Order Book Article 1 Flashcards
How Many Battalions does the Department Have?
Where is the Brush Unit Quartered?
Engine 7
Where is Mass Casualty 1 Quartered?
Engine 24
Where is Mass Casualty 2 Quartered?
Engine 33
Where is Air 1 Quartered?
Engine 4
What is the Address of the Fire Boat?
Pier 5 at 550 Water St SW
What is the Address of the SPOPS DFC?
1338 Park Road NW
Where is the SPOPS BFC Located?
Engine 4
What is the composition of the Advisory Board of Awards?
4 BFC’s and 1 EMS Supervisor
Who makes up the Disciplinary Investigation Board?
A Senior Captain (Chair) and 2 Junior Captains
Who makes up the Retirement Board?
Fire Chief (Chair), DFC Ops, DFC-AD, DFC-TA, Director PSO or designee
Who makes up the Probationary Review Board?
DFC-Ops (chair), director PSO or designee
Who makes up the Apparatus/Equipment Selection Committee?
DFC-AD (chair); One member from OD, TA, RMD, and Rep from Local 36. IF EMS App/equip: Medical Director, rep from 3721
Who makes up the Accident Investigation Board?
DFC of affected division will select 3 BFC’s and designate one as “chair”; Also SAFO, Rep from AD, and others as designated.
Who makes up the Board of Appointment?
Chair designated by FC; AFC-Ops or designee, AFC-Services or designee, Executive Officer or designee (non-voting member), Diversity Management Officer, rep L36, rep L3721, Medical Director
Who makes up the Supply Board?
CFO (chair), Medical Director, DFC-Ops, DFC-AD, supply management officer, SAFO
Who makes up the Uniform Board?
AFC-Services or designee (chair), 2 DFC-Ops, EMS Deputy OPS, SAFO, supply management officer, rep L36, rep L3721
Who makes up the Incentive Awards Committee?
AFC-Services (chair), rep of affected division, PIO, diversity management officer
What is the composition of the Water Supply Board?
DFC-TA (chair) such others as designated, Alternate Members: AFCs, DFCs, Designated BFCs
Who makes up the Fire Box Assignment Committee?
Liason OUC, such others as designated
Who makes up the Emergency Water Planning Committee?
DFC-FPD, such others as designated
Phone number of General Counsel
Who is responsible to notify L36 members of an open committee meeting?
The Chair of the Committee