Oral Med - revision notes Flashcards
Type I hypersensitivty
immediate ttype - allergy or anaphylaxis
Type II hypersensitivity
antibody mediated reaction
Type III hypersensntivity
immune complex
Type IV hypersentitivty
T cell mediated - cell mediated
Lichen planus
Type IV herpsensntivity reaction where an unknown antigen stimulus on the epitthelium
Types of lichen planus
- Reticular
- plq
- papular
- erosive
- bullous
- atrphic
- desequamive ging
- aannular
What are the potential malginant forms
Blood tests
patch tests
Biopsy - smokers or painful lesions
Casues of lichen planus
geentic deposition
ACE inhibotrs
beta blockers
Viral infection - hep C
localised skin diseses - herpes zoster
Tx for lichen planus
avoid spicy and acididc food
SLS free toothpaste (bland toothpaste
CHX mw
benzadamine mw
beclomethasone inhaler steriod
betamethasone mw steriod
immunosuppressants - hydroxycholorquine
topical tacrolimus
Histology of lichen planus
apoptosis cells
macrophages present
blue band of T lyphocytes hug the epithelium
basal cell layer liquification
lyphocytes - epitheliotphism
Local predisposing factors for candida infection
General factors for candida infection
denture wearer
nutritional deficiency - anemia
extremes of age
steriod use
Tx for candidia infection
impprove OH
remove casues/trauma
oral suspension - nystatin or miconazole
systemic antifungal - fluconazole
Tests for candida
biopsy if hyper plastic canddiosis
oral rinse
oral swab
Quantification sample
salvia sample via rinse probs
Pseduomembranous candidiosis
an fungal infection where there are white patches that can be scarped off to relieve an area of inflammation
elderly, infants, immnuocompromised
Eryhamatous candidous
red patcy areas on palate or dorsum of tongue
low CD4 cell count, seen in HIV infections
Hyperplastic candidosis
areas of white patches, especially angle of mouth that can’t be scarped off
rough white areas, bilateral and unifocal
can become malgninaint - biopsy!!
Dysplasia can lead to candida leukoplakia
Smoker and poor denture hyg
Histopath for hyperplastic candidosis
inflammation of the lamina dura
incrsease netruophils in parakeratin layer
parakeratosis - broad rete processes
Denture induced candidosis
seen in denture wears - poor OH hyg, wearin gndeutre at night
Angular chelitis
fungal infection tha occur just around the areas of corners of mouth
crusty appaerance and cracked
Candia species or staphlycoccus bacteria
Seen in anemia or excessive saliva at folds of mouth
Sojgrens syndrome
an autoimmune inflammatory response which affects the salivary and lacrimal glands
Primary sjorens
dry eyes and dry mouth but no systemic involvement
Secondary sjogrens
dry eyes and dry mouth wih systemic involvement - primary billary cirrhosos, RA, systemic scelorisis, lupus
Who most likely to get sjorens
middle aged women
Features of sjorens
dry eyes and dry mouth
gritty eyes
speech problems
difficuly swallowing
swollen salivary glands
oral ulerations, candidosis, erthematous
angular chelitis
wore at night
denture wearing issues
mucosa glazed and shing
tongue fissure, dry, beefy, red, cobbled
Tests for sjorens
schrimer test - <5mm in 5mins of lacrimal flow
sialometry tests - tests unstimulated saliva flow <1.5ml in 15mins
Ultrasound salivary glands
Labial gland biospy
+ve sojerns
dry eyes >3months
using eye tears > 3 times a day
griity sensation in eyes
dry mouth >3months
frequent drinking of fluids
swelling of salivary glands
saliva stimulants - sugar free chewing gum, surgar free pastilles
saliva subs - sprays = orthna, glandosane, saliva stimulants - prilocarpine (miotics), oral care systsmes = oral balance
frequent consumption of water
high flouride toothpaste = 5000ppm
good OHI
flurodie mouthwash
Submandibular salivary gland
wharton’s duct empties into sublingual papilla in the floor of the mouth
Parotid gland
Stenson’s duct at the upper 2nd moalr
Common salivary tumour
plemorphic adenoma
Imagining for salivary glands
Radiogrpahs - submandibular = true occulsal, OPT, laterla oblique of mandible, Parotid = OPT, oblique lateral, AP profile of paoritd
