Organic Chemistry Flashcards
What are fossil fuels?
Formed over millions of years from dead plants and animals. Crude oil, peat, lignite and natural gas are all examples of fossil fuels.
What is a hydrocarbon?
A compound or molecule that consists of ONLY hydrogen and carbon.
What are renewable resources?
Continuously supplied by nature as they are used by consumers. The main renewable resources are hydroelectric, wind, waves and solar energy.
What are non renewable resources?
Fuels that are finite and once used up they cannot be replaced.
What is fractional distillation?
A continual process of evaporation and condensation. The fractioning column works continuously with heated crude oil piped in at the bottom and various fractions being constantly tapped off at different levels where they condense. The bottom is warmer than the top.
What products are made from crude oil through fractional distillation?
Refinery gas:
Used for gas ovens, LPG, GAZ chemicals.
Petrol (gasoline):
Petrol for vehicles, chemicals.
Chemical plastics.
Paraffin (kerosine):
Heating, jet engines, chemicals.
Diesel oils:
Fuel for Diesel engines.
Fuel oil and lubricating oil:
Fuel for ships, factories, central heating, lubricants and waxes.
Tar (bitumen):
Roofing, waterproofing, asphalt on roads.
What is cracking?
The breakdown of larger saturated hydrocarbon molecules (alkanes) into smaller more useful ones, some of which are unsaturated (alkenes)
How many covalent bonds is carbon capable of?
What is a homologous series?
A family of organic compounds where members have:
-The same general formula
-Show similar chemical properties
-Show a graduation of their physical properties
-Successive members differ by a CH2 unit
What are chemical properties?
What are physical properties?
Melting/boiling points, appearance, densities, etc.
What is a saturated compound?
Contains no C=C bonds
What is a functional group?
A reactive group in a molecule.
What is the general formula for Alkanes?
(n,2 & + should be written in small text)
Name the first four alkanes and give their molecular structure + structural formula
Methane CH4
Ethane C2H6
Propane C3H8
Butane C4H10
(For structural formula see notes p7)
What is combustion?
The reaction in which a flame reacts with oxygen producing oxides and releasing heat.
Give the word and symbol equation for complete combustion.
Hydrocarbon + Oxygen -> Carbon Dioxide + Water + (energy)
CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O
Give the word and symbol equation for incomplete combustion.
Hydrocarbon + Oxygen -> Carbon Monoxide + Water + (energy)
2CH4 + 3O2 -> 2CO + 4H2O
What is bond-breaking?
Involves pulling atoms apart which requires energy, thus this process is endothermic.
What is bond forming?
Making new bonds gives out energy, thus this process is exothermic
In terms of bond making and bond breaking why is burning butane in oxygen is an exothermic reaction?
In this reaction more energy is given out making bonds of products water and carbon dioxide than has been put in to break the bonds of reactants butane and oxygen, so overall the reaction is exothermic.
(TLDR more energy given out than put in. Apply to question in exam)
List the first four Alkenes and their molecular and structural formulas
Ethene C2H4
Propene C3 H6
But-1-ene C4H8
But-2-ene C4H8
(For structural formula see notes p14)
What is the general formula for Alkenes?
(n & 2 written as small text)
What is an unsaturated compound?
A compound containing at least one C=C bond
What is an addition reaction?
Where two molecules react to form one product.
In Alkenes, the double bond breaks and atoms add onto two carbon atoms across the double bond.
(For example see notes p 18)
How does an Alkane affect bromine water?
Solution stays orange.
How does an Alkene affect bromine water.
Turns from orange to colourless.
Plan an experiment that would distinguish between an alkane and alkene
- Measure out 2cm3 of alkane and put into labelled test tube.
- Measure out 2cm3 of alkene and put into labelled test tube.
- Add 1cm3 of bromine water to each test tube, put in bung and shake.
- Write down your observations.
Alkane stays orange while alkene turns from orange to colourless
What is a polymer?
Large organic molecules formed when smaller molecules join together in long chains.
What is polymerisation?
The process of producing long chain molecules from small molecules.
What is addition polymerisation?
How monomers can join together to form very long chain molecules called polymers.
What is a monomer?
The small molecules that add together to make a polymer.
What is polythene? Draw its structural formula.
Made by Joining together 30,000 - 40,000 molecules of ethene.
Light, flexible and resistant to attack by acids and alkalis
For formula see notes p3
What is poly vinyl chloride?
Tough, durable, waterproof and a good insulator.
