- Air transport
- Legal
- Unlawful interference
- Joint support of ANS
What are the technical divisions?
AGA - Aerodromes, Air Routes, Ground Aids
AIG - Accident Investigation
AIS - Aeronautical Information Service
COM - Aeronautical Communications
MAP - Aeronautical Charts
MET - Meteorology
OPS - Operation of aircraft
SAR - Search & Rescue
PEL - Personnel Licensing
AIR - Airworthiness
RAC - Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Control
What are the annexes?
Annex 1 - Personnel Licensing - standards used to write ANO Schedules of pilots+ATCOs
Annex 2 - Rules of the Air
Annex 3 - Meteorological Services
Annex 4 - Aeronautical Charts
Annex 5 - Units of Measurement
Annex 6 - Operation of Aircraft
Annex 7 - Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks
Annex 8 - Airworthiness of Aircraft
Annex 9 - Facilitation
Annex 10 – Aeronautical Telecommunications
Annex 11 - Air Traffic Services
Annex 12 - Search and Rescue
Annex 13 - Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation
Annex 14 - Aerodromes
How many annexes are there?
What is Annex 1?
Annex 1 - Personnel Licensing - standards used to write ANO Schedules of pilots+ATCOs
What is annex 2?
Annex 2 - Rules of the Air
What is annex 3?
Annex 3 - Meteorological Services
What is annex 11?
Annex 11 - Air Traffic Services
What is annex 14?
Annex 14 - Aerodromes
What are the contents of an annex?
- Definitions
- Standards
- Recommended Practices
- Appendices (White Pages)
- Explanation of 1 & 2
- Attachments (Green Pages)
- Guide to use of 1 & 2
- Supplement (States Differences if any)
What is EASA?
European Aviation Safety Agency
Set up to promote the highest common standards of safety and environmental protection in civil aviation. Intended to be the centrepiece of a new cost-efficient regulatory system in Europe and a reliable partner for equivalent authorities throughout the world.
What is IFATCA?
International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Association
- Global organisation representing more than 50,000 ATCOS in 137 countries.
- Promotion of Safety, efficiency and regularity in ANS.
- Protection of the ATCO Profession
What is CANSO?
Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation
Global voice of the companies that provide ATC and represents the interests of ANSPs
What is IATA?
International Air Transport Association
Aims to help themselves by simplifying processes and increasing passenger convenience while reducing costs and improving efficiency.
- Created 60 years ago
Represents 230 airlines toda