Sialography - injection of a radiopauqe contrast into the duct
Sialography when can it not be used
imaging of the submandibular gland as cannot be cannulated
glands which have inflammation or infection present
Casues of dry mouth
drugs - antidepressants, antihistamines, ace inhibitors
degenerative disesses of salivary glands
conditions - stroke, diabetes, sjogrens,
radio/ chemo
Obsturcutive salivary gland disorders
casues pain and swelling of the gland just before mealtimes
can sometimes subside as saliva leaks passed and causes a bad taste
Extra ductal obstruction - caused by trauma, neoplasia or squamous carconimoa in floor of mouth (diseases outside the duct wall)
Intra ductal obstruction - caused by mucoclese, salivary calc, strictures (closing of duct),
hard yellow structures/massses
Common intraductal obstruction
submandibular then the parotid
viral - mumps - paramyxovirus - occurs in parotid gland
Bacterial - mainly paorotid - antibiotics, warm salty mw, highly contagioua, massage to encourage flow
bilateral swelling of the parotid gland casued by chronic granuolmatous
lacrimal glands can also be affect
recurrent bilateral swellingof the salivary glands
non inflammatory and non neoplasitc
Underlying causes of sialosis
liver diseases
eating disorders
hormonal abnormalities
Calculi also know as
Casues of hypersalivation
drugs - nicarclipine
cerbral palsy
percieved - anixety, motor neurone
Management of hypersalivation
antimuscarninic drugs - amitriptyline
biomechanical training
treat causes
surgery - gland removal/duct repositioning
Mucoceles form
when trauma to the minor salivary glands which spills into an adjacent connectie tissue
Mucocele vs mucous retention cysy
Mucocele - occur in lower lip, children, trauma, lined by granulation
Mucous retention cyst - lined by epithelium, upper, adults, cystiic dilation of duct
a salivary gland infection usually viral or bacterial
Tx for salivary stones
endoscopically with form of basket
Tx for strictures
balloon duc dilation
What is sialography
a washing effect of the glands if there are no stones present
Prognosis of salivary gland tumour
Where are salivary gland tumours most common?
Parotid gland
Most malgninat salivary gland tumours
sublingual gland
Symptoms of salivary gland tumour
facial palsy
Benging tumours
warthins tumour
Pleomorphic adenoma
Basal cell adenoma
Pleomorphic adenoma
major salivary gland - slow growing, painless nodules, soft firm and moveable
minor salivary glands - rubbery and found in palate or upper lip
Excisional removal with margin of normal tissue around
Warthin’s tumour
found in men in paorotid gland
<3mm in diameter, bilateral nodule
Factors - smokers
Tx - excision
tan grey multicystic appearance
papillary cystic structure
multifocal - many from the same gland
Cause of warthin’s tumour
casues to form from remnants of slaivary ducts which is trapped in lymph nodes and proliferates to form tumour
Soft tissue salivary gland tumours
bening fatty tumours
contain saliva parechyma - sialolipoma
Malginant tumours
Adenoid cysytic tumour
Mucoepidemoid carcinoma
acininic carcinoma
Adenoid cystic carncinoma
middle aged to elderly
minor gland tumour
pain, palsy, paraesthesia due to spreading along nerves
Swiss cheese apearance
darkly stained cells with indistinct outlines
poor prognosis and surgery and radiotherapy likely
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
younger and middle aged -minor salivary gland
mucous (glandular)
sqaumous (epithelim)
not likley to spread lymphatic system
Acinar cell carcinoma
rare form
differentiation towards salvary acinar cells
Saliviary gland cysts
minor glands due to trauma
blue swelling
Mucous extravasation cyst
caused by trauma where the trauma results in tearing and leaking of saliva into the surrounding connective tissue
lower labial and buccal mucosa
granulation capsule
mucin filled foamy macrophages
Mucous retention mucocele
occurs due to truama on the upper labial mucosa and containts an epithelium ductal lining
clear saliva, minor inflamation and no macrophages
