Cardiovascular System
Pumps blood throughout the body/ transports carbon dioxide, oxygen, nutrients and waste.
Lymphatic System
filters fluid in the body/ attacks foreign substances in the body
Muscular System
Helps the body move/maintains posture/produces heat
Skeletal System
Protect and support the body organs/stores minerals/provides a framework the muscles use to cause movement
Biomedical Science
The application of science especially biology and physiology, to clinical medicine.
Cause of Death
The Specific injury, trauma or disease that directly caused the victim’s death
a place where the bodies dead persons are kept temporarily
organ systems
a group of organs in a body that work together to perform a specific function.
algor mortis
the change in body temperature after death
Digestive System
Key structures - esophagus, small intestine, large intestine, stomach
Nervous System
Key structures - brain, spinal cord, nerves, sensory receptors
Key structures - hair, skin, nails
Integumentary System
Lymphatic System
Key structures - lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, bone marrow
Endocrine system
Key structures - testis, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovary
Muscular system
Key structures - skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle
An examination of the body after death to determine the cause of death.
Medical Examiner
A physician who performs an autopsy when death may be have been caused accidentally or violently
What is the purpose of an autopsy?
to answer any questions about illness, cause of death, and/or any co-existing conditions.
Respiratory System
Assists with gas exchange with the external environment; keeps blood supplied with oxygen / removes carbon dioxide
Nervous System
Respond to internal and external changes
Endocrine System
In charge of moving chemicals and hormones throughout the body. Helps you grow and metabolize
Digestive System
Breaks down food into nutrients
Integumentary System
forms the body’s external coverings; helps to regulate body temperature
Urinary System
Urinary System
What are the Levels of organization ( from from smallest to largest)?
What are the Levels of organization ( from from smallest to largest)?
Mechanism of Death
What happens physiologically (inside the body) to result in death.
Manner of Death (5 categories)
Natural, Homicide,
Suicide, Accidental, undetermined
dead person
rigor mortis
the stiffening of joints and muscles after death
livor mortis
The pooling of the blood in tissues after death resulting in a purplish color to the skin
Forensic Entomologist
A scientist who studies insects to help solve a crime
Respiratory System
Key structures - nasal cavity, trachea, lungs, bronchus
cardiovascular system
Key structures - heart, blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries
Urinary system
Key structures - kidney, bladder, ureter, urethra