Order Book Article 9 Flashcards
How much leave does the Ops Division accumulate bi-weekly?
Less than 3 years: 4.5 hours
3 to
How much leave do divisions other than Ops accumulate bi-weekly?
Less than 3 years: 4 hours
3 to
What must members in non-pay status for a full pay period (80 or 84 hours) do regarding their health benefits?
Contact the DC Treasury and make arrangements to pay for them.
If benefits are lost; when may members get them back?
During Open Season Enrollment
What is the max # of AL that can be carried over annually in the OPs division? What is it for other divisions?
Ops: 264 hours
Other Div: 240 hours
How far can AL be requested to be restored?
For the most recently completed leave year other than special circumstances as determined by FEMS Chief
What Form is used to request restoration of annual leave? What date must it be submitted by and to whom?
Form 11.2; submitted to the Payroll Office no later than the close of business Feb 15th
How long does a member have to use restored leave?
no later than by the end of the leave year ending 2 years after the date of restoration; time limit doesn’t start until member is in a duty status to use leave
What Form is used to request using annual or restored leave? What must be done to use restored leave?
SF71; restored leave must be marked otherwise leave request is assumed as annual leave
When shall holidays be considered for days that a member is off duty? What hours shall be considered part of the holiday?
The first scheduled work day (day shift) following the holiday. Hours assessed from 0700-1900
What may members take in lieu of holiday pay?
Comp Time
What happens to personnel who are in excess of minimum staffing on legal holidays?
Division heads shall excuse them from duty (Push)
In what quantity is EAL granted?
In increments of 1 hour up to the full tour of duty
How soon before a tour of duty may members request EAL be granted?
Not more than 6 hours before a tour of duty
When is a special report required regarding EAL? What should be included in said report?
SR required regardless if request is approved or denied. 1. Reason Leave was necessary
- Measures taken to avoid request
- When member was made aware of emergency
- Name of the Chief whom granted EAL and # of hours
- Dates and # of EAL hours granted to employee in past 12 months
What form must be submitted for sick leave usage?
Form 44; except for optical or dental, an SF71 can be used
What form must civilians submit for SL?
Reverse side of SF71
Who assigns leave periods for Ops Division?
BFC; officers listed by rank not name; Division Commanders for all else
How shall leave assignment schedules be arranged? (Who shall not be assigned the same leave periods at one time)
- No 2 BFC of same Batt
- No 2 Company Officers of same company
- No 2 Company officers of same platoon, same batt
- No 2 members of same company, same platoon
What form must be submitted whether you use your ALP or Not
Form 11 at least 7 days prior to date of your leave period starting
What leave periods shall members whom have transferred have?
Transferred members shall assume the leave periods of the vacancy that they fill; however if they have already submitted a leave request their new BFC should honor the original request
Can Members exchange leave periods?
Within Batt; BFC approval; between Batt; DFC approval needed. Exchange must occur within platoon.
When shall members wishing to use excess leave notify their COC of the need for additional leave spots?
Request shall be made in writing 3 pay periods prior to the end of the leave year.