Order Book Article 3 Flashcards
How should members communicate any conditions that require special attention to their supervisor?
Both Verbally and Via Special Report
What should a report of an unusual incident include?
Dates, Times, Location, and Incident Number if Applicable
What form is used to document delivery of supplemental checks?
Form 1
Who can give information about a member’s employment and earnings?
A Company Officer cannot and must direct inquires to Payroll Operations
What agency provides immediate emergency assistance and long term rehab assistance?
The American Red Cross
What information is found on a Form 9?
Assignment and Reassignment, Address, Telephone Number, Marital Status, Rank, Platoon Number, and Next of Kin
The left side of the personnel file folder will be in what order?
FD119 (Bottom); FD 175 (Middle); Form 9 (Top)
What form will an officer submit when a Form 9 denotes an address change?
Form OBMS-90
How often will the BFC inspect the office desk and file cabinets?
Once a Month
Where will charts describing the set up of company desks and file cabinets be located?
In the Company Information Book
How long after all members have initialed the Orders Clipboard will a Company Officer remove orders?
14 Calendar Days
What is provided to secure all money forwarded to the budget and accounting office?
A locked cash bag
Who has a key for the locked cash bag and what prevents it from closing?
The Office of Budget and Accounting has a master key and a leather thong prevents the bag from being locked accidentally
What information is placed inside the locked cash bag on a Form 1? Which copy of the Form 1 is placed in the bag?
The original copy (white) of the Form 1 will have the Dollar amount and Serial Number of the bag used
How long should a company officer wait to receive a signed Form 1 from Budget and Accounting? Who should be notified if this window is exceeded?
20 days and notify AFC-Services and be governed by his instructions
A member receiving residency preference must live in the District for what length of time?
5 years
How shall complaints of members be communicated to their supervisors?
In Writing
If I Non-Union Member has a complaint how shall it be submitted? If it is unresolved who shall it be addressed with?
Up the Chain of Command, Unresolved is addressed to the next level in the Chain
Who will carry FDID Cards?
All On-Duty Personnel at all times
If an FDID Card is Lost or Stolen; what must the member do?
Submit a Special report stating all particulars to the appropriate division commander; Police Report will be filed
Why are uniformed operational employees reassigned or detailed? (2 Reasons)
- Equalize Personnel Deployment 2. Ensure that all members are exposed to every Admin and Operational aspect of the Dept
Officers assigned to the Ops can expect to be reassigned how often?
3 year time period
What 3 things receive consideration for Reassignment/Details?
- Current FD Form 10’s 2. Previous Assignments 3. Other Relevant Circumstances
Can members request reassignment for a NON-VACANT Posittion
Yes…ONLY if it is anticipated to have a vacancy in the near future
How long is a Form 10 valid and on file for?
The Calendar Year Submitted
Who does the Dept prohibit the direct supervision of or assignment with?
Parent/Child; Siblings; Spouses
What Form is needed to authorize payment to District Credit Unions? Where is it located?
Standard Payroll Direct Deposit Authorization Form located on the LAN
All Standard Payroll Where do you send Standard Payroll Direct Deposits/Voided Checks?
Office of Pay & Retirement Services - Payroll Operations; 441 4th St NW, Suite 480; Wash DC 20001
Personal Injury/Property Damage requires written notice including what 3 things?
Brief Description; Date and Time; and Location of the Incident
Written Notices of Citizen’s personal injury/property damage are addressed to whom?
Office of Risk Managment - Claims Bureau; 441 4th St NW Suite 800 South; Wash DC 20001
How long do citizens have to file a personal injury/property damage form?
6 months
What should be worn when visiting the Office of the FC?
Full Dress Uniform (cleaned, pressed, polished shoes)
Where do you refer for “Requests to Ride Department Apparatus”?
Bulletin 36
Any member who receives a summons naming him/her as a defendant in a work-related civil suit should immediately contact who?
General Counsel
Can other members of the department accept personal service of a summons to a civil lawsuit for another member?
NO…Unless specifically authorized to do so by that member.
Are Home Addresses of Members considered a matter of public record?
True/False: Members of the department may be ordered to meet with a process server or accept a summons in a civil case while at their employment.
Who determines if an on duty member is available to be served by a process server? Can a Member refuse?
Company Commander. Members can advise CO if they are available or not to meet with a process server. All occurrences shall be recorded in the Company Journal
When might members be entitled to free legal representation by the Office of the Attorney General (AOG)?
Civil Suits arising out of acts performed in teh line of duty
What form is completed when requesting representation by the Corporations (Office of Attorney General)?
Form 2.6 (In Triplicate)
True/False: Summons & FD Form 2.6 can be delivered to the Office of the General Counsel by member’s designee.
FALSE; must be delivered personally
What can happen to a person whom fails to obey a subpoena?
They can be held in contempt of Court.
Members receiving a subpoena & have questions OR wish to have it quashed/modified/withdrawn should contact who?
Office of the General Counsel
What must a subpoena indicate? (5 Things)
Name of case; Date; Time & Place of Appearance; Name of Person issuing Subpoena; Name of person being Subpoena….If any are missing, member can refuse to accept.
Will members always be allowed to provide departmental documents requested by a subpeona?
NO. Only those approved by the Office of the General Counsel
If you are served a subpeona requesting departmental documents in cases for which you have no personal knowledge… who do you direct the subpoena to? Do you accept these subpoenas?
FC; EMS Director; or PIO…You do NOT accept subpoenas requesting this…Process servers shall be directed to the Office Information and Privacy