Denture revision notes! Flashcards
Primary impression
prealse pour upper the upper and lower alginate impresions in 0:50 stone and provdie spical trays
upper - 3mm space non perforated llight cured acrylic resin trya with extra olral handles
lowers - close fitting light cured acrylic resin tray with extra oral handles
master impressions
please pur up the scondary impressions in 100% dental stone
please provide wax record blocks on light cured bases
Jaw reg
please mount the casts to the hreg providied
lease provide try in of wax teeth
mould and shade
detail in specal features
Tooth trial
please wax up for finish in heat cured acrylic
Denture hyg
please remove denture at night and soak in water
do not soak in boiling water as can distort denture
please clean over a bowel of water to prevent damage if dropped
clean denture after ever meal]may impinge on speech adn salivation
may get intial discomfort and pain
lceanwwith a soft bristle brush adn imild soap or denture cleaners not toothpaste
if yuing dental dhesvie then small amount and removed everyday
if denture becomes sore and can’t wear then wear 24hrs before appt to allow dentist to see sore aras
routine dental check ups 1year
Denturec leaners
alkialine peroixe - sterodent - hardens soft linings
alkaline hypochloritres - milton -only use for 10mins
ezymes - proliners - expensive and bleaches acrylic
abrasive cleaners - denturecreme abrasive - smokers
Attwood classification for boneresoprtion
class I - dentate - the area before xtraction of tooth from the socket
class II - post xla - tooth as just been removed from socket, bone deposition has started to form, edges sharpened
CLass III - broard avloear process - bone deposition continues and no reduction in height
Class IV - knife edge avleoar process - the alveolus shape starts to thicken into a knife edge appearance
Class V - flat ridge - resoprtption starts to occur creating a flat ridge
Class VI - submerge ridge - the alveolar bone starts to resprp into the basa lbone
Primary impressions
supplies a negative impression of the tissues in the mouth
becomes a positive impression when cast in dental stone
uncercuts - alginate
no undercutes - use non elastic impression compound
chec for - perheral seal, voids, tears, air bubbbles, surface detaail, extension to post dam, flange depth adn sulucs captures, denture bearing areas
MAster impressions
provedes a more accurate impression of the mouth
allows good functional depth adn width of sulcus to be captures with border modelling and muscle trimming to provide good perpiheral seal
occlusal stops - upper = canine and post dam, lower = retromolar pads and ridge of canine area
Jaw reg
incisal lvel
mid line
buccal corridor
occlusal plane
special features
jaw red
Tooth trial
check for extention retention, stability, aesthetics ,spreech, freeway space, denture bearing areas, present of post dam for retetnion, occlsuion, perpiher extentions
repeart same steps carried out at tooth trial
provide denture hyg insutrctions and review in 1week
Why dentures fravture
trauma and impaction
thina crylic surface
work hardening on metal
bruxists pts
deep overbite
use of soft linings
advatanges of acrylic
good aethetics
easy to use for technicina
can allow relines and rebases
ca`nall allowaddiotoin of teeth
disadvatagnes of acrylic
allergy ot monomer
fracture resitance is decreased
denture whitening
can absorp wter easily
risk of caindial infecitons
impact strength reduced
disadvatnages of immediate dentures
gross irregularties ofteeth make processing dififcult
requires good co-operation from pt as need review appts
alveolar bone resoprtion overtime
incrseased cost as need relines and rebases
Review appts after imeedaite denture placement
24hrs - to check socket area and healing
1 week - to check the denture and healing status
1month - the socket will have healed check denture retention
3-6months potential for reline/rebase of denture
12 months - provide new denture for pt using the copy technique
the addtion of a lining materia on the fitting surface of thre denture to fil the space between the denture and the new contoured tissue
the complete removal of the denture base and replaced with a new one
uses for reline and rebases
only if the only issue is do with retetnion
pt happy to live without denture for period of time
reline advantages
can be carried out at chairside
improves retetnion
can be permanent or temporary
Rebases advatanges
does not alter the paaltal thickeness
allows the colour of denture bases to change if been bleached
types of relines
temp - implant surgery, tissue conditioner
soft - used for cancer pts, bruxists, atrophic ridges
permanenent - acrylic - for immediate dentures, bad master imps, perpiheral seal