What are the benefits of plastics?
Less dense than other materials
Resistant to chemicals and water
Excellent insulation properties
Extremely long lasting
What are the disadvantages to plastics?
Addition polymers are non-biodegradable
Surplus of plastics littering our oceans
Kills aquatic life.
What are some methods of plastic disposal? What are their advantages and disadvantages?
Local treatment, less transport required. Land can be re-landscaped after use.
Wastes land. Polluting gas released.
Less waste going to landfill. Heat energy can generate electricity.
Ash residue is toxic. Polluting gas released.
Thermoplastics can be melted and remoulded.
Biodegradable plastics.
Made from maize starch.
What is the general formula for alcohols?
List the first four alcohols and their molecular and structural formulas.
Methanol CH3OH
Ethanol C2H5OH
Propan-1-ol C3H7OH
Propan-2-ol C3H7OH
What is the equation used to describe ethanol is prepared by fermentation?
Enzyme in yeast
Glucose ————————> carbon dioxide + ethanol
What is the balanced symbol equation for the complete and incomplete combustion of ethanol?
Complete combustion:
C2H5OH + 3O2 -> 2CO2 + 3H2O
Incomplete combustion:
C2H5OH + 3O2 -> 3CO + 4H2O
List some atmospheric pollutants and describe how they form and what problems they cause.
Carbon dioxide:
Complete combustion of fuels.
A greenhouse gas. It absorbs infrared radiation given off by the earth and causes it to warm.
Carbon monoxide:
Incomplete combustion of fuels.
A toxic gas which combines with haemoglobin in the blood, reducing its capacity to carry oxygen.
Soot (carbon particles):
Incomplete combustion of fuels
Pollute the air and cause lung damage and respiratory problems.
Suffer dioxide:
Fuels contain sulfur impurities which burn to produce sulfur dioxide.
Reacts with water in the atmosphere to form sulfurous acid which falls as acid rain. Causes building damage, damages vegetation, and kills aquatic animals in lakes and rivers.
What is a clean fuel?
A fuel which produces non polluting products only (such as water) when it is burned/undergoes combustion.
Give two ways to oxidise alcohols.
By air.
If ethanol is left standing it will be oxidised into ethanoic acid, i.e vinegar.
By acidified potassium Dichromate.
It is an oxidising agent which oxidises some alcohols to carboxylic acids on warming.
This process turns the agent orange to green.
List the first four Carboxylic acids and give their structural and molecular formulas.
Methanoic acid HCOOH
Ethanoic acid CH3COOH
Propanoic acid CH3CH2COOH
Butanoic acid CH3CH2CH2COOH
How would you investigate the pH of carboxylic acids?
- Using a measuring cylinder, measure 5cm3 of hydrochloric acid and add to a test tube.
- Repeat step 1 with ethanoic acid in a separate test tube.
- Add 5 drops of Universal indicator to each test tube and record the pH or use a pH meter to record the pH
How would you compare the reaction of magnesium with two different acids?
- Fill the basin and test tube with water, let the test tube rest at the bottom of the basin.
- Measure 20 cm3 of ethanoic acid using the measuring cylinder and add to the boiling tube.
- Repeat step 2 with hydrochloric acid, place both test tubes in the boiling tube rack.
- Add the magnesium strip to each boiling tube — ensuring that the Mg is fully immersed in the acid, allow the reaction to proceed for 10 seconds and record your observations.
- After 10s, place the delivery tube into the boiling tube with the ethanoic acid and place the end of the glass tube underneath the test tube. Hold the test tube upright and collect the gas produced. Once the test tube is full, stopper the tube and place it in the test tube rack.
- Carefully light a splint and hold it over the top of the test tube. Now remove the stopper of the test tube and place the lit splint inside.
How would you investigate the reaction between ethanoic acid and calcium carbonate?
- Using a measuring cylinder, measure 15cm3 of ethanoic acid and place into the boiling tube.
- Add 5 drops of universal Indicator to the acid.
- Using a clean measuring cylinder, measure 5 cm3 of limewater and place into a test tube. Place the test tube and boiling tube side by side in a test-tube rack.
- Carefully add the calcium carbonate to the acid - record your observations, especially any colour changes to the indicator.
- Using the disposable pipette/dropper, collect the gas produced by opening and closing the dropper above the reaction in the boiling tube.
- Once the gas has been collected in the disposable pipette/dropper, bubble the gas through limewater and record your observations.