Oral Histology Flashcards
masticatory mucosa has a … submucosa
lining mucosa has a … submucosa
is the neonatal line in dentin or enamel
… are striations in enamel that represent rhythmic growth of the enamel
striae of retzius
at the surface of a tooth, the lines of retzius end as a series of parallel, shallow grooves called
… are hypomineralized ribbon-like structures that run longitudinally to the tooth axis and extend from the DEJ and 1/3 into the enamel
enamel tufts
… are odontoblasts processes that extend into the enamel
enamel spindles
where is gnarled enamel located?
cusp tips and incisal edges
which starts forming first ? dentin or enamel
enamel matrixx is …% mineralized immediately
final hardness of enamel is …
when maturation is complete, the ameloblasts def-differentiate, and together with the remnants of stratum intermedium, the stellate reticulum, and the outer enamel epithelium, they form the …..
reduced enamel epithelium (nasmyths membrane)
enamel hypoplasis is due to a decrease in the
amount of matrix
enamel hypomineralization is caused by a lack of sufficient
mineral incorporation into the matrix
fluorosis is a type of … and results in ….
pitting/mottling/brown pigmentation
the boundary between enamel and dentin (the DEJ) is characterized as a … border
dentin contains less hydroxyapatite than enamel but more than
bone and cementum
unlike amelogenesis, dentinogenesis occurs
throughout the life of an individual
type 1 dentinogenesis is associated with … and …
osteogenesis imperfecta
blue sclera
type 3 dentinogenesis imperfecta is very … and is called…
primary dentin is made up of … dentin which is closest to the mantle layer and …. dentin which is the remainder
neonatal lines in dentin are called
lines of owen
in dentin there are lines of … which are lines formed by changes in orientation of collagen fibers every 5 days
von ebner
… dentin needs a stimulus to be made
tertiary dentin can be … or …
reparative tertiary dentin is laid down by?
differentiated mesenchymal odontoblast (brand new odontoblast)
reactive tertiary dentin is laid down by?
existing odontoblast
the # of roots, root formation and shape of root come from?
Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath
intertubular dentin is …
normal mineralized dentin
intratubular dentin is …
and it contains no…
highly mineralized sheath that is added to the inside walls of the tubule
type 1 collagen
… is the mixture of normal and hypomineralized dentin
globular dentin
…. is hypomineralized dentin
pulp and dentin are both from … cells
neural crest
major cell type of PDL
pdl inserts on
bundle bone
filiform papillae are most … and do not have …
taste buds
fungiform are .. .shaped and are mostly at the tip of the tongue and do have …
taste buds
…. are large and dome shaped and just anterior to the sulcus terminalis. surrounded by moat like invaginations that do have taste buds and they have ducts of the lingual salivary glands (of ebner) that empty their serous secretions into the moat
circumvallate papillae
…. are at the lateral endge of the tongue, contain taste buds
foliate papillae
whats stimuli do taste buds react to
sweet salty bitter sour umami
serous acini have …. granules
intercalated ducts secrete,,, and absorb ,,,,
striated ducts reabsorb…. and add…