Diagnosis of mucocele
fine needle aspirate and imagining
no intervention unless lymphomatous infiltration = excioinal surgery
mucous cysts from sublingual gland on the floor of the mouth
Changes of epithelium
metaplasia due to chronic irritiaiton
a collection of macrophages in the tissues
at type of biopsy for granuoloma
deep biopsy as in the underlying muscle
mononuclear macrophages
epidermoid macrophages
langer han cells
OFG causes
granuolomas in the oral mucosa
lip swelling
assoicted with food allergies - benozate
OFG hypersentitvity
Type IV which develops to Type 1 when lymphatics involved
rohn’s diseases
chronic granumulotisis of the lining of the GI tract - mainly the ileum
Signs and sympomts o fchron’s diseases
cooblestone mucosa
mucosal tags (hyperplasia)
angular chelitis
lip swelling
and cheeks
Management of OFG
Dietary exclusion and avoidance
topical - miconazole or tacrolimus for angular chelitis
Steirods injection
system immune modulators - prednisolone
infliximab - moncolonal antiobies to reduce the inflammation
Vesicubuollous seen in
viral infections
drug interactions
autoimuune conditions
Anging Bullosa haemorigca
blood filled blisters - usal the posterior hard and soft palate
Causes - consumption of hoot foods and liquids, rough foods, steriod inhalers without nebulisers
Tx - benzodyamine mouthwash
Erythema multiforme
skin and moucous affects and the lips ulcerated
target lesions on skin
recuttent bullous eruptions
younger males
type II hypersentivitiy reaciton - herpes simplex virus
Tx for erythema multiforme
long term high dose steriods - prednisolone
antiseptic mw - chx or benzydamine mw
allergy test
blisters and erythematous present
valvovaginal region, oral mucosa and conjunctvi
Pemphigoid what is it
the IgG antibodies react with targets on the basement membrane and hemidesomomes causing seperation of the basement membrane and the connective tissues casuing subepithelial blisters
No tzank cells are present as no weakneing of attachment in the disease
Can be serious as can cause blindness
Diagnosis of pemphigoid
direct immunofluroscence and inderect showing circulating antibodies (C3)
Tx for pemphgoid
OHI for desquamative ging
topical steriods
systemic steriods
Pemhigus vulgaris
life thereatning potential where there are blisters found on the mucosa - IgG autoantiboes react with components of desmomsomes (desmogleins 1 and 3) which causes intraepithelial blisters by a suprabasal epithelium split
tzank cells are present
Diagnosis of pemphigus
direct immunofluorsence shows basket weave appearance
Tx for pemhigus
topical steriods
systemic steriods
What type of hypersensitive is pemhpigoid and pemphigus
Type II
complete loss of epithellium
mainly on lower lip
Casues of trauma
chemical burns - aspirin
thermal burns
mechanical from other teeth
ill fitting dentures
habits - self harming, finger picking
rough/hard food stuffs
Drugs casues of ulceration
phenytoin, nicorandil
cytotixic drugs
General causes for ulceration
GI diseases - crohns, ulcerative colititis
Imuunological, pemphigoid, pemphigus, erthmea multiforme
infections - fungal or bacterial
family hx
Bechet’s diseases
anemia, heamtinic deficiency
Diagnosis of ulcerations
clincial exam
blood tests and heamatinics - folate, ferritin, vit B12 serum
Tx for ulcers
remove the cause or known trigger
Benzydamine or chx mw
SLS free toothpaste
betamethasone mw
avoid dieting triggers
correct any deficinecies
beclomethansone inhaler
Minor recturrent apthous ulcers
<10mm in size
found on non keratinsied mucosa
heal with no scarring
heal within 10-14days
red halo with fibrin base
round and oval
Major RAS
> 10mm in size
heal with scarring
can be found anywhere in oral mucosa
lasts for few weeks
oval or irregular shape
Bechet’s Diseases
painful disease which invovle ulcerations on mucosa, genitals and eyes
blood vessal inflammation throughout the body
Heptiform ulcerations
multiple small ulcers on non keratinised mucousa
heals within 1-2weeks
Non keratnised epithelium
soft palate
ventral of tongue
inner lips and cheeks